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1、Learning ObjectivesUpon completion of this chapter,you will be able to:know the history of the Internet and the World Wide Web.understand the definition of e-pare traditional commerce and e-commerce.understand contemporary Chinas e-commerce.Unit 1 Introduction to E-commercePassage AThe History of th

2、e Internet and the World Wide Web 1.1Passage APassage AWhat Is Electronic Business?1.2Passage AIntroduction to E-commerce 1.3E-commerce,or electronic commerce,is a general term for any type of business,or commercial transaction that involves the transfer of information across the Internet.Simply spe

3、aking,it is buying and selling goods and services over the Internet.E-commerce is part of e-business as specified before.E-business is a structure that includes not only those transactions that center on buying and selling goods and services to generate revenue,but also those transactions that suppo

4、rt revenue generation.These activities include generating demand for goods and services,offering sales support and customer service,or facilitating communication between business partners.With the help of the flexibility offered by computer networks and the availability of the Internet,e-commerce de

5、velops on traditional commerce.E-commerce creates new opportunities for performing profitable activities online.It promotes easier cooperation between different groups:businesses sharing information to improve customer relations;companies working together to design and build new products or services

6、;or multinational company sharing information for a major marketing campaign.The following are the business uses of the Internet.These services and capabilities are a core part of a successful e-commerce program.Passage A buying and selling products and services providing customer service communicat

7、ing within companies collaborating with others gathering information(on competitors,and so forth)providing seller support publishing and distributing information providing software update and patches Travel tickets,banking services,books,clothing,computer hardware,software,fl owers and gifts are som

8、e popular products and services that can be purchased online.Several successful e-businesses have established their business models around selling these products and services.E-commerce has the potential to generate revenue and reduce costs for businesses and entities.Retailers,banks,insurance,gover

9、nment,training,online publishing,travel industry are some of the main recipients of e-commerce.For instance,banks use the Web for diverse business practices and customer service.Passage AComparing Traditional Commerce and E-commerce 1.4In e-commerce,there may be no physical stores,and in most cases

10、the buyer and the seller do not see each other.The Web and telecommunication technologies play a major role in e-commerce.Although the goals and objectives of both e-commerce and traditional commerce are the sameselling products and services to generate profitsthey do it quite differently.Traditiona

11、l commerce presents product information by using magazines,fl yers.On the other hand,e-commerce presents product information by using websites and online catalogs.Traditional commerce communicates by regular mail,phone yet e-commerce communicates by e-mail.Traditional commerce checks product availab

12、ility by phone,fax and letter.However,e-commerce checks by e-mail,website,and internal network.Traditional commerce generates orders and invoices by printed forms but e-commerce by e-mail and website.Traditional commerce gets product acknowledgments by phone and fax.On the other hand,e-commerce gets

13、 them by e-mail,website and EDI.It is important to notice that currently many companies operate with a mix of traditional commerce and e-commerce.Just see about all medium and large organizations have some kind of e-commerce presence.The following are some examples,Toys“R”Us,Wal-Mart Stores and Gold

14、PC.参考译文 互联网和万维网的历史 1.1互联网起源于20世纪60年代美国国防部想要建立的非中央控制式的网络。不 久,商家就发现通过有效使用互联网可以调整公司的运营并且为顾客提供更优质的 新型服务,因此广大商家开始在互联网上投资,促使其飞速发展。这些投资也催生 了广大通信运营商和软硬件供应商之间的激烈竞争,以满足企业的网上发展要求。其结果是导致互联网带宽(即通信线路的信息承载能力)急速提升,网费全面下 降。人们普遍认为互联网在经济发展中起到至关重要的作用。万维网让任何计算机用户可以上传并浏览任何主题的多媒体文件(即含有文 本、图表、动画、声音和视频的任何文件)。虽然互联网出现在五十多年前,但

15、万 维网的引入相对来说晚得多。1990年,当时在欧洲粒子物理研究所(CERN)工作 的蒂姆伯纳斯李发明了万维网和数个通信协议,构成了万维网的基石。互联网和万维网势必列入人类的伟大发明之中。过去,大多数计算机应用软件 都是在独立的电脑上运行的(如未联网的电脑)。而如今的应用程序却可以在全世 界数以百万计的计算机之间进行通信。互联网结合计算机技术和通信技术让我们的 工作更加简单便捷。互联网让信息在全世界范围内快速、便捷地传播。它实现了个 人、企业与世界同步。在过去的十年里,互联网和万维网已经改变了人们沟通、从事商务活动和日常 生活的方式。它们正在改变做生意的本质。参考译文 什么是电子商业?1.2电

16、子商业由电子营销、电子商务及电子运营构成。下面分别来看它们的定义。电子商业:利用互联网技术以简化商务活动业务流程的各个方面。电子营销:建立在线网站来展示公司的产品或服务,并提供详细信息。(当 今互联网上的大部分小企业实际上都在做电子营销。)电子商务:在互联网上销售产品和服务,执行付款,处理交易中的细节并为 顾客提供相应的服务。电子运营:通过精简商务活动的流程和步骤,以确保公司内部各职能部门之 间的高效率。实际上,有意从事电子商业的公司大体上都从电子营销开始起步,然后进入电 子商务和电子运营阶段。参考译文 电子商务简介 1.3电子商务是任何涉及通过互联网进行信息转换的商务活动的总称。简单来说,电子商务就是在互联网上买卖商品和服务。正如前面讲到的一样,电子商务是电子 商业的一部分。电子商业不仅包括以买卖商品和服务为中心,从而获取收入的这些交易,还包 括为买卖创收提供支持的所有交易活动。这些活动包括创造顾客对产品和服务的需 求,提供售后支持和顾客服务,或促进商务伙伴之间的交流等。电子商务借助计算机网络的灵活性和互联网的便利,在传统商业上发展起来,创造了在网上开展营利性活动的新机会。它促进了不



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