西边用英文怎么说 西边的英文怎么说

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1、本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑西边用英文怎么说 西边的英文怎么说 西边的英文: west side 参考例句: Glasgow is on the western side of Scotland. 格拉斯哥在苏格兰的西边。 Russia falls nearly into two sections: a lowland west of the Yenisey river and uplands to the east. 叶尼塞河把俄罗斯的地形分为大体相等的两半,西边为平原低地,东边为高原山地。 When hell freezes over. 除非太阳从西边出来 Artillery wa

2、s deployed in the west. 炮兵部署在西边. Pisa is to the west(of Florence). 比萨在(佛罗伦萨的)西边. Youll get a dollar a pound when elephants roost in trees. 卖一块钱一磅?除非西边出太阳! A baptismal name,font 时,西边天空有一道红晖 The Western sky still burned with ragged bands of orange 西边天空上还有几抹凌乱不齐的橘黄色。 The western sky broke open; the illumination of the stars poured down from behind the dispersing clouds. 西边的天空开朗了;群星的光彩从消散的云层后边倾泻出来。 It was quiet now, the thunder had grumbled away to the west. 隆隆的雷声向西边传去,现在沉寂下来了。 2


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