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1、 Unit 10 Can I help you?How much is the red sweater?Its _ yuan.89How much is the grey coat?Its _ yuan.126How much is the red jacket?Its _ yuan.238How much is the blouse?Its _ yuan.55My shoes are old and broken(穿破),穿破),I want to buy a pair of new shoes.shoesa pair of shoes(一双一双/一对一对)Lets watch my sho

2、pping video!Lets talk:1.How to ask the price.(问价格)(问价格)2.Talk about how to buy the shoes in group.(2min)(联系实际生活思考购物场景和用语)联系实际生活思考购物场景和用语)3.Show time.Can I help you?shoes鞋子复数鞋子复数¥Can I help you?Yes,please.I want to buy a pair of shoes.How much are the black shoes?Theyre 399 yuan.I will take them.Than

3、k you!Here you are.Heres the money.Good morning.Good morning.Welcome to our shop!Welcome to our shop!Bye bye!Welcome to come again.Bye bye!Welcome to come again.I go on(继续)继续)shopping.What do you see?a pair of socksa pair of shortsa pair of jeansa pair of trousersblouseclockHow much are the green so

4、cks?Theyre 5 yuan.¥5¥45¥90¥134shorts45原价:¥原价:¥20原价:¥原价:¥150原价:¥原价:¥300原价:¥原价:¥268Do you want anything else?a big sockLearning tips:1.Write the price of clothes.(写价格写价格)2.Practise in pairs。注意注意礼貌用语。礼貌用语。3.思考购物过程中出现思考购物过程中出现不合不合穿或不购买穿或不购买应该怎样用英语应该怎样用英语说说。4.Show time.1.Its too small for me.(太小了太小了.)2.I

5、ts too big for me.(太大了太大了.)3.Its too expensive.(太贵了太贵了.)4.Its out of stock.(没货了没货了.)5.I dont like the color.(我不喜欢颜色我不喜欢颜色.)6.I dont like this style.(我不喜欢这个(我不喜欢这个款式款式.)7.Sorry!I wont take them.(对不起,我不买了对不起,我不买了.)Matters:A:Good morning.Welcome to our shop!Can I help you?B:Yes,please.I want to buy a p

6、air of trousers.A:Do you like these trousers?B:No,I dont like this style I wont take them.A:It doesnt matter.A:Good morning.Welcome to our shop!Can I help you?B:Yes,please.I want to buy a pair of jeans.How much are the blue jeans?A:Theyre 120 yuan.B:Ok,but its too big for me.A:What about these?Do yo

7、u like them?B:Ok,Ill take them.A:Thank you!Byebye!Listen and answerQuestions:1.Ben wants to buy_A.Shoes B.jeans C.shoes and jeans2.How much are the blue jeans?3.What colour are the shoes?Sum-up:a pair ofshoessocksshortsjeanstrousers复数名词问价格复数名词问价格:How much are the.?Theyre.yuan.主要的主要的购物用语购物用语:Can I he

8、lp you?Yes,please.I want to buy./I want.How much are the.?Theyre yuan.Ill take them.Home work:1.Cope the new words.2.Recite the shopping dialogue.3.Practise how to buy clothes in pairs。4.Search for more clothes and shopping sentences from the internet.(选做)选做)我最喜欢英语我最喜欢英语Unit 8 I like English best.Un

9、it 8 I like English best.subject学科(科目)学科(科目)science 科学科学 best about 最好最好 大约,关于大约,关于 favourite最喜欢的最喜欢的 subject science学科(科目)学科(科目)科学科学 best about 最好最好 大约,关于大约,关于 favourite最喜欢的最喜欢的 write stories 写写故事故事tell a story 讲故事讲故事story 故事故事store 商店商店Everything(代词)(代词)所有事情learn 学习学习study We are learning English.

10、我们正在学习我们正在学习英语。英语。everyone 每个人singsing(动词)(动词)唱歌唱歌songsong(名词)(名词)歌曲歌曲sing a song 唱歌唱歌longlong长的长的I like singing.我喜欢唱歌。我喜欢唱歌。understandunderstand懂得,明白懂得,明白worldworld(名词)(名词)世界世界sportsportDo you understand?你们明白了吗?你们明白了吗?in the world 在世界上在世界上all over the world 全世全世界界你会表达你会表达“最喜欢最喜欢”吗?:吗?:句型结构:主语句型结构:主

11、语+like/likes+某人某人/某物某物+best.我最喜欢我爸爸。我最喜欢我爸爸。I like my father best.她最喜欢苹果。她最喜欢苹果。She likes apple best.第二课时:第二课时:学习课文啦啦学习课文啦啦学习课文啦啦学习课文啦啦1.How many subjects do you have?你们有多少个学科你们有多少个学科?2.We have seven subjects.我们有七个学科。我们有七个学科。3.Wow!What is you favourite subject?哇!你最喜欢什么学科哇!你最喜欢什么学科?4.My favourite sub

12、ject is Chinese.I like to write stories.我最喜欢的科目是语文。我最喜欢的科目是语文。我喜欢写故事。我喜欢写故事。5.What about you?你呢?你呢?6.I like English best.I like to read English books.我最喜欢英语。我最喜欢英语。我喜欢读英语书。我喜欢读英语书。7.And you,Ben?你呢,本?你呢,本?8.My favourite subject iseverything!I love to learn.我最喜欢的科目是我最喜欢的科目是所所有科目!我喜欢有科目!我喜欢学习学习。numbern

13、umber数学数学运用数字运用数字美术美术画画画画nunumber mber 数字数字memember mber 成员成员a lucky number 幸运数字幸运数字singsing songsong音乐音乐唱歌唱歌sportsport体育体育进行进行体育运动体育运动understandunderstandworldworld科学科学了解了解世界世界作业:作业:1.抄今天学习的单词,抄今天学习的单词,一个两行。一个两行。2.读一读课文(读一读课文(5遍)。遍)。我最喜欢英语我最喜欢英语Unit 8 I like English best.Unit 8 I like English best.

14、subject学科(科目)学科(科目)science 科学科学 best about 最好最好 大约,关于大约,关于 favourite最喜欢的最喜欢的 subject science学科(科目)学科(科目)科学科学 best about 最好最好 大约,关于大约,关于 favourite最喜欢的最喜欢的 write stories 写写故事故事tell a story 讲故事讲故事story 故事故事store 商店商店Everything(代词)(代词)所有事情learn 学习学习study We are learning English.我们正在学习我们正在学习英语。英语。everyon

15、e 每个人singsing(动词)(动词)唱歌唱歌songsong(名词)(名词)歌曲歌曲sing a song 唱歌唱歌longlong长的长的I like singing.我喜欢唱歌。我喜欢唱歌。understandunderstand懂得,明白懂得,明白worldworld(名词)(名词)世界世界sportsportDo you understand?你们明白了吗?你们明白了吗?in the world 在世界上在世界上all over the world 全世全世界界你会表达你会表达“最喜欢最喜欢”吗?:吗?:句型结构:主语句型结构:主语+like/likes+某人某人/某物某物+be

16、st.我最喜欢我爸爸。我最喜欢我爸爸。I like my father best.她最喜欢苹果。她最喜欢苹果。She likes apple best.第二课时:第二课时:学习课文啦啦学习课文啦啦学习课文啦啦学习课文啦啦1.How many subjects do you have?你们有多少个学科你们有多少个学科?2.We have seven subjects.我们有七个学科。我们有七个学科。3.Wow!What is you favourite subject?哇!你最喜欢什么学科哇!你最喜欢什么学科?4.My favourite subject is Chinese.I like to write stories.我最喜欢的科目是语文。我最喜欢的科目是语文。我喜欢写故事。我喜欢写故事。5.What about you?你呢?你呢?6.I like English best.I like to read English books.我最喜欢英语。我最喜欢英语。我喜欢读英语书。我喜欢读英语书。7.And you,Ben?你呢,本?你呢,本?8.My favourite subjec



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