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1、专题七完形填空之记叙文高高考考24话话题题之之(七七):文文娱娱与与体体育育(Entertainment and sports)假假设设你你是是李李华华,请请按按照照以以下下四四幅幅图图的的先先后后顺顺序序,用用英英文文写写一一篇篇周周记记,记记述述上上周周六六你你和和父父母母一一起起参参加加奥奥林林匹匹克森林公园健步走活动的过程。克森林公园健步走活动的过程。【写作话题写作话题】_(arrive) early in the morning, we were surprised_(find) many participants of different ages already waiting_

2、(excite) at the registration place.Some people walked briskly, _ others just took their time to enjoy the fresh air and the beautiful natural scenery.【语法填空语法填空】Arrivingto findexcitedlywhileWe gathered at the starting point, stretched arms and legs to prepare us for the coming long distance walking.S

3、oon, a signal given and off we went along the walking route, that ran around the park.The 5 km journey was challenge but real enjoyable.答答案案stretched改改为为stretching;us改改为为ourselvesgiven前前面面加加was;that改改为为whichchallenge前前面面加加a或改或改为为challenging【语法改错语法改错】Last Saturday, I went to the Olympic Forest Park w

4、ith my parents to take part in an activity called “I Walk, and Im Fit.”Arriving early in the morning, we were surprised to find many participants of different ages already waiting excitedly at the registration place.We joined them.Then, we gathered at the starting point, stretching arms and legs to

5、prepare ourselves for the coming long distance【范文背诵范文背诵】walking.Soon, a signal was given and off we went along the walking route, which ran around the park.Some people walked briskly, while others just took their time to enjoy the fresh air and the beautiful natural scenery.After more than one hours

6、 walking, we finally reached the finish line.The 5 km journey was challenging but really enjoyable.My parents and I cheered each other for our success.Regular activities like this not only keep us fit, but also help get us closer to each other and to nature.根据范文画根据范文画线线部分仿写下面情景:部分仿写下面情景:有些学生在打有些学生在打

7、篮篮球;而其他的学生在踢足球。球;而其他的学生在踢足球。_答答案案 Some students were playing basketball, while others were playing football.【自主空间自主空间】通通过过课课外外活活动动,我我不不仅仅提提高高了了学学习习能能力力,也也学学会会了与其他同学的合作。了与其他同学的合作。Through afterclass activities, _I improved my learning ability, but I have learned to cooperate with other classmates as w

8、ell.答案答案not only haveA Heroic Driver(2016新新课课标标乙乙卷卷)Larry works with Transport Drivers, Inc.One morning in 2009, Larry was_1_along 165 north after delivering to one of his _2_.Suddenly, he saw a car with its bright lights on. _3_he got closer, he found_4_vehicle upside down做真题做真题悟高考悟高考限时限时15分钟分钟on t

9、he road.One more look and he noticed_5_shooting out from under the_6_vehicle.Larry pulled over, set the brake and_7_the fire extinguisher(灭灭 火火 器器 ) Two good bursts from the extinguisher and the fire was put out.The man who had his bright lights on_8_and told Larry he had_9_an emergency call.They_10

10、_heard a womans voice coming from the wrecked(毁毁坏坏的的) vehicle._11_the vehicle, they saw that a woman was trying to get out of the broken window.They told her to stay 12 until the emergency personnel arrived,_13_she thought the car was going to_14_.Larry told her that he had already put out the fire

11、and she should not move_15_she injured her neck.Once fire and emergency people arrived, Larry and the other man_16_and let them go to work.Then, Larry asked the_17_if he was needed or_18_to go.They let him and the other man go.One thing is_19_Larry went above and beyond the call of duty by getting s

12、o close to the burning vehicle! His_20_most likely saved the womans life.语语篇篇解解读读本本文文是是记记叙叙文文,主主要要讲讲述述了了送送货货司司机机Larry在在送送货货的的路路上上帮帮助助出出事事故故的的车车灭灭火火并并救救人人的的英英雄雄事迹。事迹。1A.walking BTouringCtraveling Drushing解解析析 根根据据上上文文“Larry works with Transport Drivers”及及下下文文“Larry pulled over”可可知知,当当时时,Larry在开着车沿公路行

13、驶,应用在开着车沿公路行驶,应用travelling。答案答案C2A.passengers Bcolleagues Cemployers Dcustomers解解析析 根根据据第第一一句句及及delivering可可知知,他他给给顾顾客客(customers)送货。送货。答案答案D3A.Since BAlthough CAs DIf解解析析与与上上文文内内容容承承接接,此此处处表表示示他他开开着着车车,离离得得更更近近了了些些。当当时时候候,随随着着,符符合合语语境境,因因此此用用as。since自从;自从;although尽管;尽管;if如果。如果。答案答案C4A.each Banother

14、 Cthat Dhis解解析析上上一一句句讲讲到到他他突突然然看看见见了了一一辆辆开开着着灯灯的的车车,此此句句表表示示“当当他他靠靠得得更更近近一一些些时时,他他发发现现了了另另一一辆辆车车”,因此用,因此用another。答案答案B5A.flames Bsmoke Cwater Dsteam解解析析根根据据下下文文the fire was put out可可知知汽汽车车着着火火了。了。答案答案A6A.used Bdisabled Cremoved Dabandoned解解 析析 与与 第第 二二 段段 中中 的的 “the wrecked(毁毁 坏坏 的的)vehicle”对对 应应 ,

15、此此 处处 也也 表表 示示 “毁毁 坏坏 的的 ”, 因因 此此 用用disabled。used用用过过的的,二二手手的的;removed去去除除的的;abandoned被遗弃的。被遗弃的。答案答案B7A.got hold of BpreparedCtook charge of Dcontrolled解解析析pulled over, set the brake和和题题空空处处是是三三个个并并列列的的动动作作,根根据据下下文文the fire was put out可可知知,他他拿拿起起(got hold of)灭火器灭火。灭火器灭火。答案答案A8A.came down Bcame throu

16、ghCcame in Dcame over解解析析根根据据下下文文told Larry可可知知,那那个个开开着着车车灯灯的的人人走走过过来来(came over)。come down崩崩塌塌,降降低低;come through康复,康复,(消息等消息等)传来;传来;come in走进来,上涨。走进来,上涨。答案答案D9A.returned Breceived Cmade Dconfirmed解解析析与与call搭搭配配用用动动词词make, make an emergency call意为意为“打急救电话打急救电话”。答案答案C10A.then Bagain Cfinally Deven解解析析他他们们在在谈谈着着话话,这这时时(then)听听到到车车内内有有一一位位妇女的声音。妇女的声音。答案答案A11A.Starting BParkingCPassing DApproaching解解析析听听到到有有人人的的声声音音,他他们们走走近近(approaching)汽汽车。车。答案答案D12A.quiet Bstill Caway Dcalm解解析析他他们们告告诉诉她她在在急急救救人人员员



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