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1、Fundamental Medical English Test (B)Part I Vocabulary (35%)Section ADirections: Choose the definition from choices marked A), B), C) and D) that best matches the stem or affix given in each item.1.stern/o-A) skullB) cartilageC) breastboneD) brain2.oste/o-A) jointB) marrowC) membraneD)bone3.-clastA)

2、to combine B) to joinC) to breakD) to put4.hem/o-A) fiberB) serumC) bloodD) clot-poiesisA) production B) immunization C) combination D) reductiongastr/o-A) esophagus B) pancreas C) stomach D) liverentcr/oA) jejunumB) ileumC) rectumD) small intestine8. crythr/oA) whiteB) redC) yellowD) green9. nephr/

3、oA) bladderB) ureterC) kidneyD) urethra10. para-A) insideB) outsideC) behindD) beside11. myo-A) tissue B) muscle C) cell D) plasmC) arteriolesD) veinsPassage 5As infants, we live without a sense of the past; as adults, we can recall events from decades ago. Scientists have only a vague understanding

4、 of this remarkable transition, when our sense of time expands beyond this mornings feeding and last weeks bath, but now they know a bit more: Conor Liston of Harvard University has determined that the beginnings of long-term recall arise between the ninth and the 17th month of a babys life, coincid

5、ing with structural changes in the memory-processing regions of the brain. Besides explaining why Junior doesn/t remember last month/s trip to Disney World, these results should help guide future research on the link between early behavioral development and changes in the infant brain.It wasnt dear

6、how long children in the first year of life could retain a memory of an event. Liston says. We were interested in testing the hypothesis that neurological developments at the end of the first year and the beginning of the second would result in a significant enhancement in this kind of memory.Liston

7、 showed a simple demonstration to infants ages 9,17, or 24 months old.The test results showed a huge difference between the test children who had been 9 months old when they saw the first demonstration and those who had been older. Whereas 9-month-olds dont really remember a thing after four months,

8、 17- and 24-month-olds do, Liston says. Something is happening in the brain between 9 and 17 months old that enables children to encode these memories efficiently and in such a way that they can be retained and retrieved after a long period of time, “Liston says. Researchers believe that changes in

9、certain regions of the brains frontal lobe and the hippocampus, which are associated with memory retention and retrieval, drive the rapid expansion of childhood recall. Previous studies have shown that the frontal lobes in humans begin to mature during the last quarter of the first year of life.List

10、ons work may help explain why adults can rarely remember anything from before their second birthday or so. Most people simply accept this infant amnesia“ as a fact of life. But its not dear why a 40-year-old has plenty of memories for something that happened 20 years ago, but a 20-year-old has basic

11、ally no memories for something that happened when he was 2or 3,Liston says. He suggests that the same brain mechanisms that were not yet able to encode long-term memories in 9-month-olds may also play some role in adults inability to remember events of infancy. Researchers still need to look at othe

12、r areas of cognitionsuch as what role languages ability plays in memoryto really fullyunderstand why people cant remember anything that happened before 2-3 years of age. But one thing is dear: When 1-year-old Snookums claims he doesnt remember breaking the heirloom china five months ago, hes almost

13、surely telling the truth.66. Conor Liston.A) has only a vague understanding of infants7 memoryB) has found something more about the origin of long-term recallC) has detected the regions of the brain responsible for memory-processingD) has established a theory about memory developmentAccording to thi

14、s passage,may promote the rapid expansion of childhood recall.A) the development of a sense of the pastB) the last quarter of the first year of lifeC) certain regions of the brainD) the maturation of the frontal lobes in humansAccording to Liston,initiate(s) the long-term recall ability of a child.A

15、) early behavioral developmentB) the memory-processing regions of the brainC) the changes in the brain between 9 and 17 months oldD) the changes in the brain between 17 and 24 months oldAccording to this passage, it is normal that.A) a 1 -year-oid cannot recall what has happened one month agoB) a 20

16、-year-old can recall what has happened when he was 2C) a 20-year-old fails to recall what has happened one month agoD) a 40-year-old has few memories for an event that happened 20 years ago 70. The proper title for this passage should be.A) Listons TestingB) Forgetting and MemoryC) Babys Forgotten Yea


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