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1、 飞屋环游记观后感1100字 飞屋环游记观后感静观那片风景一个关于冒险的梦,一本记录梦想的书,一段因此而结合的爱情,一次物是人非的离别,一回改变自己、完成心愿的探索,这就是飞屋环游记,一段梦想的旅程。主人公卡尔与爱丽是一对青梅竹马,从很小的时候便同样做着冒险梦。他们因为爱丽的那本“探险日志”而相识那上面贴着一张“天堂瀑布”的照片去那里旅行是他们最大的梦想。时间匆匆,他们长大、相爱、结婚,而种种琐事却一直牵伴着他们今天为换轮胎而花费,明天为生病而求医,柴米油盐酱醋茶,生活就是这样,要我们一件件繁琐的事情操碎了心,看似微不足道,却一刻也抽不出身来。但是,他们一直没有忘记他们的梦想,并为之努力,为之



4、梦想后的那种迷茫。卡尔满心愧疚的打开爱丽留下的“探险日志”,才发现原来在爱丽的心中,这一生的陪伴便是她最美的冒险。是他们的爱情,让爱丽有了坐看风云的淡定,她不怪罪卡尔没能陪她一起实现儿时的梦,因为那个梦本身早已不再重要,岁月蹉跎,留下的只是感动,是琐碎的生活,是陪她走过一生一世的那个人。看的这里,卡尔泪流满面。在他的心中,又有了一股新的力量,融化了他内心的坚冰,再次穿暖花开,让他勇敢的面对生活,珍爱身边的每一个人。其实,真正的梦想就像人生中的一盏灯塔,指明我们前进的方向,而最终它是实现与否并不重要,因为在前行途中的风景太美,我们放不下,也不应该放下。第二篇:up 飞屋环游记 观后感 2700字

5、Up 飞屋环游记观后感 英文Something I want to say after seeing this movie.Adventuring,everyone wants at least once in his short life ,I suppose 。But another truth we all know clearly is that only a few of us could achieve what we want and what we consider。It needs courage when you decides to take one adventure。

6、We may think more than we should care。The safety,the money,our age and so on。In the movie, everything all above seems to be nothing if you own a strong will and take these words as your motto “If you want something ,go for it。”(Rocky)Let us talk more about the story happens in the movie。This old cou

7、ple has been imaging one adventure to the Paradise Falls for their whole life 。Their life seems romantic but only left one regret 。Well, I think the Paradise Falls stands for a dream that all of us would have。The flying house is the way we make our dreams come true。You see that the way we could achi

8、eve our goals is so simple and easy。Just keep going ,never quit no matter what difficulties you have what trouble you meet。I began to think that would there be any regret in my life when I get old。I didnt have a great plan to adventure anywhere。I am nobody now 。But no one wants to be nobody all the

9、time。We can see that boys grows up,old man becomes younger after the adventure。Everything seems come back to their fresh life。That is exactly what the movie wants to tell us and that should be all these artmasterpieces should give us 。They bring us courage to continue our life ,maybe not a pleasant

10、one ,at least we can go on our life with hope。 The movie creates hope and dream for us all。That is why I love movies so much。I cannot even image what my life will be like without any fancy any imagination。Fortunately,I have got a lot of great movies books to watch to read。With al these ,my life beco

11、mes a little wonderful at last。To observe this cartoon movie from another angle, we can find something interesting. The team for the Paradise Falls is made up of two guys, Mr.Fredricksen and little Russell. An old man and a child .We all think that old men and children are the weakest group we shoul

12、d care more. But they form this team and make a great success. So there is not any contact between success and age or other things like that.You may be curious about that where the young adults are being.Yeah; maybe they are busy with their jobs, their money. Walking around the profit and money all

13、day makes them forget the beautiful dreams they had when they were children. So the mission to pursuit dreams is given to the old men and children.We have to admit that people who are in their middle age arebusier .But I dont think that should be an excuse of forgetting their romance and their dreams. -全文完-


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