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1、河北省2022年初中毕业生升学文化课考试英语试卷解析听力部分(2022河北中考)I.听句子, 选出句子中所包含的信息。(共5小题, 每小题1分, 计5分)1. A. a jobB. a talkC. a plan2. A. buy fruitB. drink teaC. cook rice3. A. June 1B. March 12C. September 104. A. Theyll take a break.B. Theyll read a text.C. Theyll play a game.5. A. Peter will meet his uncle.B. Peter will m

2、eet his uncle.C. Peter will take his uncle to the airport.答案:1-5:ABCBA(2022河北中考)II.听句子, 选出该句的最佳答语。(共5小题, 每小题1分, 计5分)6. A. Take it easy.B. With pleasure.C. You, too.7. A. Speaking.B. Its for you.C. The line is busy.8. A. I hope so.B. Thats OK.C. Glad to hear that.9. A. Sure I do.B. You can do it.C. I

3、m at home.10. A. Good idea!B. Good news!C. Good luck!答案:6-10:CABAC(2022河北中考)III.听对话和问题, 选择正确选项。(共8小题, 每小题1分, 计8分)11. What is Lily doing?A. B. C. 12. Where will they go?A. B. C. 13. What should the girl write on the card?A. Her name.B. Her address.C. The date.14. What books does she want to borrow?A.

4、 Medicine books.B. History books.C. Arts books.15. How many books does she borrow this time?A. One.B. Two.C. Three.-16. Where is Toms mother walking?A. On the street.B. On the grass.C. On the beach.17. Who is buying bananas?A. Tom.B. Toms father.C. Toms sister.18. What are the family doing?A. Flying

5、 a kite.B. Having a picnic.C. Taking a photo.答案:11-15:BCABC 16-18:CAB(2022河北中考)IV.听短文和问题, 选择正确答案。(共7小题, 每小题1分, 计7分)19. What does Henry ask Ann to do?A. Join the soccer team.B. Do some running.C. Buy sports clothes.20. What time will they meet tomorrow?A. At 9:00.B. At 9:30.C. At 10:00.-21. Why shoul

6、d you listen to the other person carefully?A. To know about movies.B. To understand examples.C. To ask him questions.22. Which is the best answer to a “no” question?A. No.B. Never.C. No, but.23. How should you speak if your pronunciation is a little different?A. Slowly.B. Loudly.C. Freely.24. What s

7、hould you do when you travel in English-speaking countries?A. Get a map.B. Speak in English.C. Ask friends for help.25. What is the speaker talking about?A. How to make trips exciting.B. How to practice your pronunciationC. How to keep an English conversation going.答案:19-20:AB 21-25:CCABC(2022河北中考)V

8、.听短文填空(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)Information SheetName: LindaAge: 26. _ years oldCome from: 27. _Hair: 28. long and _Sport: 29. often play _Come to learn: 30. _答案:26. 15 / fifteen 27. England 28. Red 29. Football 30. Chinese笔试部分VI.单项选择(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)(2022河北中考)31. Where is your brother? I want to give _ a bo

9、ok.A. meB. youC. himD. her(2022河北中考)32. Look! The fish is swimming fast _ the river.A. atB. inC. ofD. by(2022河北中考)33. I saw a good film, _ I cant remember its name.A. soB. orC. forD. but(2022河北中考)34. -Michael, _ this shirt. -Oh, it looks nice on me!A. try onB. put downC. take offD. throw away(2022河北

10、中考)35. _ you can use your dictionary, you will learn English better.A. IfB. UnlessC. ThoughD. Before(2022河北中考)36. -Do I have to hand in my report now? -Of course, you _. Were going to discuss it.A. canB. cantC. mustD. mustnt(2022河北中考)37. John is waiting for me. We _ to the bookstore together.A. went

11、B. have goneC. will goD. were going(2022河北中考)38. At this time yesterday, I _ a science exam here.A. takeB. was takingC. am takingD. will take(2022河北中考)39. Sorry, I _ a mistake. Let me correct it.A. will makeB. am makingC. was makingD. have made(2022河北中考)40. -Mmm. Delicious. What is it? -It _ zongzi,

12、 Tony. Its a traditional food in China.A. callsB. is calledC. calledD. was called(2022河北中考)VII.完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)Kevin is a special swimmer. He took risks to 41 in very cold places because he wanted people to pay attention to environmental problems.As a boy, Kevin visited national parks and he l

13、earned the Earth is in 42 condition. He felt worried, and he wanted to 43 the Earth. In 2009, he went to swim in water near North Pole(极) to draw peoples attention to the melting glaciers(融化的冰川). Kevin said that the swim was so painful that it would be his 44 time swimming in cold water. In 2016, he heard about a lake in the Himalayas(喜马拉雅山脉). It was formed by melting glaciers. He 45 to swim in c



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