2022年中考英语完形填空答题技巧(选择型&填词型) 课件(共16张PPT)

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1、中考英语完型填空答题技巧中考英语完型填空答题技巧( (选择型选择型& &填词型填词型) )中考专题复习中考专题复习选择型完型解题选择型完型解题步骤:步骤:(1 1)精读未设空的前几句,把握文章中心思想)精读未设空的前几句,把握文章中心思想(2 2)略读剩余部分(段首)略读剩余部分(段首+ +段尾),掌握全文大意段尾),掌握全文大意(3 3)通读文章,分析判断逐个击破)通读文章,分析判断逐个击破 (运用解题技巧)(运用解题技巧)(4 4)复读全文,核查答案)复读全文,核查答案选择型完型填空解题技巧:选择型完型填空解题技巧:1.语境推断2.逻辑推理3.词汇复现4.语法知识(固定搭配)5.生活常识

2、根据上下文或者全文的语境提示或暗示,身临其境地理解文章语境和作者的情感态度,推断出符合语境的最佳选项。.The boy said, You go into the forest and look for somebody who wants to cut down a tree. You take away his axe(斧头)You tell him about how 1 trees are. You say they are good for natural beauty, saving soil(土壤),and giving shelter(庇护)to birds and other

3、 animals. ”1. A.wild B.common C.wealthy D.important D 逻辑推理是指通过分析设空前后、各段落之间存在的逻辑关系来推断答案。常见逻辑关系有:并列并列递进递进关系:关系:and; as well as; besides; what s more; in addition to; not only. but also.; either. or.; neither. nor.时间顺序关系:时间顺序关系:before; after; until; finally; when转折关系:转折关系:but; however; yet; while让步关系:让

4、步关系:though; although;even if/though因果目的关系:因果目的关系:because; so; since; for; therefore; in order to; so that条件关系:条件关系:if; in case.One day, my friend and I were riding our bikes in apark. My mother knew I had just learned how to ride for a short time,_3_she asked me to wear some safety equipment.3. A.or

5、 B.but C.since D.soD 词汇复现指的是某一词以原词,同义词,近义词,反义词,上位词,下位词或其他形式如(派生词)重复出现在语篇中。解答此类题时,借助设空上下文语境中复现词汇解题。.He thought to himself, “This driver is just as dangerous as a_36_! ” So he turned on his lights and pulled the driver over.“Maam, ” the officer replied, “you werent speeding.can also be a danger to oth

6、er drivers. The same as a speeder.”36. A.smoker B.rider C.speeder D.walker C 语法知识指的是借助所学的英语语法知识、常用句型、习惯表达(固定短语、句型)等选择出正确的答案。.Last month,a new bridge was first opened to the public. Its_5_ hanging bridge for walkers in the world. Guess how long it is. It is 516 meters-over five football fields long.5

7、. A.longer B.the longer C.longest D.the longestD 将文本意思和我们原有的生活经验、科普常识以及文化背景知识等结合起来,进行简单推理,从而得出正确答案。多了解一些国内外风俗文化、习惯用语、谚语等,特别注意中西方文化差异。.Then people are usually happy to experience a period of heat after ten months of winter. Its the _14_ of “white night” when it never gets dark, not even at midnight.1

8、4. A. season B. weather C. subject D. programA填词型完型填空解题步骤:填词型完型填空解题步骤:Step1 分析备选词,注意分析备选词,注意词义和词义和词性(可标注)词性(可标注)Step2 略读全文了解文章大意略读全文了解文章大意Step3 通读全文分析句义及句子结构,确定所填通读全文分析句义及句子结构,确定所填 词词义和词形词词义和词形Step4 复读全文,核查答案复读全文,核查答案 (复查(复查词形词形和和大小写大小写)注意词形变化:注意词形变化:名词:名词:可数不可数、单复可数不可数、单复数数动词:动词:非谓语、时态、语态非谓语、时态、语态代

9、词:代词:人称代词、物主代词(人称代词、物主代词(n./adj.)反身反身 代词(单复数)代词(单复数)、指示代词、指示代词形容词形容词&副词:副词:比较级、最高级(比较级、最高级(the)、)、 相互转换相互转换 Sound is a form of energy that we cant see. But we can sense it. Our sense of hearing helps 1._ be aware of what is going on around us. We often hear a train before we see it. 2._ in the darkn

10、ess,we can hear sounds. Sound can be a powerful form of communication. Thinkabout the voice of a lion. It can cause 3._ in people all around it. Mothers come quickly when they hear their children crying out for help. When people think of their favorite songs, they often 4._ a smile to their faces. T

11、here is a lot to learn about sound. Sounds are made byvibrations(振动). To vibrate means to do the 5. _actionsthrough even fear bring slowly as travel ear us same hear即时训练即时训练 over and over again. Some vibrations can be felt. Put your hand 6._ on your throat and make a voice.You can feel your vocal ch

12、ords(声带)moving back and forth. When an object vibrates, it causes movement in the air. 7._ you clap(拍) your hands together, it makes the air around your hands move in waves(波浪). These waves are called sound waves. Sound waves 8._ through the air. Sound waves carry energy much like ocean waves do. So

13、und waves travel 9. _ the air. The waves reach your 10._, which are designed(设计)to catch sound waves. It forms a special kind of vibration. This vibration allows you to 11._ your friends talking, a bird singing and your favorite music.through even fear bring slowly as travel ear us same hear参考答案:1. us2. Even3. fear4. bring5. same6. slowly7. As8. travel9. through10. ears11. hear注意:注意:



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