贵州师范学院《大学英语4》课件-Unit 6

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1、Pre-readingPre-readingWhile-readingWhile-readingAfter-readingAfter-reading Im Losing My Canadian English贵州师范学院大学英语42.Differences 3.Warm-up activity1.DiscussionText:Pre-readingText:Pre-reading1.Discussion:Work in groups and discuss the following questions.(1)What is language?Do you know how many lang

2、uages there are in the world?(2)Do you know that there is more than one kind of English?How many kinds of English are there in the world?(3)Are you familiar with British English and its history?What about Canadian English?Pre-readingPre-readingPre-readingPre-reading2.Difference between AmE and BrE:A

3、merican English British English公寓 apartment flat 洗手间 bathroom/restroom toilet 罐头 can tin 糖果 candy sweets 电梯 elevator lift 果酱 jelly jam 足球 soccer football 人行道 sidewalk pavement 橡皮擦 eraser rubber Pre-readingPre-reading3.Watch a viedo and retell it.While-readingWhile-reading:TextText Im Losing My Canad

4、ian EnglishWhile-readingWhile-reading:TextText Im Losing my Canadian English 1 English,I have learned,isnt just one language.Depending on where you live in the English-speaking world,words can develop new meanings or spiral into new directions.While-readingWhile-reading:TextText2 When I prepared for

5、 my move to Britain,I didnt think my English would be much different from that of my British peers.I was wrong.My job as a writer and editor has forced me to examine these differences closely,and it has made me realize just how much language can create-and change-your identity.3 I have found,to my g

6、reat distress,that I am beginning to forget what I,as an English-speaking Canadian,should be saying or how I should pronounce it.When I left Canada at 23,having spent a wonderful four years in Ottawa and,before that,having grown up among the mountains in northern British Columbia,I felt strongly roo

7、ted to our great nation.Im now married to a Brit,and as the years go by,I have begun to notice those roots becoming increasingly fragile.At 30,Im heartbroken that I have left Canada,and that Canada is starting to leave me.While-readingWhile-reading:TextText 4 Before moving to Wales as an exchange st

8、udent,I took a seminar on how to adapt to life in a foreign country.I was cautioned by the instructor at Carleton University that the people most likely to feel culture shock were actually the people who went to Britain,not those who moved to the different cultures of say Chile or Italy.This was bec

9、ause the Britain-bound people didnt prepare themselves for the change.They assumed living among English-speaking people in what is effectively the birthplace of English Canadas culture would be just like home.In fact,it very much isnt.While-readingWhile-reading:TextText5 Its not just language that s

10、eparates the two cultures,but it is a key feature that defines us.Brits call their sidewalks pavements,their car trunks boots,their candies sweets,and they dont know what a tuque is.To blend in and relate to those around me,I have had to learn to strip my vocabulary of any foreign-sounding words.6 O

11、ne of my first jobs here was editing copy at a regional newspaper.I remember reading through a reporters copy describing a good gardener as having green fingers.I changed the words and passed the story along because,as any right-thinking person knows,a good gardener has a green thumb.The puzzled rep

12、orter later approached my desk.He ventured timidly,It appears that someone has changed my copy to say the gardener has green thumbs.He looked at me,clearly aghast that anyone could make such a mistake.Er,I replied,I think I can explain.While-readingWhile-reading:TextText7 In reality,no one can reall

13、y explain how the English language can be used in such different ways in different parts of the world in this age of converging media and mass communication.8 What I do know is I have immersed myself in the language of Britain and it is beginning to be all that I know.Though at first using a loo see

14、med strange,and asking for directions to a toilet seemed a little bit too direct,I now find it quaint when I hear tourists ask directions to the washroom.While-readingWhile-reading:TextText9 Its not surprising that I am adapting my language to my surroundings.When in Rome,right?But there are increas

15、ingly moments when,along with my Canadian language,I feel my Canadian identity is slowly slipping away.10 Ive referred to hockey as ice hockey-even to Canadian friends-a sure sign that my cultural boundaries have shifted.In Britain,field hockey is the more popular sport and retains the generic hocke

16、y title.I now live in a road,not on it,and when Im under pressure Im under the cosh.I ask yall right?instead of howre you?And I say cheers instead of thank you.Describing places such as Vietnam and Thailand as the Far East is also common practice here,and although it jars,Ive accepted that its not meant to be derogatory,nor is it consciously imperialist.11 Ive also completely forgotten how Im supposed to pronounce derby,leisure,process,depot or Caribbean.My accent has become slightly anglicized



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