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1、英语板书(多篇)推荐第9篇:英语课堂板书设计 课 堂 板 书 设 计 一:内容的回顾: A:是教师在教学过程中,配合语言、媒体等,运用文字、符号、图表向学生传播信息的教学行为方式。板书是教师必备的基本教学技能。 有研究表明,识别一种东西:用言语描述需要2.3秒 ,用线条符号和图示只要1.5秒, 用黑白照片只需要1.2秒,用彩色照片只要0.9秒,用实物只要0.4秒。 我们不可能在课堂教学中事事处处利用实物,使用线条符号是最简单可行的方法 。 B:板书的内容(静态:贯穿整个课堂始终的 动态:及时的,流动的) C:板书的目的和作用:教学目标的达成 突破教学重难点 增强教学效果 提高学生书写技能 D:

2、大家在平时的教学中出现的问题(自己教学或听课中) E:板书设计原则: 1、板书字迹过大或过小 科学、简洁 2、板书字迹不工整 (有限时间内快捷方式,Sunday-Sun) 3、板书的呈现内容条理不清晰 和谐、审美 4、板书内容没有突出重难点 (布局主副板块,书写,色彩) 5、板书的布局不合理 6、板书的呈现和教授不同步 新颖、灵活 7、板书没有针对学生水平 8、图片过大或过小 适时、适用(呈现和撤离的方法) 9、图片和文字内容的搭配不合理 10、图片的色彩不具吸引力 11、单词拼写错误 切合学生和教材的实际 (根据不同的教学目的和对象来设计) (连线) 二、板书的类型:(T给题材,老师选择最佳

3、方式板书,老师举其他例子) 陈列式:陈列重点、简明扼要 提纲式:提纲挈领、概括分析 分类式:条理分类,归纳总结 比较式:比较对照,理解巩固 表格式:分栏分类,综合比较 图文式:图文结合,感知理解 趣味式:生动有趣,创意无限 四、其他需要注意的问题: 1、多种教学媒体的相互结合 2、在备课中有预见性,在实际操作中能根据需要及时灵活调整 3、常用的符号和标记相对固定,如:可替换内容、重点词、词形后缀、等相对应的符号,如,_, , 4、板书的正确姿势 5、结合自身特点,扬长避短。 案例设计: 1.教学对象: (4-6岁) happy sad mad Im happy / sad / mad. 2.教

4、学对象:(7-9岁) I like apples. He likes bananas. She likes pears. We like peaches. They like grapes. 3. (7-9岁) (10-12岁) never sometimes often always 4. 篇章的分析 Elvis Presley Elvis Presley came from a very poor family.He was born on 8 January 1935 in Miiippi.Elvis loved music.He went to church every Sunday

5、and sang with other people.When he was 13, his mother bought him a guitar.In the same year Elvis and his family moved to Memphis, Tenneee.One day in 1954 he went to a recording studio called Sun Records.He wanted to make a record to his mothers birthday.The bo, Sam Phillips, became Elvis manager and

6、 Elvis made his first single Thats All Right, Mama.It proved to be a great succe.When it was played on the radio stations, American young people went wild. In 1955 Elvis appeared on TV in New York.The following year he went to Hollywood and made his first film Lover Me Tender.In the next two years h

7、e had many hit records.Then in 1958 Elvis joined the America army and went to Germany.When he returned to the United States in the early 1960s, pop music was not the same.British groups like the Beatles and the Rolling Stones were the new stars.Elvis was a millionaire, but he was a very lonely man.I

8、n his last years he became fat and sad.He died of a heart attack on 16 August 1977 in his house at Graceland, Memphis.But for his millions of fans throughout the world, Elvis is still the king.Not like these kids today with all their electronic machines.He was the King, really, the King of Rock and

9、Roll. 推荐第10篇:英语板书设计评比台(供参考) 1 变色龙吃苍蝇。 2 剪羊毛。 3 老牛除草。 4 小猫玩毛线球。 5 拯救小猪。(获胜队得剪子) 6 小猫吃蛋糕。(获胜队得一块砖头) 7 钓鱼。 8 鲸鱼。(获胜队得水珠) 9 海豹与苍蝇。 10 小蝌蚪找妈妈。 11 鳄鱼拔牙。 12 母鸡下蛋。 13 美丽的大嘴。(获胜队得口红) 14 沙漠之路。(获胜队得脚印) 15 孔雀开屏。 16 小鸡快跑。 17 我爱吃叶子。 18 小偷夺宝。 19 春天里。 第11篇:英语教学中板书优化的探讨 中学英语 梁平县袁驿中学 谢超 18323632834 英语教学中板书优化的探讨 Summa

10、ry :Writing-on-the-blackboard is an important step in the proceion of teaching.It can affect the result of teaching directly.In the English-teaching proceion, a teacher must pay more attention to his or her own design of writing on the blackboard, for English is a foreign language to his or her stud

11、ents.While writing on the blackboard, the teachers must follow the principles as follows: 1) the principle of aim 2) the principle of terse and concise 3)the principle of writing in order 4) the principle of standard writing. The methods of the writing-on-the-blackboard design arent always unchanged

12、.Teachers can work out a different design going with a different type of text.There are many types of writing-on-the-blackboard, such as Analysis, Contrast, Drawing-with-text, Diagram, Frame and so on.Of course there are many more types of design.Teachers should take advantage of them flexibly and g

13、et the best effect on teaching. All in all, a good design of writing-on-the-blackboard can not only display the outline of a text fully, but also it can make a full show of teachers fine plot of the text and bring the students into the feeling beauty. Key Words: design of writing-on-the-blackboard English teaching the followed principle methods 内容 7Word版本



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