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1、 大学英语值日报告范文大学英语值日报告范文精选八篇 通州潞河中学 王振龙 2015.9.英语值日报告-第1轮Daily Report-the First RoundTopic: Personal Statement/ Introduction(My Profile, interests, achievements, etc.)Requirement:1.Participants: all classmates/ 2 before each class2.Time Limit-Less than 1 minute / per person 3.Pronunciation and intonati

2、on.4.Placement-Standing at the teachers desk.5.Starting date-September 5/This Thursday英语值日报告-第2轮Daily Report-the Second RoundTopic: An Event during the Summer Vacation Requirement:1.Participants: all classmates/ 1 before each class2.Time Limit-Less than 2 minute / per person 3.Pronunciation and into

3、nation.4.Placement-Standing at the teachers desk.5.Starting date-Succeed the last one of the first round通州潞河中学 王振龙 2015.9.A Sample Report for the First RoundHello everyone! My name is Wang Zhenlong. I was born in a village in the eastern part of Inner Mongolia in 1965. I went to college twice and go

4、t my Bachelors degree in 1994. The same year, I started to teach in Lu He High School. Luckily, I got the chance to visit Britain in the summer of 2000. Then the following year saw me working as a visiting teacher in Upstate New York, USA. I attained my Master of Art in English Teaching in 2006. I u

5、sed to play table tennis, basketball and volleyball a lot, but I enjoy jogging now. And sometimes I may play pool balls or go swimming. Another interest of mine is collecting liquor bottles and taking pictures. This school year I am very glad to be your teacher of English. 余下全文篇二 :英语值日报告英语值日报告【摘要】本文

6、从英语值日报告(duty report)的内容和形式、理论基础入手,从大学英语值日报告的机会均等性、自主性、独立性、多样性激发学生兴趣、给予学生成就感和满足感,从而更激发成就动机等方面,分析了英语值日报告与“成就动机”重要性关系,说明了英语值日报告的重要性及应注意的几点原则。【关键词】值日报告 兴趣 成就动机 成就感h31 a 2095-3089(20xx)06-0108-01在我国传统的英语教学中,绝大多数英语教授者和学习者对英语值日报告(duty report)这一形式并不陌生。可以说,英语值日报告这一环节,在我国从小学到高中的英语教学中都非常普及。但是,在我国的大学英语教学中,很多教师认

7、为已没有必要再进行这一环节。事实真是这样吗?一、英语值日报告(duty report)的内容和形式英语值日报告就是在英语课开始后的几分钟内,按照一定的排序,值日的学生在讲台上当着全班同学,用英语做报告。传统的值日报告要求内容为天气,出勤情况等。但对于高中及大学生的值日报告,与其说是值日生报告,不如说更像是一次小演讲(mini speech),或者是一次个人陈述(individual presentation)。二、英语值日报告(duty report)的理论基础swain的“输出假设”美国语言学家克拉申(krashen)的输入假设将语言习得完全归功于语言输入(input),认为输出在语言习得中

8、的作用似乎并不明显。然而,著名二语习得专家、美国语言学家斯万(swain)在她的研究中指出,“可理解输入(input)”在语言习得中固然重要,但是并不是唯一的途径,输出(output)具有同样的重要性。 “学习者必须有机会使用所学的语言,这样才有可能达到流利、类似母语者的水平”。大学英语值日报告正是大学生利用所学语言资源,对输出语言进行思考加工,进行语言输出(output)的最佳形式之一。 余下全文篇三 :英语值日报告1 Aug.New DiscoveryA hillbilly was visiting the big city for the first time. Entering an

9、office building, he saw a pudgy older woman step into a small room. The doors closed, lights flashed, and after a while the door slid open and a beautiful young model stepped off the elevator.Blinking in amazement, the hillbilly drawled, I should have brought my wife!New Words:discovery ? n. 发现, 发明的

10、东西hillbilly ? n. 山地内部的贫农, 山地人pudgy ? adj. 矮胖的step ? v. 走, 举步, 移步, 踏amazement ? n. 惊愕, 惊异drawl ? v. 懒洋洋地说, 做作而慢慢地说elevator? n. 电梯, 升降机, 空升降舵blink ? v. 眨眼, 闪亮, 无视Grammar:Question:Why did the hillbilly say that he should have brought his wife? 余下全文篇四 :大学、高中英语值日报告小故事Who Deserves Help?Many years ago, the

11、re lived a very rich man who wanted to do something for the people of his town. But first he wanted to find out whether they deserved his help. So he placed a very large stone in the center of the main road into town. Then he hid behind a tree and waited. Soon an old man came along with his cow.Who

12、put this stone in the center of the road? said the old man, but he did not try to remove the stone. Instead, with some difficulty he passed around the stone and continued on his way. Another man came along and did the same thing; then another came, and another. All of them complained about the stone

13、 in the center of the road, but not one of them tried to remove it. Late in the afternoon, a young man came along. He saw the stoneand said, The night will be very dark. Some neighbor will come along later in the dark and will fall against the stone. 余下全文篇五 :何军老师英语课演讲或值日报告话题及参考资料Topics for Duty Repo

14、rt何军老师英语课值日报告话题及参考资料Topics for English Duty Report in Terrys class流程:选取以下任意一个话题-查阅资料-写在作业本上-上台脱稿演讲。 注意:1.全英文演讲. 2.须写在作业本上; 3.须脱稿; 4. 时限3-5分钟。 话题 (Topics):1. 自我介绍Self-introduction - 豆瓣、豆丁、百度/2. 自己故事 Your stories - 自己创作3. 英文故事English stories -沪江英语论坛-双语美文/meiwen/shuangyu/4. 最新新闻Latest news - 中国日报双语版新闻.

15、cn/language_tips/news/news_bilingual.html普特英语听力网:纽约时报(The New York Times) 5. 电影或书籍推介Movie / Book recommendation- 豆瓣、百度6. 热点时评 Comments on current affairs - 沪江英语论坛-热点新闻(双语)/new/zt/redianxinwen/More Topics for Reference :篇六 :初中英语课前值日报告的探讨初中英语课前值日报告的探讨内容摘要:在教学活动中,学生应居于主体地位,教师居于主导地位。但在平时的教学活动中,很多时候学生只是被动地听、抄、背、写,而没有积极的思考、提高、质疑机会。其实 在英语课堂教学中,可创设的交际环境是较多的。从我近几年的实来看,在课堂教学中开展值日生报吉是可行的。这种简单的英语报告尽管只占几分钟时间,但对渲染课堂气氛、调动和激发学生英语学习的积极性和创造性、及时复习巩固课堂学习内容起着不可低估的作用。它可以促使不愿开口说英语的学生开口,让愿意开口的学生得到锻炼和


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