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1、本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑初级日常英语口语对话四篇 口语是人类语言不成缺少的组成片面,语言教学不能缺少口语教学这一重要环节。口语教学的重要意义,是让学生运用所学学识与周边的人举行交流,获取信息。下面是由我整理的初级日常英语口语对话(四篇),一起来了解下吧! (篇一)初级日常英语口语对话 史蒂文是一个大学生。他正在问李老师如何取得学士学位。 Steven: Excuse me. Mr. Li. May I ask you some questions? 史蒂文:扰乱了,李老师。我能问您一些问题吗? Mr. Li: Sure. Take a seat, please. What woul

2、d you like to know? 李老师:当然可以,请坐。你想知道什么? Steven: Can you tell me how many credits would be enough for a Bachelors dee? 史蒂文:你能报告我学士学位需要多少学分吗? Mr. Li: A Bachelor is awarded to a student who successfully completes over 120 units, including general and specific requirements, for his or her undergraduate

3、major and elective courses. 李老师:要想取得学士学位,你需要完成120个教学单元,包括针对 大学本科的主修课和选修课,一般 学习要求和特殊要求。 Steven: How long does it take to earn a Bachelors degree? 史蒂文:取得学士学位要多长时间? Mr. Li: Normally it can be completed in four years. 李老师:一般处境下要花4年时间才能完成课程的学习。 (篇二)初级日常英语口语对话 Steven: I want to keep a pet, but I dont know

4、 which one to buy? 史蒂文:我想养只宠物,但我实在拿不定方法该买什么? Alice: Dogs are nice, but they are really energetic, and you need to make sure they get enough exercise every day. 爱丽丝:小狗很心爱呀,不过它们太好动了,每天都能带它们去遛遛。 Steven: Having a dog would probably be too much work for me, then. 史蒂文:那我或许没那么多时间养狗了。 Alice: What about cats

5、? They are more independent. 爱丽丝:那养猫吧,猫没那么黏人。 Steven: Actually, I was thinking of something a little more exotic. I dont want a common pet like a dog or a cat. 史蒂文:实际上我想要一只更加点儿的宠物,不想要猫、狗这些常见的。 Alice: How about a lizard? Are lizards more along the lines of what you were thinking of getting? 爱丽丝:养只蜥蜴?

6、蜥蜴够更加吧? Steven: Yeah, are they easy to look after? 史蒂文:不错,蜥蜴好养吗? Alice: Yeah, they are pretty low-maintenance; they eat almost anything. 爱丽丝:嗯,挺好养的,根本上什么都吃。 (篇三)初级日常英语口语对话 Steven got his salary yesterday. He decided to go to the bank to deposit it. This morning hecomes to the bank. 史蒂文昨天发工资了。他抉择去银行把

7、工资给存起来。今天早上他来到银行。 Bank Clerk: Good morning, sir. What can I do for you? 银行职员:早上好,先生。我能为您做些什么呢? Steven: Good morning. I want to deposit a sum of money into my account. 史蒂文:早上好,我想在我的账户里存一笔钱。 Bank Clerk: OK! How much do you want to deposit? 银行职员:好的,请问您想存多少呢? Steven: Well, I want to deposit 2,000 yuan i

8、nto my account. 史蒂文:嗯,存2000元钱。 Bank Clerk: Would you please fill in a deposit form first? Please write down your name, youraccount number and the amount you want to put in. 银行职员:请您先填一张存款单,好吗?请在这张存款单上写上您的名字、账号及您想存款的数额。 Steven: OK. I wonder about the rate of interest of the account. 史蒂文:好的,我想知道这种账户的利率

9、是多少。 Bank Clerk: Interest is paid at the rate of 1% per annum at present. And it is added to youraccount every year. 银行职员:目前年利率是1%,并且每年的利息都会加到您的存款中。 Steven: Thank you very much. 史蒂文:分外感谢。 Bank Clerk: My pleasure. 银行职员:很情愿为您效劳。 (篇四)初级日常英语口语对话 Stevens hair is long and needs to be cut short. This morni

10、ng he goes to the barbers. 史蒂文的头发长了,需要剪短。今天早上他去了理发店。 Barber: Good morning. What can I do for you, sir? 理发师:早上好。先生,我能为您做些什么呢? Steven: Good morning. Id like to have a haircut. 史蒂文:早上好。我想理发。 Barber: Very well. Please sit down here. Do you want me to cut your hair very close? 理发师:好的。请这边坐。您想把头发剪得很短吗? Ste

11、ven: Please cut the sides shorter, but not so much at the back. 史蒂文:两边剪得短点,但是后面不要剪得太多。 Barber: Its such a hot season, isnt it? May I suggest thinning out the top? 理发师:天气好热呀,是吗?我建议把头顶的头发削薄些。 Steven: Thats a good idea. But leave the front as it is now. 史蒂文:好方法。但前面的头发不要变更了。 (several minutes later) (几分钟后) Barber: Now its done. Is itisfactory? 理发师:好了。这样您合意吗? Steven: Very good, thanks. 史蒂文:好极了,感谢。 Barber: Anything else I can do for you, sir? 理发师:还要其他服务吗,先生? Steven: No, thanks. 史蒂文:不用了,感谢。 9


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