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1、20212021年中考模拟试卷年中考模拟试卷( (一一) )一、听力理解(共25小题,每小题1分,满分25分)第一节:听下面5段短对话,选择与你所听到的内容相符合的图片。每段对话仅读一遍。ABCDEFu1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._EBCFA第二节:听下面6段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至7小题。u()6.When does the girl have to be home?A.By 8:00 p.m. B.By 9:00 p.m. C.By 10:00 p.m.u()7.What

2、s the boy allowed to do on weekends?A.To watch TV. B.To go shopping. C.To play basketball.BC听第7段材料,回答第8至10小题。u()8.How is Tina?A.Tired. B.Excited. C.Sad.u()9.What kind of movie did Tina watch yesterday?A.An action movie. B.A comedy. C.A scary movie.u()10.Where did Tina watch the movie?A.In the cinema

3、. B.At her home. C.At the boys home.ACA听第8段材料,回答第11至13小题。u()11.What color is Lucys pet?A.White. B.Black. C.Brown.u()12.What does Lucy think of her pet?A.Lovely. B.Beautiful. C.Interesting.u()13.What does Bob keep?A.Dogs. B.Fish. C.Birds.AAB听第9段材料,回答第14至16小题。u()14.What class will Sara have on Sunday?

4、A.An English class. B.A physics class. C.A math class.u()15.Where does Harry plan to go?A.To the bookstore. B.To the cinema.C.To the school.u()16.When will Harry probably call Sara?A.This evening. B.Tomorrow morning.C.This Sunday.CBA听第10段材料,完成第17至20小题。Manners at 17._ party in AmericaWhat to takeTake

5、 some drinks like 18._ juice,beer or something like these. When to arriveYou should arrive on time or no more than 19._ minutes late.If youll be fifteen minutes late,you should give the host a call. What to do at the tableTry to be relaxed and 20._ at the table.u()17.A.birthday B.dance C.dinneru()18

6、.A.orange B.apple C.pearu()19.A.five B.ten C.fifteenu()20.A.polite B.careful C.happy CCAA听第11段材料,回答第21至25小题。u()21.Where does the writer live?A.In a school. B.In a city. C.In a town.u()22.How many students are there in the school?A.About 2,000. B.About 100. C.Over 2,000.u()23.How did Jane use to go t

7、o work?A.By bike. B.By car. C.By bus.BAC()24.How much does Jane pay for each ride?A.One yuan. B.Less than one yuan.C.More than one yuan.u()25.Why does the writer decide to ride to school?A.Because he cant afford a car.B.Because the buses dont travel that way any more.C.Because he doesnt want to poll

8、ute the environment.BC二、单项选择(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)u()26.选出划线部分发音为/:/的单词。_A.fork B.horse C.word D.fortyu()27.I think keeping dogs will make you feel less lonely._.In my opinion,dogs sometimes bring you a lot of trouble.A.Not exactly B.Take it easyC.I agree with you D.Thats a good ideaCA()28.Im not sure

9、what to write about The Secret Garden in the report.You should read some _ about the book before writing.A.reviews B.reasons C.results D.rewardsu()29.Is that man your English teacher,Jack?It _ be him.He has gone to Beijing for a meeting.A.neednt B.might C.cant D.couldAC()30.Have you got ready for th

10、e soccer game?Yes.Ive done everything _ I can to win the game.A.who B.that C.which D.whoseu()31.Hey,Jeremy.Tony and I want to _ the new Italian restaurant tonight.Come with us!Why not?A.try B.taste C.choose D.searchBA()32.Sorry Im late.I _ with a friend and I completely forgot the time.A.talk B.am t

11、alking C.was talking D.will talku()33.WeChat payment(微信支付) makes our life convenient.We can buy things _ we dont take any money.A.because B.even though C.unless D.in order thatCB()34.Ive ordered some flowers for grandma and they will arrive _ two hours.A.in B.after C.over D.foru( )35.Next Friday is

12、my mothers birthday.Im thinking about _.Good boy!And please give my best wishes to her.A.what present I gave herB.how I can give her a surpriseC.if I planned a party for herD.where will my family have a big mealAB三、完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)It does not always come easy to discover oneself.From a young

13、age,I had a strong sense of who I was to become,_36_ an accident made me redefine(重审) myself.()36.A.and B.but C.or D.soBTo me,skating was above all.There was _37_ in this world that filled my heart with such joy.I spent twentyfour hours a week practicing my_38_.Having no social life or interests but

14、 skating,my devotion(挚爱) brought me first place medals in nearly every _39_.u()37.A.everything B.something u C.nothing D.anythingu()38.A.skills B.behaviors C.thoughts D.habitsu()39.A.meeting B.party C.concert D.competitionCADUnfortunately,in one show,I fell down and hurt myself _40_.After several Xr

15、ays and MRI(磁共振) scans,the _41_ told me that I couldnt return to my sport any more.The pain in my back was hard to bear and even the _42_ daily tasks became difficult.()40.A.quickly B.softly C.badly D.slowly()41.A.waiter B.doctor C.teacher D.policeman()42.A.useful B.basic C.proper D.busyCBBAs my pas

16、sion(激情) was_43_,I had little sense of who I was to become.After eight months of suffering,something had to _44_.Instead of wasting my days sitting around painfully,I began to put my_45_ into local community service projects.By volunteering_46_ a swimming teacher and ()43.A.found out B.brought back

17、C.waken up D.taken away()44.A.change B.remain C.leave D.arrive()45.A.energy B.duty C.wealth D.spirit()46.A.with B.for C.as D.toDAACsummer reading assistant for kids,I got an idea of who I _47_ to become.After a few months,I devoted time to my interest in the arts.Little by little,I _48_ out of the s

18、hadow(阴影阴影) and rebuilt my confidence.Sometimes,some _49_ rocks block(阻碍) our way.We can choose to stay behind or try to climb over.My accident was a rock that _50_ to stop me from reaching success.Today Im a very confident and optimistic person.()47.A.wanted B.started C.promised D.lived()48.A.ran B

19、.jumped C.stood D.stepped()49.A.small B.large C.ugly D.round()50.A.managed B.helped C.failed D.continuedADBC四、阅读理解(分两节,共18小题,每小题2分,满分36分)u第一节:阅读选择。(共13小题,每小题2分,满分26分)uACinnamon Press Short Story PrizeThis is for stories of between 2,000 and 4,000 words.Closing:every year(end of May).Prize:1stOne yea

20、rs learning/free place on a Tyny course.2ndA group of short story books.3rdA years subscription(订阅) to the book club.Winners and runnersup(亚军) will be published(出版) in the Cinnamon Review of Short Fiction.Entry(参赛作品) Fee:12(includes a free copy of the winners poems).Comp Page:Click Here()51.The writ

21、er of the second prize will _.A.enjoy joining the book clubB.teach in the schoolC.get several books of short storiesD.pay 12 to publish their storiesu()52.If you want to join in the Short Story Prize,how long should your short story be?A.Less than 2,000 words. B.About 1,000 words.C.More than 4,000 w

22、ords. D.Between 2,000 and 4,000 words.CD()53.Where can you read the chart?A.On the website. B.In a magazine.C.In the newspaper. D.In the textbook.u()54.If you are a runnerup,your story will _.A.be published on the websiteB.be present on the showC.be published in the Cinnamon Review of Short FictionD

23、.be published in the textbookACBBritney Bear is expecting an amazing adventure(探险).“Having the chance to go to Antarctica(南极洲) is really wonderful,” she said.Bear is one of the 12 young people,between the ages of 13 and 20,training for a chance to sail around the world.In October,all of them will st

24、art from South America,and explorer(探险者) Mike Horn will be the leader of the twoweek trip.Their goal is to learn how to help the earth.The trip is one of the 12 Pangaea(泛古陆) trips.The trips will last four years.Twelve teams of young explorers will cross all of the oceans and visit the North and Sout

25、h Poles.Mike Horn is from South Africa.He has traveled on much of the earth.“The earth is so beautiful!” he said.But his adventures have also shown him that the earth is in danger.Horn began exploring at the age of 8 when he got his first bicycle.“I love knowing about things,” he said.Horn organized

26、 Pangaea trips to get kids to take part in them.Different explorers will travel on each of the 12 Pangaea trips.They will work hard.Some will use nets to take rubbish out of the oceans.Others will plant trees during the trips.Horn asks each explorer to teach others what they have learned on the trip

27、s.He believes that young people can help save the earth.()55.Where will Britney Bear and other explorers start the twoweek trip?A.From Antarctica. B.From South Africa.C.From the South Pole. D.From South America.u()56.How can the explorers help save the world?A.By teaching others how to plant trees.B

28、.By using nets to take rubbish out of the oceans.C.By using their knowledge to help the poor.D.By riding bicycles around instead of driving.DB()57.What do we know about Mike Horn from the passage?A.He is the leader of the twoweek trip.B.He likes traveling but hasnt traveled much.C.He got his first b

29、icycle when he was five.D.He started Pangaea trips to collect more money for the poor.u()58.What is the passage mainly about?A.One mans outdoor adventures.B.People who will travel with Mike Horn.C.Ways that young people can help the earth.D.Trips that teach young people how to help the earth.ADCDo y

30、ou believe that only boys do well in science?Does it seem to you that girls have better language skills than boys?In your opinion,are boys better at building things?If your answer to each of those questions is “Yes”,you are right,according to an article in Current Science.There are exceptions(例外),bu

31、t here are the facts.Usually,boys score higher in tests about math,while girls do better in tests about words,spelling and memory.But these differences may not always be true.In the future,a persons abilities may not be decided by gender.Jerome Kagan,a scientist at Harvard University,is studying the

32、 watching ability of 10monthold children recently.Baby boys and baby girls are watching a “show” while seated on their mothers laps.In Act of the show,an orangecolored ball is lifted from a blue box and moved slowly.Then it is returned to the box.This is repeated six times.Act is almost the same wit

33、h Act ,except that the orange ball is smaller.Baby boys do not seem to notice the difference in the size of the ball,but baby girls immediately become excited and begin to make noises.Its also known that baby girls usually talk at an earlier age than baby boys do.Scientists believe that the left sid

34、e of the brain develops faster in girls than in boys.As a result,by the time they start to school,little girls have an advantage that boys dont have,but what have the boys been doing in the years before starting school?They have been developing something called aggression.An aggressive person feels

35、strong and independent.He is often the first one to start a fight.It is said that aggression is caused by hormone(荷尔蒙).Scientists believe that hormones are not the only reason.They say aggression in boys is also caused by mothers.()59.What can we learn from Paragraph 1?A.Boys and girls have complete

36、ly different skills.B.Girls always get higher scores than boys in math.C.Boys may usually do better in building things than girls.D.It is impossible for girls to become a scientist in the future.u()60.The writer uses the example of the orange balls to show that _.A.baby boys are cleverer than baby g

37、irlsB.baby boys are not interested in showsC.baby girls are better at watching different thingsD.baby girls talk at an earlier age than baby boys doCC()61.Scientists believe that _.A.girls never start a fight with othersB.boys left side of the brain doesnt develop at allC.boys are all bad at study w

38、hen they start schoolD.boys left side of the brain develops slower than girlsu()62.Whats the meaning of the underlined word “aggression”?A.Feelings of anger. B.Feelings of sadness.C.Feelings of happiness. D.Feelings of disappointment.DA()63.What does the text mainly talk about?A.Development of our b

39、rains.B.Differences between boys and girls.C.Relationships between boys and girls.D.Reasons why boys are smarter than girls.B第二节:阅读还原。(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)阅读短文,从方框中选出能填入文中空白处的最佳选项;每个选项仅用一次,其中有一项为多余选项。I wish there would be a way to describe China in a simple word but thats impossible.64._ In my English

40、classes when the students were asked what they would do if they only had a few hours to live,most students told me they would spend their last few hours with their families and parents.B65._ I teach in Xiangyang,a beautiful city which the Hanjiang River goes across it and I live here better.The food

41、s are cheaper than those in the US,so are clothing and articles(物品) of everyday use.People pay less for the public transportation,too.66._ However,it is reported that still there are a few children who cant afford the expenses(费用) of schooling.But the government organized Project Hope many years ago

42、.It creates conditions for the poor children to go back to school.FA67._ I seldom saw the things mentioned of the creative changes China has made.But the economic miracles(经济奇迹) have the big problems.68._ To be honest,if I compare China with the US,my answer has always been the same:“We are not wors

43、e or better than each other;we are only different.” ECA.Its a tradition to value education in China.B.I realize that family is everything in China.C.I am often asked which country I consider better.D.Youll not know China unless you go closer to it.E.I was used to reading the news of China in the US.

44、F.The cost of living here isnt as high as that in the US.五、完成句子(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)u根据汉语提示完成句子,使句子意思正确、通顺,每空一词。u69.依据中国历史,天灯最早被诸葛孔明使用。According to Chinese history,sky lanterns were first _ _ Zhuge Kongming.u70.当茶叶成熟了,它们被手工采摘,然后被送去加工。When the tea leaves are ready,they are picked by hand and then are _

45、_ processing.used bysent for71.很难相信,他过去常常在学校里遇到困难。Its hard to believe that he _ _ have difficulties in school.u72.她建议他们亲自和儿子交谈,他们同意了。She advised them to talk with their son _ _,and they agreed.u73.她过去很害羞,所以她开始学习唱歌来解决她害羞的问题。She used to be shy,so she _ _ singing to deal with her shyness.used toin pers

46、ontook up六、综合填词(共9小题, 每小题1分,满分9分)阅读短文,在空白处填入适当的词,或根据音标及首字母提示填词,或根据括号内所给词的正确形式填空,每空一词。Many children love animals.And Willow Phelps is one of them.In fact,this American little girl not only loves animals,but she also has done really a lot for them.And 74._ she did these kind things,she won the 2016 AS

47、PCA(美国防止虐待动物协会) Kid of the Year.because/since/asWillows 75.l_ for animals started early.When she was about 3 years old,her family took in 76._ 18yearold cat.Under the care of Willow,the cat lived for another 3 years.After that,many old pets arrived in Willows home.So,Willow began to make plans to he

48、lp more 77._(animal).With her moms help,Willow began running,swimming and even sewing(缝制) toys to 78._/reIz/ money for animals in need of help.In her young life,she has 79._(successful) completed the three loveananimalsraisesuccessfullyprojects.Finally,she raised $11,000.She also succeeded in 80._(s

49、top) the use of live goldfish as prizes at her school party.And what she did for goldfish was 81._(notice) and rewarded(奖励) by the ASPCA.“I will continue to speak up for animals no matter how hard it is,” said Willow.Willow dreams of becoming an animal doctor 82._ the future.Lets hope this little gi

50、rls dream will come true.stoppingnoticedin七、书面表达(共15分)初中三年即将过去,你在这三年中一定有没有实现的愿望。为此,校园广播站特向全校初三学生征稿。请你根据下面提示,写一篇广播稿。写作提示:1.没有实现的愿望(如:学会吉他);2.没有实现愿望的原因(至少两个);3.进入高中后为实现愿望所制定的计划。写作要求:1.语句通顺,条理清晰,详略得当,书写工整;2.90词左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数。How time flies! Three years of junior high school has gone by before we know

51、it.u_u_u_u_u_u_u_Each time I look back on my school days,I feel regretful,because one of my wishes hasnt been realized.That is to learn how to play the guitar.Although I am really interested in playing the instrument,I was busy working at my lessons.Besides,there was much homework to do every day.The end of junior high school is the beginning of new life.If I can enter the senior high school,I will take part in afterschool activities to learn to play the guitar.I believe Ill live a colorful life in the senior high school.


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