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1、英语(五年级上册)Unit 5 What do they do?Sound time, Checkout time & Ticking timeTeaching aims and learning objectives教学目标1. 了解字母y在单词中的三种基本发音。2. 通过复习,能熟练运用所学句型对职业进行描述。3. 能在特定的情境中,熟练运用句型What do/ does . do? Im/ Hes/ Shes aI/He/She.来询问他人的职业。4. 通过复习和相关练习正确掌握第三人称单数后动词的变化。5. 培养学生对职业的认识,以及对各种职业的尊敬,引导学生们从小树立职业理想并为之努

2、力奋斗。Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty教学重点和难点:教学重点:1. 在情境中对熟练运用句型What do/does.do?Im/ Hes/ Shes aI/He/She.进行与职业相关话题的交流与讨论。2. 能够正确熟练运用本单元所涉及的职业类名词和句型。教学难点:问句中do和does是否正确使用以及对第三人称单数后动词变化形式的掌握。Teaching procedures 教学过程Step 1 IntroductionKnow the four learning aims in Ticking time. Prepa

3、re for the following learning tasks.Step 2 Ticking time 11. Try to guess the jobsE.g T: He saves people. He fights against fire. What does he do? S1: Hes a fireman/firefighter. T: She works in a hospital. She takes care of sick people. What does she do? S2: Shes a nurse.2. Describe and guess the job

4、s.3. Have known & Know moreT: I know youve known a lot of about jobs and you can describe them very well. Lets meet them again and find something interesting. We have known these words. Can you tell me the relationship between the verbs and the names of jobs? (PPT呈现左栏已学词汇,引导学生归纳)T: There are many wo

5、rds like this. Ill show you more. (PPT呈现右栏词汇)4. T: We also have learned these two jobs. What did you find? (PPT呈现police-policeman, fire-fireman)T: Right. There is a “man” at the end of the word. Now lets see some more. (PPT呈现milk-milkman, post-postman)5 .Family album T: In our last lesson, youve mad

6、e a family album. First, Ill show you my album, and then you can show yours.(学生展示自己的全家福并介绍家人的职业).6. Try to write(学生完成教材57页Think and write)8. Tick in the formStep 3 Ticking time 21. T: Boys and girls, we have known so many jobs. What do you want to be 20 years from now? There may be a class party aft

7、er 20 years. You meet each other and you see your old teacher. Please make a dialogue in pairs or in groups. One will be the teacher, the other(s) will be the students.2. Perform the dialogue3. Tick in the formStep 4 Ticking time 31. Complete the rhyme (PPT呈现)2. Chant the rhyme3. S make a new rhyme

8、and chant it4. Try to write (Page 26, Part F, 补充习题)T: This mans name is Bill. If you want to know his job, what question can you ask?S1: What does Bill do?T: Yes. Bill will tell you. (Bills self-introduction)T: Now can you describe Bills job to us? Pay attention to the third person singular verbs.5.

9、 Change Marys self-introduction (完成补充习题第26页F部分)6. Tick in the formStep 5 Ticking time 4 (Sound time)1. Lets read. (PPT呈现sky, butterfly, fly, I wish I could fly.)2. Read and chant. (PPT呈现小诗)3. Note the sound of the letter “y” in these words 4. Think of more words with the “y” and have the same sound.

10、 Read these words. 5. Read the words in each group and judge whether the ys have the same sound or not.6. T: How many sounds does the y have according to this exercise?(/j/ /i/ /ai/) Classify the words according to the sounds of letter “y”.7. Tick in the formStep 6 Homework1. Try to write a short co

11、mposition about your family. You can introduce with your family album next lesson.2. Finish the exercises in Work Book. (Part D & Part E)3. Try to remember the sounds of the words which have letter y.Teaching aids 教学准备:1. 教师准备: PPT,板书2. 学生准备:自制家庭相册,并尝试介绍家庭成员的职业板书设计: Unit5 What do they do? (Sound tim

12、e, Checkout time &Ticking time) y ai High , high in the sky, What do you do? Im a. I. I can see a butterfly. What does.do? Hes/Shes a . He/She. I wish I could fly!说课:本课时为第五单元第五课时,也是最后一个课时,既要复习旧知职业类单词和句型,又有教授语音新内容,并且还要在学生完成学习任务的同时,引导他们根据预设教学目标和达成度完成自我评价。因此,如何为整个单元画上句点以及对一个单元的知识点进行梳理是本课的重中之重。本课根据Ticki

13、ng time四个评价点设计了与之相契合的学习活动。第一个评价点为“谈论职业”,将职业描述设计成谜语游戏,巧妙地规避了单一的句型描述的机械性,游戏中学生需要准确把握职业特点并用句型正确表述,并用What does he/she do?来提问,将之前的问答换一种形式处理,让句型操练显得不呆板枯燥。同时,本课也不仅仅立足于课本上的职业类单词,还兼顾英语中构词法的渗透,通过动词与名词之间的构词规则,拓展一些常用职业类单词,培养学生的观察和归纳的能力,做到了“温故而知新”。家庭相册以及20年后的班级聚会的场景设定给了学生很好的主题和话题资源,从现实到想象,在合情合理的语言情景中练习和运用语言。对未来的

14、职业假设和展望极大地激发了学生互相交流的兴趣和欲望,是一次很特别的话题讨论和展示,通过这一活动,句型已经在学生的印象中进一步加深。为了突破本单元的教学难点第三人称单数动词的正确运用,本课以押韵诗为载体,先让学生来完善小诗,再有节奏地唱诵,再来模仿编一编,一步一步地帮助学生巩固助动词do、does以及动词第三人称单数形式的正确使用,最后配合一个补充习题上的练习,将口头说落实到笔头写,帮助学生拾级而上,完成听、说、读、写的技能目标。语音板块的教学则重在“讲透”,单词的呈现与画面结合,学生通过读来感知发音,寻找单词中的相同发音,掌握发音规律后达到“见词能读”,培养直拼的能力和语感,同时,语音训练不能仅局限于本单元,还需要对相同字母或相同因素进行辨析比较和建立联系来培养学生“读单词”的能力。本课所设计的判断与归纳联系,有效帮助学生掌握字母y的三种常见发音,与Ticking time相结合,实现了当堂学习、当堂消化、当堂巩固和当堂评价的学习目标。总之,这节课的教学目的既要立足于课本,又要教给学生学习方法,还需要拓展延伸,力求全方位地培养学生的综合语用能力。


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