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1、UNIT 3 Safety写作能力提升练写作能力提升练本单元的话题为“安全与规则”。如何注意安全和遵守规则是本单元的写作话题。通过本单元的学习,学生要能够用简单的英语表达出遵守规则的重要性及如何远离危险,保证安全。本话题多采用一般现在时和祈使句来表达。单 词:safety,serious,careful,recover,scary,careless,prevent,slip,calm,rule.短 语:obey/follow the rules,look out/be careful/take care,look after/take care of,stay/keep away from,p

2、ay attention to,ask for help句 型:1.Its necessary for us to learn some rules.2.Stay away from danger.3.We should learn how to protect ourselves.4.Dont fight with classmates.常用衔接词:first,second,third,fourth,in a word目前,校园暴力时有发生,已经危害到中学生的身心健康。中学生应该懂得如何规范自身的行为习惯,保证自身安全,远离校园暴力。请根据以下要点提示,以“规范自我行为,做个合格的中学生”为

3、主题,写一篇不少于80词的英语短文。要点:1.遵守学校纪律,听从老师及家长的教育,严格要求自己;2.远离网吧,按时上学和回家;3.待人礼貌、友好,不与同学打架;4.遇到困难多与父母及老师沟通。要求:1.必须用到以上信息,可适当发挥;2.文中不得出现真实人名、校名等相关信息;3.要求句子连贯,语意通顺,书写规范。参考词汇:campus violence校园暴力_【审题指导审题指导】1.体裁体裁:议论文2.人称人称:第一人称3.时态时态:一般现在时【思路构建思路构建】【范文赏析范文赏析】Campus violence happens from time to time nowadays.It is

4、 harmful to students.It hurts not only our bodies but also our minds.As a student,it is important to know how to be a good teenager.First,we should follow school rules to behave well at school.Its good for us to listen to the teachers and parents.We must be strict with ourselves.Second,to be safe,we

5、 should stay away from the Internet bar,and go to school and go back home on time.Third,as teenagers,we should be friendly to one another,and dont fight with classmates.Fourth,if we have difficulties in life,its best to talk about them with our teachers and parents.In a word,we should try our best t

6、o behave well.点评:点评:1.“疑问词+不定式”how to be a good teenager结构的运用较好地概述了文章的主题。2.first,second,third,fourth这些序数词的运用使得文章思路清晰,条理性强。3.in a word的运用强化了主题,起到了总结的作用。每个人的生命只有一次,你平安、健康、快乐地长大是父母最大的心愿,你保护好生命是对父母最好的报答。请你以“How to protect our lives”为题,写一篇如何珍惜和保护我们生命的短文。要求:1.不少于80词;2.文中不要出现本人真实信息;3.根据提示词每个角度至少选择三个方面来写,也可

7、适当发挥。提示词:traffic accidents,fight,drown(溺水),fire,electricity,food,exercise,sleep,the Internet,smoking,drugsHow to protect our lives_How to protect our livesEveryone has only one life.It is our parents best wishes to see us grow up safely,healthily and happily.In return,we should treasure our lives.Ho

8、w to protect our lives?Firstly,now there are more and more cars,so when we walk on the road,we must obey the traffic rules,especially at the traffic lights.At school,we should get on well with_our classmates.Dont fight with them,or well be hurt.Stay away from the dangerous places.Secondly,in my opinion,we should eat healthy food instead of junk food.Wed better have enough sleep and take exercise every day.We must refuse drugs as well as smoking.Besides,happiness is the most important thing.So smile every day!Be happy every day!_In a word,we must try our best to protect and value our lives!


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