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1、 目录2012年沈阳师范大学外国语学院851翻译理论与实践考研真题2013年沈阳师范大学外国语学院852翻译理论与实践考研真题2014年沈阳师范大学外国语学院850翻译理论与实践考研真题 2012年沈阳师范大学外国语学院851翻译理论与实践考研真题科目代码:851科目名称:翻译理论与实践一、从翻译的角度用汉语简述(共4题,每题5分,合计20分)1玄奘2鲁迅3严复4林纾二、词汇翻译(共15题,每题2分,合计30分)将句子里的划线词汇翻译成相应的汉语,翻译时可以做相应的变化,如hesitate既可翻译成“犹豫”,也可翻译成“犹犹豫豫”或“犹豫再三”等,但以出现在语境中的词义为最优选择,所以,英语的

2、名词未必翻译成汉语的名词。1He found the fast tempo of New York City stimulating but exhausting.2The scandal was detrimental to the politicians reputation and contributedto his loss in the election.3In an ideal marriage, ones mate is also ones confidantto whom all canbe told.4The vegetarian has an aversion to mea

3、t.5Give less importance to temporal concerns and more to eternal ones.6A country has jurisdiction over the fishing rights of several miles off itscoast. 7The caricature of the political leader exaggerated his fatness and bigmouth.8A person should be neither overly suspicious nor the oppositegullible

4、.9The womens group issued a manifesto stating its view on equal rights.10The earthquake produced fissures in the highway which stopped alltraffic.11Love and greed are ubiquitous, having been found in all humansocieties.12The beauty of a flower is transient.13Some people gesticulate when they talk ex

5、citedly whereas others keeptheir hands still but just talk louder.14The captured spy gave equivocal answers to the questions he was askedin order to confuse the enemy.15The first action of the new dictator was to purge the government of alldisloyal members.三、英汉翻译(合计50分)The provost(教务长) of one of our

6、 largest and most honored institutions toldme not long ago that a questionnaire was distributed to his undergraduatesand that 40% refused to acknowledge that they believed cheating onexaminations to be reprehensible. Recently a reporter for a New Yorknewspaper stopped six people on the street and as

7、ked them if they wouldconsent to take part in a rigged TV quiz for money. He reported that five ofthe six said yes. Yet most of these five, like most of the college cheaters,would probably profess a strong social consciousness. They may cheat, butthey vote for foreign aid and for enlightened social

8、measures.These two examples exhibit a paradox of our age. It is often said, any myobservation leads me to believe it true, that our seemingly great growth insocial morality had oddly enough taken place in a world where private moralitya sense of supreme importance of purely personal honor, honesty,a

9、nd integrityseems to be declining. Beneficent and benevolent socialinstitutions are administered by men who all too frequently turn out to beaccepting “gifts”. The world of popular entertainment is rocked by scandals.College students put on their honor, cheat on examinations. Candidates forthe Ph. D

10、 hire ghost writers to prepare their theses. But one may object,havent all these things always been true? Is there really any evidence thatpersonal dishonesty is more prevalent than it always was? I have no way ofmaking a historical measurement. Perhaps these things are not actually moreprevalent. W

11、hat I do know is that there is an increasing tendency to acceptand take for granted such personal dishonesty.四、汉英翻译(合计50分)人的生命对于自己来说,很漫长;相对于自然来说,很短暂。在漫长中,有我们无法追悔的东西;在短暂里,有我们梦想成真的渴望。“外面的世界很精彩。”大凡远方对我们都具有诱惑,不是诱惑于传说,就是诱惑于美丽。传说也好,美丽也罢,可是去到远方又有远方,这些事物只能让我们作为信息而得知。即使你可曾亲睹那异地目标,但在紧张的生活中,想再次游历谈何容易,于是一些宽广的目标


13、程中,有很多缠绕终生而不能兑现的愿望,但是,如果没有现实与理想的距离让我们去追求,如果没 有往昔的过错让我们去追悔,我们就不会走向成熟。 2013年沈阳师范大学外国语学院852翻译理论与实践考研真题科目代码:852科目名称翻译理论与实践一、从翻译史的角度简述下列名词(共4题,每题5分,合计20分)1胡适2梁实秋3朱生豪4傅雷二、词汇翻译(共15题,每题2分,合计30分)将句子里的划线词汇翻译成相应的汉语,翻译时可以做相应的变化,如hesitate既可译成“犹豫”,也可以翻译成“犹犹豫豫”或“犹豫再三”等,但以现在语境中的词义为最优选择,所以,英语的名词未必翻译成汉语的名词。1This shou

14、ld alleviate the pain; if it does not, we shall have to use strongerdrugs.2Frogs are classified as amphibians.3Despite his blandishments, the young lady rejected his companionship.4His classmates called him a “show-off” because of his bumptious airs.5His criticism was always captious and frivolous,

15、never offeringconstructive suggestions.6The piquant sauce added to our enjoyment of the meal.7The children, who had made him an idol, were hurt most by his defection from our cause.8The careful study of a few books is better than the desultory reading ofmany.9He was meticulous in checking his accounts.10In order to prevent a sudden outbreak of hostilities, we must give our foeno provocation.11His stilted rhetoric did not impress the college audience; they wereimmune to bombas


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