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1、Unit 10 Id like some noodles.Section B2 Reading(2a-2c)Happy birthday!Can you guess the Can you guess the Can you guess the Can you guess the name of this song?name of this song?name of this song?name of this song?BirthdayBirthday3Before readingBefore readingin Chinait is getting popular to have cake

2、变得流行变得流行长寿的象征长寿的象征eat eggsa symbol of life and good lucka symbol of long lifelong noodles areTheDo you know birthday customs in other countries?/kstm/生日习俗生日习俗4Before readingBefore readingin Australiabirthday customs in other countriesbirthday customs in other countriesthe family swim in the seahave

3、a picnic on the beach5Before readingBefore readingin the USAbirthday customs in other countriesbirthday customs in other countriescandles/kndl/a birthday cake with candlesthe number of candlesthe persons ageThe number of candles is the persons age.a birthday cakeTherere 10 candles and the birthday p

4、erson is ten years old.蜡烛的数量蜡烛的数量Happy birthday6birthday personmake a wish吹灭吹灭blow outthe candles7Before readingBefore readingput a candy in a birthday cakethe child with the candy is luckybirthday customs in other countriesbirthday customs in other countriesin the UKa candy/kndi/Different countries

5、 have Different countries have different different birthday customsbirthday customs.Think:Think:Is the birthday Is the birthday Is the birthday Is the birthday foodfoodfoodfood orororor the the the the samesamesamesame?differentdifferentdifferentdifferent9SkimmingSkimmingBrithday foods are different

6、 _Birthday foods in Canana _Birthday foods in England _Birthday songs in England _Birthday foods in China _The meaning of birthday food _Tick()or cross(Tick()or cross()10Para 1:Para 2:Para 3:Para 4:_ birthday foods in different _birthday foods in manycountries and the _birthday foods in _different f

7、oods,the _ ideaScanningScanningdifferentcountriesUKChinasame关键信息关键信息HAPPY BIRTHDAYCareful readingCareful readingRead Paragraph 1Choose the right answerQ:Different countries eat the_food on their birthday.A.different B.same12Careful readingCareful readingRead Paragraph 2 and fill in the chart Country

8、 FoodSpecial meaningUKbirthday cakeBlowing out candles on a cake makes a wish come true.It is lucky to find a candy in a cake.Q:Can you guess the meaning of in one go?in one go=at one go 一口气、一次性一口气、一次性13Careful readingCareful readingCountry FoodSpecial meaningChinalong noodlesLong noodles mean long

9、life.Eggs mean life and good luck.eggsRead Paragraph 3 and fill in the chart Q:Can you guess the meaning of cut up?A.插话插话 B.切断切断 C.砍伐砍伐 HAPPY BIRTHDAYCareful readingCareful readingRead Paragraph 4Judge True or False _1.Birthday foods are different,so the ideas are different,too._2.Birthday foods bri

10、ng good luck to the birthday person.TFthe ideas are the same151.How can a person make his or her birthday wish come true?2.What do people in the UK sometimes put in a birthday cake?3.Why do people never cut up birthday noodles in China?4.Why do people eat special foods on their birthday?He or she ca

11、n blow out all of the birthday candles in one go.They put a candy in a birthday cake.Because long noodles mean long life.They eat special foods for good luck.(2c)16DecodeDecode1.A T Waround the world世界各地世界各地2.O T Bon their birthday在他们的生日在他们的生日3.T N Othe number of.的数量的数量4.T P Athe persons age一个人的年龄一个

12、人的年龄5.M A Wmake a wish许愿许愿6.B Oblow out吹灭吹灭7.I O Gin one go一口气一口气8.P A C Iput a candy in.把蜡烛放入把蜡烛放入.9.G P get popular变得流行变得流行10.C T cut up切碎切碎11.A S Oa symbol of.的象征的象征12.B T Sbe the same相同的相同的.be different不同的不同的.17After readingAfter readingBrithday Food Around the WorldBrithday Food Around the Worl

13、dPara 1Para 2different countriesdifferentbirthday foodsbirthday cakes with candlespersons agemake a wishblow out candlesin one gocome trueput a candy in a birthday cakein many countiesin the UKthe child with candy is lucky18After readingAfter readingBrithday Food Around the WorldBrithday Food Around

14、 the WorldPara 3Para 4 get popular to have cake long noodlesbirthday foods are differentideas are the same never cut up a symbol of long life eat eggs a symbol of life and good luck bring good luckHAPPY BIRTHDAYDifferent birthday food in other countriesJapan 日本日本red bean rice红豆饭红豆饭HAPPY BIRTHDAYDiff

15、erent birthday food in other countriesBrazil/brzil/巴西巴西candiesHAPPY BIRTHDAYDifferent birthday food in other countriesRussia/r/俄罗斯俄罗斯pancakesHAPPY BIRTHDAYDifferent birthday food in other countriesSouth Korea /kri/韩国韩国sea-tangle soup /tgl/海带汤海带汤Happy birthday23birthday birthday birthday birthday cus

16、toms&foodscustoms&foodscustoms&foodscustoms&foods around the world around the world around the world around the world What are you going to do What are you going to do on your on your next birthdaynext birthday?HAPPY BIRTHDAYGroup workGroup workDiscuss in groupsDesign(设计设计)a birthday partyWhat kind of food are you going to eat?What kind of things are you going to do?Who are you going to invite(邀请邀请)?What kind of game are you going to play?reportWe are going to have a birthday party.For food,we a


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