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1、 基于主题意义引领的高中英语读写课 一、整体设计思路1.理论依据。普通高中英语课程标准(2017年版)指出:语篇赋予语言学习以主题、情境和内容,并以其特有的内在逻辑结构、文体特征和语言形式,组织和呈现信息,服务雨主题意义的表达。因此,深入研读语篇,把握主题意义、挖掘文化价值、分析文体特征和语言特点及其与主题意义的关联,对教师做好教学设计具有重要意义,是教师落实英语学科核心素养目标、创设合理学习活动的重要前提。2.教学内容分析及设计思路.本文是2016年高考北京卷阅读理解B篇的文本,讲述了一个女孩在家乡小镇遭遇飓风后,尽自己的力量创建了一个信息分享网站来帮助人们重建家园。文章告诉我们:只要尽力,

2、小人物也会有大贡献。该故事的主题属于“人与社会”的话题。主题不仅为语言学习提供意义语境,还规约着语言知识和文化知识的学习范畴,渗透情感、态度和价值观。本堂课的设计基于“help”这个主题词,通过一系列的相互关联的语言与思维活动主要解决1. Why did Mary decide to help the survivors of Hurricane Sandy? 2. How did Mary help the survivors of Hurricane Sandy? 这两个问题,做好语言、知识、策略和思维的铺垫。在形成知识结构和深层理解的基础上,欣赏语言、文体的使用,探讨作者写作意图,渗透情


4、读策略。因而深层次的文本解读和高阶思维的发展对学生而言是需要突破的重点和难点。二、教学目标(Teaching objectives)By the end of this class, the students will be able to1.obtain a general understanding of the given part of the text and the meaning of some key words and phrases, such as fierce, attack, hit, escape, in ruins, inspire, be honored as

5、etc.2.analyze why Mary decided to help survivors of Hurricane Sandy and how Mary helped the survivors through reading skills like skimming, scanning, summarizing.3.learn to appreciate the authors writing skills of narrating a story by concentrating on the time clue (that night, the next day, in the

6、following few days, in the coming months, today) and verbs ( escaped, found, inspired, created, helped, invited, honored).4.become aware of the theme conveyed in the story by reading and thinking critically.5.write an ending for the story with the help of previous analysis of the passage.三、教学重难点(Key

7、 points and teaching difficulties)1.Understanding fully why Mary decided to help survivors, how she helped and the theme conveyed in the story.2.Raising the students awareness and ability of critical reading, thus cultivating their creative thinking and writing.四、教学过程Step 1 Lead-in.1.Show two pictur

8、es of Tangshan and ask the students to talk about Tangshan Earthquake and how the army helped the survivors immediately after the earthquake.2.Lead the students to another kind of natural disaster - hurricane, introduce Hurricane Sandy and Mary and raise a question “How did Mary help the survivors o

9、f Hurricane Sandy?”.设计意图:通过简单复习唐山地震和地震后部队如何帮助幸存者直接引出另外一种自然灾害飓风桑迪,并提出How did Mary help the survivors of Hurricane Sandy?这个问题引起学生的悬念,从而产生对文本的阅读兴趣。Step 2 Reading for thematic information.1.Get the students to read the passage and focus on these two questions: “How did Mary help the survivors?”; “Why di

10、d Mary decide to help the survivors?.2.Get the students to skim or scan the passage to finish the following tasks in order to work out the answers to the 2 questions above.(1) Fill in the chart.1)14; 2)lucky; 3)special; 4)fierce; 5)attacked; 6)hit; 7)in ruins; 8)lost; 9)suffering; 10)damaged).(2) An

11、swer the following questions after finishing the chart above.1)What did people do to help the survivors?2)What was the influence of those people on Mary?3)Did the website page function effectively?4)Because of her great efforts, _.設计意图:以主题意义为引领,以语篇为依托,着重解决Why did Mary decide to help the survivors? H

12、ow did Mary help the survivors?这两个问题,避免碎片化教学,提高阅读效率。Step 3 Reading for logical thinking.Ask the students to figure out the development order and the plot of the story and find the time clue and key verbs.设计意图:通过谈论文章故事的时间线和发展情节来培养学生的逻辑思维能力。并引导学生重点关注与时间有关的短语和动词的恰当运用,为以后的写作积累经验。Step 4 Reading for criti

13、cal thinking.Ask the students to discuss with their peers about the message conveyed in the story and give a title to the passage.设计意图:通过讨论文章的主题和文章的标题,表达自己的观点,培养学生的批判性思维能力。Step 5 Reading for creative thinking.Allow the students enough time to write an ending for the story and share with their peers.

14、设计意图:在文本深层理解之后,创造性地进行语言的输出。以读促写,读写结合,培养学生创造性思维能力。Step 6 Assignment.Ask the students to polish and share their endings with their peers.设计意图:好文章是修改出来的,学生在修改润色自己的文章后再和同伴互批互评,共同学习,相互促进,在合作学习中相互提高。五、教学反思为了避免碎片化的教学,本堂课以主题“help”为引领,以语篇为依托,以解决:1.Why did Mary decide to help the survivors of Hurricane Sandy? 2.How did Mary help the survivors of Hurricane Sandy? 这两个问题为目的,把语言知识与文化知识整合在一起学习,运用听说读看写等技能,理解和表达意义、意图和情感态度,发展逻辑思维、批判思维和创新思维,使学生学会学习。Reference:1教育部.普通高中英语课程标准(2017年版)Z.2018.【作者简介】周伟,浙江省桐庐中学。 -全文完-



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