遵义师范学院《大学英语4》课件-unit 8

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1、Unit Eight遵义师范学院大学英语4I PreparationII Reading ActivitiesIII Further Development IV Translation&Writing Part I Preparation 1.Word Association2.Reading a poemActivity 1 Word AssociationDirections:Work in groups.Try to think of as many expressions as possible that are related to time,such as“Time flies”

2、,“Have a good time”.Then write them on the blackboard.The group who gets the most wins.Activity 1 Word Associationat the same time,arrange ones time,afford the time,all the time,at times(有时有时),before/ahead of ones time,behind the time(落后落后),for the time being(暂时暂时),from time to time(有时,有时,偶尔偶尔),gain

3、 time,hard times,have a good time,have no time for,in no time(立刻立刻),in time,in ones spare/free time,keep up/march with times(跟上潮流跟上潮流),kill time,lose time,make up the time,on time,race against time(争取时间争取时间),run out of time,spare time,take ones time(不慌不忙不慌不忙),take time off(请假请假),time and again,time

4、clock,time-consuming,time-saving,time limit,timepiece,time zone,the concept of time,time-urgent(紧紧迫的迫的),value time,waste time,work against time(争取时间工作争取时间工作)Activity 1 Word AssociationTime flies.Time is money.Time is up.Time and tide wait for no man.Time is the best healer.Time tames the strongest g

5、rief.Lost time is never found again.Time tries all.Time heals most troubles.Time works wonders.Time will show.Time does not bow to you,you must bow to time.What may be done at any time will be done at no time.时间飞逝;光阴似箭。时间飞逝;光阴似箭。时间就是金钱。时间就是金钱。时间到了。时间到了。岁月不等人。岁月不等人。时间是最好的医生。时间是最好的医生。时间可以冲淡最强烈的悲伤。时间可以

6、冲淡最强烈的悲伤。已逝岁月不可返。已逝岁月不可返。时间检验一切。时间检验一切。时间治愈一切。时间治愈一切。时间创造奇迹。时间创造奇迹。时间会证明一切。时间会证明一切。时时间间对对人人不不屈屈就就,人人对对时时间间须低头。须低头。因循蹉跎,一事无成。因循蹉跎,一事无成。Directions:work in pairs.Read and discuss the following poem about“time”.Try to answer the questions below.What are your impressions of the poem?Can you cite some exa

7、mples in support of or against what is mentioned in the poem?Activity 2 Reading a poemTime is too slow for those who wait,Too swift for those who fear,Too long for those who grieve,Too short for those who rejoice,But for those who love,Time is eternity.Activity 2 Reading a poemoIt is a very beautifu

8、l poem.It shows how time changes depending on our point of view or our emotions.oThis is a poem in rhythm.The more you read this rhymed verse,the more youll like it.Pay attention to the verbs like“wait”,“fear”,“grieve”,“rejoice”and“love”.Different attitudes towards time lead to different length of t

9、ime.Activity 2 Reading a poemPart II Reading Activities1.Pre-reading Questions2.Text Organization3.Sentence Study4.Words&Phrases1.Whats a biological clock?Do you think theres one in you?If so,give evidence.Pre-reading Questions The biological clock is the time system in plants and animals that contr

10、ols behavior such as sleeping and eating.I think there is a biological clock in me because I often hear it tick.For example,I wake up at 6:30 almost every morning although I go to bed at different times.I always have my meals at the same time each day,otherwise I will feel very hungry and cant wait

11、to eat.2.Have you ever thought of the relationship between time and health?Can you tell in what way they are related?Pre-reading Questions Time may be related to health.Those who make good use of time are generally less stressed than those who dont know how to manage their time in an efficient way.A

12、nd hose who work too hard and therefore dont leave themselves enough time to rest are most likely to suffer from illnesses.Text OrganizationA common problem:time sicknessSimple techniques to change and master ones own time.The mind can alter rhythm of time in many ways and culture perceive time diff

13、rently.General synchronisation and desynchronisationHow to Take Your TimePara.1-4Para.5-6Para.7-8Para.9-141.They remind me that my life is not ruled by clocks,that I can choose the time I live by.(Line 2)Sentence Study【解析】live by:按的原则过活,按照的规律生活【例句】He lives by a strict moral code.I have always tried

14、to live by the principles which my parents taught me.2.How a person thinks about time can kill him,according to Dossey,a pioneer in the emerging science of chronobiology,the study of how time interacts with life.(Line 4)Sentence Study【译文】多希博士研究时间生物学,是这门新兴学科的开拓者。该多希博士研究时间生物学,是这门新兴学科的开拓者。该学科研究的是时间与生活是

15、如何相互影响的。学科研究的是时间与生活是如何相互影响的。【例句】这两种化学物质在一定的气温条件下相互作用,产生出一种会引起这两种化学物质在一定的气温条件下相互作用,产生出一种会引起爆炸的物质。爆炸的物质。These two chemicals interact with each other at a certain temperature to produce a substance which could cause an explosion.3.They were all time addicts,taught since childhood to schedule their live

16、s by societys clock,and all felt lost without the security of a timepiece.(Line 17)Sentence Study【译文】他们从孩提时代起就受到这样的教育:他们从孩提时代起就受到这样的教育:要按社会的时钟安排自己的生活。一旦没有了要按社会的时钟安排自己的生活。一旦没有了计时器所给予的安全感,他们就会茫然若失。计时器所给予的安全感,他们就会茫然若失。addict:成性的人,上瘾的人成性的人,上瘾的人a drug addicta baseball addict4.isolated from external time cues of light,temperature and humidity,their own complex internal timekeeping rhythms became desynchronized;then they resynchronized in unison.(Line 28)Sentence Study de-=down from deplane 下飞机 dethron


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