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1、长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海。 她福建师范大学21春“英语”现代语言学离线作业(三)辅导答案一.综合考核(共50题)1.() are a group of words and expressions that refer to the personal, temporal or spatial characteristics of the context within which a text is produced.A.NounsB.AdjectivesC.VerbsD.Deictics参考答案:D2.Endocentric compounding means the meaning of

2、 the compound cannot be inferred from the meanings of its componential free morphemes. ()A.错误B.正确参考答案:A3.() of language refers to the property of language in having the structure of two levels.A.ArbitrarinessB.Genetic-cultural transmissionC.Non-arbitrarinessD.Duality参考答案:D4.() is the study of the me

3、aning which is not included in semantics and whose interpretation is dependent on its social contexts.A.PragmaticsB.PhonologyC.DialectologyD.Morphology参考答案:A5.In the tree diagram () is the point from which two or more lines descend.A.NodeB.Initial nodeC.BranchingD.Intermediate node参考答案:C6.Stress ref

4、ers to the feature that is determined solely by the amplitude of the vibration of the sound-wave. ()A.错误B.正确参考答案:A7.Language is entirely arbitrary. ()A.错误B.正确参考答案:A8.() is a concretisation of the biological and sociological aspects of arbitrariness and non-arbitrariness of language.A.ArbitrarinessB.

5、Genetic-cultural transmissionC.Non-arbitrarinessD.Duality参考答案:B9.Productivity is characterised by the feature of ().A.ArbitrarinessB.Genetic-cultural transmissionC.Non-arbitrarinessD.Duality参考答案:A10.A constituent structure rule is one that governs selecting from the lexicon a lexical item and insert

6、ing it into a terminal node of a constituent structure as its daughter. ()A.错误B.正确参考答案:A11.Language has () that distinguish it from other semiotic systems used by humans and animals.A.functionB.design featuresC.importanceD.performance参考答案:B12.The phones that can be grouped together as variants of on

7、e phoneme have to be () similar.A.phoneticallyB.phonologicallyC.soundD.seem参考答案:A13.() refers to the juxtaposition of two elements which are semantically in opposition (or complementary) to each otherA.CollocationB.ReiterationC.Lexical cohesionD.Coherence参考答案:A14.() is the first stressed syllable in

8、 the tone-unit.A.pre-headB.headC.nuclear tailD.nucleus参考答案:B15.Which h of the following disciplines doesnt belong to micro-linguistics? ()A.PhoneticsB.PhonologyC.MorphologyD.Dialectology参考答案:D16.Cataphoric reference refers to the reference where the presupposed occurs in the text after the word or e

9、xpression that is presupposing. ()A.错误B.正确参考答案:B17.Duality makes it possible for second/foreign language learning. ()A.错误B.正确参考答案:A18.Traditional notional grammar is a bottom-up approach. ()A.错误B.正确参考答案:B19.() morpheme is a morpheme that contributes to the lexical meaning of the word.A.FunctionalB.L

10、exicalC.GrammaticalD.Performative参考答案:B20.Sometimes bound morphemes can be used by themselves. ()A.错误B.正确参考答案:A21.Affix hopping refers to the bound morphemes in the verb group hop backward to join the following member in the verb group. ()A.错误B.正确参考答案:B22.Illocutionary force refers to the power that

11、 is conventionally associated with the expressions used in the locutionary act and that enables the speaker to execute the intended act through what he/she says. ()A.错误B.正确参考答案:B23.Duality is a concretisation of arbitrariness and non-arbitrariness of language. ()A.错误B.正确参考答案:B24.The meaning of a sen

12、tence is a simple concatenation of inpidual lexical meanings of the words that form. the sentence. ()A.错误B.正确参考答案:A25.When a node directly descends from another, without any other nodes intervening, the hierarchical relationship between them is called immediate domination. ()A.错误B.正确参考答案:B26.The imp

13、lementation of lexical insertion rules need to be subject to no restrictions. ()A.错误B.正确参考答案:A27.Reference relates linguistic forms to some other related linguistic forms. ()A.错误B.正确参考答案:A28.() reference refers to the reference where the presupposed occurs in the text before the word or expression t

14、hat is presupposing.A.ExophoricB.AnaphoricC.EndophoricD.Cataphoric参考答案:B29.An inflectional morpheme does not change the grammatical class of the word. ()A.错误B.正确参考答案:B30.Compared to phonetics, phonology is more concerned with the organisation of speech sounds in relation to the conveyance of meaning. ()A.错误B.正确参考答案:B31.The distinctive feature of place of articulation alone can make necessary distinction between so


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