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1、2020年中考一轮复习课件年中考一轮复习课件 (7A Units 58)基础精梳理基础精梳理 类别类别 中考考点助记中考考点助记 词语词语联想联想1.celebrate vi.&vt.1.celebrate vi.&vt.庆祝庆祝_ (_ (名词名词)2 2full adj.full adj.满的满的_(_(反义词反义词)3 3inside adv.inside adv.在里面在里面 _(_(反义词反义词)4 4special adj.special adj.特殊的特殊的_ (_ (副词副词)5 5different adj.different adj.不同的不同的_ (_ (名词名词)6 6

2、keep vt.keep vt.保持保持_(_(过去式过去式)_()_(过去分词过去分词)7 7health n.health n.健康健康_(_(形容词形容词)_ ()_ (副词副词)celebration celebration empty empty outsideoutsidespecially specially difference difference kept kept kept kept healthy healthy healthily healthily 类别类别 中考考点助记中考考点助记 词语词语联想联想8 8tooth n.tooth n.牙齿牙齿_(_(复数复数)9

3、 9energy n.energy n.能量能量_(_(形容词形容词)1010collect vt.collect vt.收集收集_ (_ (名词名词)11.cost vt.11.cost vt.值值(多少钱多少钱)_()_(过去式过去式)_(_(过去分词过去分词)1212cheap adj.cheap adj.便宜的便宜的_(_(反义词反义词)1313spend vt.spend vt.度过度过_(_(过去式过去式)_()_(过去分词过去分词)1414lend vt.lend vt.借给借给_(_(过去式过去式)_()_(过去分词过去分词)teeth teeth energeticenerg

4、eticcollection collection cost cost cost cost expensive expensive spent spent spent spent lent lent lent lent 类类别别 中考考点助记中考考点助记 词词语语联联想想1515gentleman n.gentleman n.先生先生_(_(复数复数)1616scarf n.scarf n.围巾围巾_(_(复数复数)1717lie vi.lie vi.躺,平放躺,平放_(_(现在分词现在分词)_(_(过去式过去式)_()_(过去分词过去分词)1818important adj.importan

5、t adj.重要的重要的_(_(名词名词)gentlemengentlemenscarves scarves lying lying lay lay lain lain importance importance 反义词:反义词:fortable(adj.)_(adv.)_(v.)comfortablycomfort类别类别 中考考点助记中考考点助记 短语短语精选精选1.装扮成装扮成_2得到许多精美的礼物得到许多精美的礼物 _3聚会,联欢聚会,联欢 _4欣赏满月欣赏满月 _5在圣诞节在圣诞节 _6在那天在那天 _7吃大餐吃大餐 _8告诉某人关于某事告诉某人关于某事 _9玩得开心玩得开心 _10

6、给某人某物作为招待给某人某物作为招待 _dress up asdress up as get lots of nice presentsget lots of nice presents get togetherget together enjoy the full moonenjoy the full moonat Christmasat Christmas on that dayon that day have a big dinnerhave a big dinner tell sb about sthtell sb about sth have lots of funhave lots

7、 of fun give sb sth as a treatgive sb sth as a treat 类别类别 中考考点助记中考考点助记 短语短语精选精选11捉弄某人捉弄某人 _12用用制成制成 _13狮子舞狮子舞 _14彼此,互相彼此,互相 _15发现发现 _16在休假中在休假中 _17拍照拍照 _18在晚上在晚上 _19放烟花放烟花 _20每年的这个时候每年的这个时候 _play a trick/tricks on sbplay a trick/tricks on sbmakemakeout ofout of lion dancelion danceeach othereach oth

8、er find outfind out on holidayon holidaytake photostake photos at nightat night let off fireworkslet off fireworksat this time of yearat this time of year 类别类别 中考考点助记中考考点助记 短语短语精选精选21为为做好准备做好准备 _22敲门敲门 _23使使离开离开 _24保持健康保持健康 _25去参加,去从事(某项活动或运动去参加,去从事(某项活动或运动)_26在两餐之间在两餐之间 _27太多的糖分太多的糖分 _28计划做某事计划做某事

9、_29多于,不仅仅多于,不仅仅 _30散步散步 _ 吃吃当早饭当早饭_get ready forget ready forknock on/at oneknock on/at ones door s door keepkeepaway fromaway fromkeep fit/healthykeep fit/healthyhavehavefor breakfastfor breakfast between mealsbetween mealstoo much sugartoo much sugar plan to do sthplan to do sth take a walktake a

10、walk go for sthgo for sthmore thanmore than类别类别 中考考点助记中考考点助记 短语短语精选精选31整个下午整个下午 _32沿着街道沿着街道 _33对对感兴趣感兴趣 _34稍等片刻稍等片刻 _35看一看看一看 _36与与不同不同 _37一双鞋一双鞋 _38试穿试穿 _39来自不同地区的食物来自不同地区的食物 _40看电影看电影 _the whole afternoonthe whole afternoon down the streetdown the streetbe interested in/have an interest inbe inter

11、ested in/have an interest in just a minutejust a minutetake a looktake a look(at (at)be different frombe different from a pair of shoesa pair of shoes try ontry on/try it ontry it onfoods from different areas foods from different areas watch filmswatch films 类别类别 中考考点助记中考考点助记 短语短语精选精选41考虑考虑 _42再花十分钟

12、再花十分钟 _43和和都都 _44由由制成制成 _45写信给写信给 _46与某人谈话与某人谈话 _47等候等候 _think aboutthink about spend ten more minutesspend ten more minutes bothbothandand be made ofbe made of write towrite to talk to sbtalk to sb wait forwait for 类别类别 中考考点助记中考考点助记 短语短语精选精选48寻找寻找 _49一个接一个一个接一个 _50适合于适合于 _51认为;考虑认为;考虑 _52在在.的开始的开始

13、_look forlook for one after anotherone after another be fit forbe fit for think ofthink of at the beginning ofat the beginning of考点考点1 another det.&pron.别的;不同的;又一,另一Unit 7,P88【图表辨析】C 考查代词的用法。考查代词的用法。oneonethe otherthe other意为意为“一个一个另一个另一个”。otherother意为意为“其余的其余的”,后跟,后跟名词复数;名词复数;anotheranother意为意为“另一个

14、另一个”,指三者或三,指三者或三者以上的另一个;者以上的另一个;the otherthe other指两者之中的指两者之中的“另一另一个个”;othersothers意为意为“其余的,别的其余的,别的”,后面不跟,后面不跟名词。结合句意可知此处指两者之中的另一个。名词。结合句意可知此处指两者之中的另一个。典型例题典型例题My family has two cats.One is black,_is white.A.other B.anotherC.the otherD.othersIf you prefer the red evening dress,youll have to pay _ 3

15、0 dollars,because its made of silk.Ok.Here you are.Aother Bthe otherCmore DanotherD【教材扫描】Sorry,thats too expensive.Can we see Sorry,thats too expensive.Can we see another pair?another pair?考点考点2:keep vt.保持Unit 6,P68【固定搭配】keep away from远离;keep up with跟上;keep the record保持纪录;keep off 使让开,不接近;keep quiet

16、保持安静【拓展延伸】keepadj.表示“保持某种状态”。keep动名词,表示“一直做某事”。keepsb./sth.adj.表示“使某人/某物处于某种状态”。keepsb./sth.表示地点的介词短语,表示“让某人(物)一直在某地”。keep sb./sth.(on)doing sth,表示“让某人/物一直做某事”。keepsb./sth.from doing sth.,表示“阻止、防止某人(物)做某事”,相当于stop/prevent sb./sth.(from)doing sth.cleanclean意为意为“干净的干净的”;drydry意为意为“干旱的干旱的”;quietquiet意为意为“安静的安静的”,warmwarm意为意为“暖和的暖和的”。根。根据答语据答语“我将立刻打扫它我将立刻打扫它”可知选可知选A A。典型例题典型例题Your room is very dirty.You should keep it _.OK.Ill sweep it right away.A.clean B.dry C.quiet D.warmA根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。T


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