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1、 Again 非主流填空非主流填空 The writer has traveled to the year AD.3005.He has to constantly _ his eyes to remind himself.Worried about the journey,he was u_ for the first few days and he suffered from“time _”.His friend and guide Wang Ping helped him by giving him some green _,which helped him a lot.“Future

2、Tours”t_ them safely into the future in a time _.rubunsettled lag tabletstransportedcapsule The seats were all comfortable.A few minutes later,they arrived at their _.At first he felt confused by the new _ and was hit by the _ of fresh air.After putting on a _ he felt better in no time.He got lost w

3、hen they reached _ looked like a large market because of people flying by in all _.destinationsurroundings lackmask whatdirictionsFold your textbooks and try to fill up the following gaps.1.I still cannot believe that I am _ _ my prize that was won last year.taking up2.I have to constantly rub my ey

4、es to _ myself that I have travelled to the year 3005.remind3.“Time lag”is similar to _ _.jet lag4.“Time lag”means keeping getting flashbacks from your _ time period.previous5.The six of us were called to the capsule together and climbed in through the round _opening6.My head _ for air lack.ached7.W

5、ang Ping sent me to a small room to rest for a while and I felt better _ _ _.Soon I was back _ _ _ again.in no time8.It took me only a few minutes to _ the idea of steering the hovering carriage and soon I could fly as fast as Wang Ping.masteron my feetWords and ExprssionsGuessWhat words or exprssio

6、ns do the following pictures remind you of?v.bend(bent;bent)n.carriagen.What do you think of me?impressionn.surroundingAbsolutely well make it.adj.optimisticadj.swift这破雨咋就下起这破雨咋就下起来没完没了捏?来没完没了捏?adj.constantv.achen.agencyn./v.lackn.templen.lengthn.张三丰张三丰mastern.vehiclev.pressv.remindadj.previousWords

7、 and ExprssionsGuessing Game 2Guessing Game 21.(n/v)pain;hurt ache2.(adj.)unchanging;happening all the time3.(v/n)not be enough4.(adj.)of an early time;that came beforeconstantlackprevious5.(v)need;call for;require6.(v.)to cause sb to remember7.(v)to make not straight8.(adj.)quick;fastremindbendswift9.(v)to become skilled at;master10.(adj.)always thinking of the cheerful side 7.(v)to be short of8.(n.)the circling backgroundoptimisticlacksorrounding


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