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1、高二下学期同步优化训练英语高二下学期同步优化训练英语 Units1920AUnits1920A 卷卷知识网络.好词基础知识储备1.pay back 偿还;报答2.as far as 到目前为止;就某种程度或范畴而言3.in the eyes of 在看来4.have mercy on = show mercy to对表示同情5.tear up 撕毁;取消(合同等)6.offer up 献出;献上7.go down on knees 跪下8.take place(情况)发生,产生;举办,举行9.in a persons power 在(人的)手中的,在(人的)支配下的10.may as well

2、 do sth.(as do sth.else)依旧做某事好;不如做某事11.pass judgement on sb.对下判决12.by law 按照法律13.do the deed 付诸行动;生效14.takein ones arm 拥抱15.be in love with 与恩爱16.at sea 在海上;在航行17.take away from拿走,运走,带走18.date back to 追溯到;上溯到19.in terms of 就而言20.dig up 挖出;掘起21.have a hand in 参与,插手,对某事负部分责任22.remind sb.of sth.使某人想起,提

3、醒23.at the mercy of 任摆布;对毫无方法;由把握.好句知识网络构建1. It is Shylock who must beg the Duke to save his life.(Unit 19)在强调句中若被强调的部分是表示人的名词, 那么能够用“It is that/who” 。然而若强调的不是表示人的名词,则用“It isthat” 。e.g.It is in that lake that he found a crocodile.该句型不用来强调句子的谓语,若需要强调则不需用其他的手段,应用助动词do 来表示强调。e.g.He did go to the statio

4、n to meet you,but he failed to recognize you.2. Its useless trying to argue with Shylock.(Unit 19)该句子注意用 it 作形式主语来代替动名词作主语的情形。e.g.It is no use waiting here.Its no good helping him.He doesnt help himself.3. It is certain that he spent his childhood in central Europe,perhaps Germany.(Unit 20)当 it 作形式主

5、语时,该句型中只能用 certain,certain 还能够用在人称代词作主语的句子中。如 I am certain that 。然而 sure 只能用于后者。e.g.We are certain that we can win the game.I am sure that he will win the game.= He is sure to win the game.He is sure that he will win the game.= He is sure of winning the game.4.Before the discoveries, it was believed

6、 that Sichuan only had a history of about 2 300years.(Unit 20)句型“It is/was believed that”表示“人们相信” ,类似的句型还有:It is said that “据说” ,It is reported that “据报道”等。该类句型能够转换成 sb.be believed/said/reported to 结构。e.g.Before the discoveries,Sichuan was believed to have only a history of about 2 300 years.5.语法提点:

7、it 的用法。.好题高考范题精讲【例 1】 (NMET 2004,27)I like _ in the autumn when the weather is clear and bright.A.thisB.thatC.itD.one解析: 该题考查代词的指代作用。 依照句子中有关信息词的提示, 该词应指代天气情形。答案:C【例 2】 (NMET 2004,重庆)_ is reported in the newspapers is that talks between thetwo countries are making progress.A.ItB.AsC.ThatD.What解析:该题应

8、该选择 what 来引导主语从句,然而有的同学会误认为应该用it 来作形式主语。假如那样,句子应为It is reported in the newspapers that talks between the two countriesare making progress.答案:D【例 3】 (NMET 2004,广西,24)We needed a new cupboard for the kitchen.So Peter made_ from some wood we had.A.itB.oneC.himselfD.another解析:区分 it 和 one 的指代作用。it 表示特指;o

9、ne 表示泛指,泛指上文提到的一个可数单数名词。答案:B【例 4】 (2002 春招,30) He was nearly drowned once. When was _?_ was in 1998 when he was in middle school.A.that;ItB.this;ThisC.this;ItD.that;This解析: 本题要紧考查代词的指代作用。that 作为指示代词一样用来指代前面提到过的情况,而 this 一样用来指代将要提到的情况。it 能够用来指代事件,而在第二个空中,依照this 的用法,用 this 明显不合适,故综合两者的情形,答案为A。答案: A【例

10、5】 (NMET 2003 上海春招,32)_ has been announced,we shall have our finalexams next month.A.ThatB.AsC.ItD.What解析:本题题意为:正如所宣布的那样,下一个月我们将进行期末考试。本题旨在考查定语从句,由句子结构来看,该从句为非限制性定语从句。句意中含有“正如,正像”这一意思,故应该用 as 来引导。答案:B试题详解高中同步测控优化训练(十一)SB. Unit s 1920(A 卷)第卷(三部分,共 80 分)第一部分:听力(共两节,满分15 分)第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分

11、)听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10 秒钟的时刻回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。M:I hope I can see you at my birthday party.W:Oh,dear,Ive almost forgotten.When is it?M:Well,the day after April Fools day.Easy to remember,isnt it?W:Yes,and Im sure to be there then.1.When is the mans

12、 birthday?A.April 1st.B.April 2nd.C.April 3rd.答案:BW:Sorry to have kept you waiting.M:Thats all right.But what made you so late?W:Well,when I was leaving,I just couldnt find the key to the door.To make things worse,thebus I took broke down half way.2. What was the main reason for the womans being lat

13、e?A.She couldnt find her key.B.Something was wrong with the bus.C.Something was wrong with the door.答案:BW:Look at those monkeys running around the rock hill.See that mother monkey,she iscarrying her baby in her arms.M:Yes,isnt it interesting?3.Where are they?A.At a restaurant.B.In a museum.C.In a zo

14、o.答案:CW:How much will it cost for my daughter and me to go to Wuhan ?M:Its 100 yuan for you and half of the price for your daughter,as she is below one meter.4.What is the total cost for them?A.100 yuan.B.50 yuan.C.150 yuan.答案:CM:Can you do us a favor?W:Sure,go ahead.M:My wife and I are going out to

15、 a party.So can you care for our baby when we are away?It sonly till midnight.Well pay,of course.5.Whats the most possible relationship between the man and woman?A.Husband and wife.B.Friends.C.Neighbors.答案:C第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)听下面 2 段对话。每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。 听每段对话

16、前, 你将有时刻阅读各个小题, 每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时刻。每段对话读两遍。听第 6 段对话,回答第 67 题。W:What are you doing,Bob?M:Im reading a book about Karl Marx.W:Karl Marx?Youre always interested in those political leaders.I dont like them at all.M:Dont be so sure,Fanny.Reading such books can help us in many ways.For instance,KarlMarx gave language learners much valuable advice.He asked us not to translate everything intoour own language.Thats the problem most of us English learners have.Do you agree with me?W:Is that so?


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