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1、 Unit 3 Language in useModule 3 Heroes题组专训 突破考点提示:点击 进入讲评答案呈现1because2A3A4A1234DDBA5D6789so thatsobecauseso;that10so课后巩固 拓展延伸答案呈现课后巩固 拓展延伸11121314BDDA15A16171819BCBA20C21222324DCBD25A课文精华 新编巧练答案呈现1234Canadianwoundedrealisedtaking care of5invented6789toolsrestingmanagedcontinued10died of写作写必有法 作文提分1.

2、We ate all the vegetables this morning,so we had better buy some in the supermarket.(改为同义句)【改编淮安】We had better buy some vegetables in the supermarket _ we ate all this morning.because2.My mother must get up early _ she can catch the first bus.A.so that B.such thatC.in order to D.in orderA【点拨点拨】so th

3、at 以便以便;引导目的状语从句引导目的状语从句;没有没有such和和 that连用的情况连用的情况;in order to 为了为了,后接动词原形后接动词原形;in order 秩序井然秩序井然,空格后为句子空格后为句子,不能用不能用in order 引导。故选引导。故选A。3.Kids like reading stories which can make them _.【中考哈尔滨】A.laugh B.to laugh C.laughingA【点拨点拨】固定搭配法。固定搭配法。make sb.do sth.“让让/使某人做使某人做某事某事”,为固定搭配。动词原形为固定搭配。动词原形do作

4、宾语补足语。作宾语补足语。4.There will be a big show tomorrow night and two _ shows on the weekend.A.more B.others C.else D.another A【点拨点拨】词语应用法。词语应用法。“数字数字more名词名词”“another数字名词数字名词”,表示表示“另外另外”。一、单项选择一、单项选择1.The windows of the plane broke about forty minutes after it _.【中考日照】A.got off B.took up C.got up D.took o

5、ffD【点拨点拨】考查动词短语辨析。考查动词短语辨析。句意为句意为“飞机起飞大飞机起飞大约约40分钟后分钟后,飞机的窗户坏了飞机的窗户坏了”。get off 下车下车;take up 开始从事开始从事,占用占用;get up 起床起床;take off 起飞。由起飞。由句意可知选句意可知选D。2.Do you have enough students to carry the boxes?No,I think we need _ students.A.another B.two othersC.more two D.two more D3.The PLA Navy(中国人民解放军海军)has

6、been greatly helping keep world peace.As a Chinese,I am _ it.【中考昆明】A.responsible for B.proud ofC.full of D.known for B【点拨点拨】短语辨析法。短语辨析法。be responsible for“对对负负责责”;be proud of“为为感到骄傲感到骄傲”;be full of“充满充满”;be known for“因因而出名而出名”。由上句句意。由上句句意“中中国人民解放军海军一直在大力帮助维护世界和平。国人民解放军海军一直在大力帮助维护世界和平。”可推知可推知,下句句意为下句

7、句意为“作为一名中国人作为一名中国人,我为之感我为之感到骄傲到骄傲”。be proud of符合语境。符合语境。4.Youd better take the map with you _ you wont get lost.【中考黔南】A.so that B.as soon asC.now that D.as long asA【点拨点拨】考查连词辨析。考查连词辨析。句意为句意为“你最好把地图带你最好把地图带上上,这样你就不会迷路了这样你就不会迷路了”。so that以便以便;as soon as 一一就就;now that既然既然;as long as 只要。根据只要。根据句意可知句意可知,后

8、面是前面的目的后面是前面的目的,故选故选A。5.I tried to make Alice _ her mind but I found it difficult.Well,I saw you _that when I went past.【中考南充】A.changed;do B.changes;doingC.change;to do D.change;doingD【点拨点拨】make sb.do sth.意为意为“使某人做某事使某人做某事”,是是固定用法固定用法,故第一空应用动词原形故第一空应用动词原形,排除排除A、B两项两项;see sb.do sth.意为意为“看到某人做某事看到某人做某

9、事”,see sb.doing sth.意为意为“看到某人正在做某事看到某人正在做某事”,但无但无see sb.to do sth.用法用法,排除排除C项项,故选故选D。二、语法专练二、语法专练(同义句转换同义句转换)6.He got up early this morning in order to catch the early bus.He got up early this morning _ _ he could catch the early bus.so that7.The girl failed to win the gold medal because she didnt t

10、rain hard enough.The girl didnt train hard enough,_ she failed to win the gold medal.so8.I didnt attend the party because of my illness.I didnt attend the party _ I was ill.because9.He was too excited to go to sleep.He was _ excited _ he couldnt go to sleep.so that10.Liu Hai ran so fast that he beca

11、me the winner of the boys 1000metre race.Liu Hai ran very fast,_ he became the winner of the boys 1000metre race.so三、完形三、完形填空填空 【中考中考广州广州】The first astronautsSince the earliest times,people have looked up at the stars,the moon and the planets.Today people use modern machines _11 at the sky.11.A.look

12、 B.to look C.looking D.lookedB【点拨点拨】句意为句意为“如今人们用现代化机器观看天空如今人们用现代化机器观看天空”。本题考查非谓语动词。动词不定式。本题考查非谓语动词。动词不定式to look at the sky 在本句中作目的状语在本句中作目的状语,故选故选B。This is very different from the situation _12 years ago when people could only use their eyes.12.A.thousand B.thousands C.thousand of D.thousands ofD【点拨

13、点拨】thousand千千,数量单位数量单位;thousands复数形式复数形式;thousand of形式错误形式错误;thousands of成千上万的成千上万的,固固定短语。根据句意和空后的定短语。根据句意和空后的years可知可知,这个空修饰这个空修饰后面的名词后面的名词,故应选故应选D。Perhaps they dreamed of _13 the universe.13.A.explore B.to explore C.explored D.exploringD【点拨点拨】句意为句意为“也许他们梦想着探索宇宙也许他们梦想着探索宇宙”。句。句中使用了短语中使用了短语dream of,

14、意为意为“梦想梦想”,后跟名词后跟名词或者动名词形式。故应选或者动名词形式。故应选D。When did humans first go into space?The story began not so very long ago,_14 the first astronauts were not peoplethey were animals.14.A.as B.or C.but D.soAScientists wanted to make travelling to space as _15 as possible for humans.15.A.safe B.safer C.safest

15、 D.the safestA【点拨点拨】safe安全的安全的,形容词形容词;safer更安全的更安全的,形容词形容词比较级比较级;safest最安全的最安全的,形容词最高级形容词最高级;the safest最最高级。句中使用了短语高级。句中使用了短语as.as possible,“尽可能尽可能”,两个两个as之间用形容词的原级之间用形容词的原级,故选故选A。So they decided to experiment with animals and test _16 in spaceflights.16.A.they B.them C.their D.theirsB【点拨点拨】句意为句意为“所

16、以他们决定用动物做实验所以他们决定用动物做实验,并在并在太空飞行中对它们进行测试太空飞行中对它们进行测试”。根据句子结构可知。根据句子结构可知,空前空前test是动词是动词,该空作宾语该空作宾语,故应用宾格形式故应用宾格形式,选选B。Insects,mice,frogs,dogs and monkeys were some of the animals _17 first went into the space.17.A.whom B.what C.that D.whoseC【点拨点拨】句意为句意为“昆虫、老鼠、青蛙、狗和猴子是昆虫、老鼠、青蛙、狗和猴子是最早进入太空的一些动物最早进入太空的一些动物”。whom关系代词关系代词,引导引导定语从句定语从句,在从句中作宾语在从句中作宾语;what什么什么;不能引导定不能引导定语从句语从句;that关系代词关系代词,引导定语从句引导定语从句,先行词可以为先行词可以为人人,也可以为物也可以为物,在从句中作主语或宾语在从句中作主语或宾语;whose引导引导定语从句定语从句,在从句中作定语。根据句子结构可知在从句中作定语。根据句子结构可知,空空后是



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