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1、会计学1公开课复合宾语公开课复合宾语2Step2:Lead-inn nThe sun keeps us warm.n n I heard him singing this time yesterday.n n I often hear him sing happily.n nYou must get your hair cut.n n We call her Jenny.Task3:Read the following sentences and focus on the words in red第1页/共68页3n nThey found him out.n n Make yourself

2、at home.n nThey wish you to go with them.n nI think exercising regularly of importance to good health.n nDont speak with your mouth full(of food)第2页/共68页4Task 4:What is object complement?What about subject complement?n n宾语补足语宾语补足语宾语补足语宾语补足语是位于宾语之后,说明宾语的状态、是位于宾语之后,说明宾语的状态、是位于宾语之后,说明宾语的状态、是位于宾语之后,说明宾语

3、的状态、特征特征特征特征,动作等的成分,多由动作等的成分,多由动作等的成分,多由动作等的成分,多由名词、形容词、介词名词、形容词、介词名词、形容词、介词名词、形容词、介词短语,不定式,分词(现在分词和过去分词短语,不定式,分词(现在分词和过去分词短语,不定式,分词(现在分词和过去分词短语,不定式,分词(现在分词和过去分词),),副副副副词等充当。词等充当。词等充当。词等充当。带宾补的句子变为被动态时,宾补就变成了主补宾语+宾语补足语=复合宾语第3页/共68页5Step3:Focus on important and difficult points.考点考点1.名词做宾补或主补名词做宾补或主补

4、She found him a very clever boy.They named the child Jimmy.In 1864 Lincoln was made President of the United States for the second time.【注意注意1】用作补足语的名词表示独一无用作补足语的名词表示独一无二的职位、头衔、称谓时,其前不二的职位、头衔、称谓时,其前不 能能用冠词。用冠词。第4页/共68页6【注意2】这些动词如:call,name,choose,appoint,elect,make,等所接的宾语补足语可以是名词。这类结构和双宾语的结构有形似之处,要注意

5、区别。如:We call the island Pingtan.They have made me chairman of the club.They have made me a nice chair.(宾补)(直接宾语)第5页/共68页7Task5:即学活用即学活用 1.1.年轻的父亲给他的宝宝起名叫年轻的父亲给他的宝宝起名叫“强强强强”。The young father names his baby Qiangqiang.2.i lived in _you call“ancient Greece”and i used to write about the olympic Games.a.

6、what b.that c.where d.whichA第6页/共68页8考点考点2.形容词做宾补形容词做宾补 He had a strange way of making his class lively and interesting.We found it important for children to follow the table rules.第7页/共68页9即学活用:即学活用:translationtranslation1.你本不该把那张图画涂成红色。You shouldnt have painted the picture red.2.这消息几乎令他发疯。The news

7、 nearly drove him mad.第8页/共68页10n n结构:结构:结构:结构:主主主主+谓语谓语谓语谓语+it+it+宾补宾补宾补宾补+(for sb/sth)+(for sb/sth)真正宾语真正宾语真正宾语真正宾语(即即即即61236123句型)句型)句型)句型)6(make/keep/think/find/feel/consider)1(it)2(adj./n)3(to do sth/doing sth/that(wh-)clause)n nI found it pleasant to be with your family.n nWe think it our duty

8、 that we should help the poor.n nWe feel it a waste of time playing computer games.考点3:it 做形式宾语,把真正宾语位于补语后第9页/共68页11【注意注意1】主语+及物动词+it+no good/no use/useless a waste of time/any good+doing sthDo you think it any good_ aboutheavy study pressure?A.complain B.to complain C.complained D.complaining第10页/共

9、68页12【注意注意2】I felt _that she should change her mind at the last minute.A.it is strange B.it strange C.that was a strange thing D.very strange主语+及物动词+it+necessary/natural/strange/important/a pity/a regret/a shame/an urge+that clause(从句可用虚拟语气:should+do sth)第11页/共68页13即学活用:即学活用:1.I think for all thehom

10、ework in such a short time.(不可能,不可能,做完)做完)2.我们要制定一个制度:每个人都不应该迟到。我们要制定一个制度:每个人都不应该迟到。We should make it a rule that we should not be late for classit impossible to be done第12页/共68页14考点考点4.非谓语动词作宾补或主补非谓语动词作宾补或主补结构:结构:及物动词及物动词 宾语宾语 宾补宾补(不带to)do sthdoing sthdoneto do sth难点突破:关键要找出宾语与宾补;定下主动还是被动关系。同时还要弄清已

11、发生全过程的动作还是情景性正在发生的动作,这一点与前面的及物动词有关。being done第13页/共68页15重点重点1:一些及物动词一些及物动词 宾语宾语宾语宾语 (不带不带不带不带to)do sthto)do sth(表示已发生的(表示已发生的(表示已发生的(表示已发生的动作,全过程,宾语与宾补构成主动关系)动作,全过程,宾语与宾补构成主动关系)动作,全过程,宾语与宾补构成主动关系)动作,全过程,宾语与宾补构成主动关系)这样的动词包括这样的动词包括这样的动词包括这样的动词包括:5 3 2 15(look at,see,watch,notice.observe)3(make,let,hav

12、e)2(listen to,hear)1(feel)轻松记忆:吾看三室两厅一感觉sb do sth第14页/共68页16实例验证:实例验证:e.g.1.They knew her very well.They had seen her (grow)up from childhood.(主动态)(主动态)grow 2.She had been seen_ (grow)up from childhood.(被动态)to grow技巧点拨:被动态时要还原to2 have,let第15页/共68页17重点重点2:一些及物动词一些及物动词 宾语宾语 doing sth(表示(表示情景性情景性正在发生的动

13、作或一直持续的动作,宾语正在发生的动作或一直持续的动作,宾语与宾补构成主动关系)与宾补构成主动关系)轻松记忆:轻松记忆:这些动词包括:这些动词包括:5 3 2 1 2(let,make)5 (get,keep,leave,find,catch)等等注意:get sth.doing 使 开始运作第16页/共68页18实例观察:实例观察:e.g.1.The next morning she found the man lying in bed,dead.2.He went away without saying anything,leaving us standing outside.第17页/共

14、68页19辨别领悟:辨别领悟:1.The missing boys were last seen _near the river.A.to be playing B.playing C.play D.to playD3.My parents always made me_about myself,even when I was elevenA.feeling well B.feeling goodC.feel well D.feel good 2.The naughty boys were often seen_near the river.B第18页/共68页20重点重点3:一些及物动词宾语

15、done(表示宾语与宾补构成表示宾语与宾补构成被动完成的关系或宾语所处的状态)被动完成的关系或宾语所处的状态)轻松记忆:这样的动词包括5 3 2 15等(let除外)e.g.Id like to see this plan carried out.I looked down at my neck and found my necklace gone.第19页/共68页21即学活用:即学活用:1.Mr Brown was much disappointed to see the washing machine he had had_went wrong again.A.repairing B.r

16、epair C.to repair D.repaired2.The digital dictionary I got_the other day cost me a lot.A.repaired B.repairing C.to repair D.to be repaired第20页/共68页22易混辨析:易混辨析:1.“have+宾语宾语+done”结构有两个含义结构有两个含义(请人)把某事做完。She had her house repaired 使遭遇某种意外情况。He had his wallet stolen on his way home第21页/共68页232.have sth to do(有自己要做的事情)(有自己要做的事情)have sth to be done(有请别人要做的事(有请别人要做的事情)情)e.g.I am busy beause I have much homework to do.Im going to the post office.Do you have anything to be posted?第22页/共68页24 3.have sb do



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