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1、根据情景答复以下问题1. 你想知道别人的身体如何时可以说:How are you? 2. 当你迟到了,站在门口时,你要说:May I come in? 3. 对别人表示感谢,应该说:Thank you. 4. 当你遇见一位先生, 你问他:Are you Mr Green?而他答复:No, Im not.时,你应该说: Sorry. 5. 当你把妈妈介绍给你的老师时,你应该说:Miss Qian, this is my mother. 6. 你想知道那些是什么,你可以问:What are those? 7. 你想买两杯橙汁,你说:Id like two glasses of orange jui

2、ce. 8. 盘子里没有面包了,你说:Theres no bread on the plate. 9. 你想知道那些书多少钱,可以问:How much are those books? 10. 你想知道远处的男孩是谁,你问:Whos that boy over there? 11. 你去商店买东西时,营业员主动问你:Can I help you? 12. 你想建议好朋友和你一起踢足球时,你可以说:Shall we play football? 13. 你想询问葡萄的价钱:How much are the grapes? 14.如果家里米袋没有米了,你怎么说:Theres no rice in

3、the bag. 15. 你想请对方坐下,可以怎么说:Sit down. 16. 当你想问这辆公共汽车是不是去超市时,你怎么说:Is this bus for the supermarket? 17. 如果你不会用英语说某物,你应问老师:Whats this in English? 18. 当你想建议大家做出租车去图书馆时,可以说:Shall we go to the library by taxi? 19. 当你有事想问别人,应先说声:Excuse me. 20. 想询问对方喜欢什么,可以说:What would you like? 21. 想询问火车站在哪里,可以说:Wheres the

4、station? 22. 想知道别人的职业,可以说:Whats your job? 23. 你想买一些苹果,可以说:Id like some apples. 24. 做错了事情向别人抱歉,可以说:Im sorry. 25. 当你想知道哪一个是你自己的东西时,说:Which one? 26. 当你想知道对方长大想做什么职业时,可以说:What do you want to be? 27. 当有客人到你们学校,你说:Welcome to our school. 28. 当你看见一个男孩爬到树上,应该说:Come down./ Dont climb trees again. 29. 你们参加聚会要迟

5、到了,说:Were late. Lets hurry. 30. 你想问穿红毛线衣的女士是谁,可以说: Whos that woman in the 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 1 页,共 14 页 - - - - - - - - - red sweater? 找出以下句子错误的地方,并改正1. What are these over there? ( ) 2. Whos the boy with big eye? ( ) 3. Whats her job? Im

6、a waitress. ( ) 4. How many kilos? One kilos, please. ( ) 5. Apples is red. ( ) 6. Are you teacher? Yes, I am. ( ) 7. Theres a TV in the my bedroom. ( ) 8. Herere a pair of chopsticks for you. ( ) 9. Theres not milk in the glass. ( ) 10. Theres a big box in the table. ( ) 11. Sometimes we watch TV i

7、n the class. ( ) 12. The teacher lunch is on the chair. ( ) 13. Whos the girl in long hair? ( ) 14. Wheres your sister? Hes in the study. ( ) 15. There are some juice in the bottle. ( ) 16. My grandfather is my father father. ( ) 17. Whose the woman with a small nose? ( ) 18. Shall we go to the libr

8、ary by foot? ( ) 19. Excuse me, is this train to Beijing? ( ) 20. Do you like playing the football? ( ) 21. Are they Helens ruler? ( ) 22. Lets go to the school. ( ) 23. What are these? Its grapes. ( ) 24. Hes a English teacher. ( ) 25. Thanks you very much. ( ) 26. Whos the man on the tree? ( ) 27.

9、 Here your are. ( ) 28. His a new farmer. ( ) 连词成句 : 1. there, woman, that, whos, over _ 2. me, is, he, doctor, a , excuse _ 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 2 页,共 14 页 - - - - - - - - - 3. here, you, are, a, nurse _ 4. climb, again, trees, dont _ 5. gi

10、rl, whos, the, shes, Su Yang _ 6. your, is, sister, girl, that _ 7. with, the, eyes, boy, whos, big _ 8. red, one, the, skirt, in _ 9. are, jobs, English, what _ 10. in, whats, English, this _ 11. some, too, Id, grapes, like _ 12. the, are, what, desk, these, on _ 13. your, are, apples, those _ 14.

11、job, womans, the, is, what _ 15. pineapples, much, are, how, the _ 16. are, watermelons, they, green _ 17. a, heres, of, pair, you, chopsticks _ 18. glass, wheres, in, cupboard, the, my, Its _ 19. have, dinner, come, and _ 20. fork, you, use, knife, and, can _ 21. some, have, juice, then _ 名师资料总结 -

12、- -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 3 页,共 14 页 - - - - - - - - - 22. like, try, to, Id _ 23. are, in, lots, books, there, of, the, bookcase _ 24. got, a, Ive, bike, new _ 25. is, computer, there, in, a, the, office _ 26. a, violin, theres, near, window, the _ 27. w

13、atch, we, TV, class, in, sometimes _ 28. go, the, by, lets, to, library, bike _ 29. me, this, excuse, is, for, plane, Shanghai _ 30. we, to, Beijing, shall, by, go, train _ 31. mother, his, doctor, is, a _ 32. to, our, welcome, school _ 33. the, the, whos, boy, in, tree _ 34. father, is, her, too, t

14、eacher, a _ 35. the, in, whos, girl, dress, the yellow _ 36. theyre, what, those, are, oranges _ 37. their, what, they, workers, are, jobs, are _ 38. many, one, how, kilos, kilo, please _ 39. you, free, are, now _ 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 4 页,共

15、14 页 - - - - - - - - - 40. go, the, theatre, shall, we, to, by, taxi _ 41. do, go, how, you, to, school _ 42. we, play, shall, football _ 43. my, is, hamburger, where _ 44. much, the, and, how, are, sweets, biscuits _ 45. breakfast, for, whats, today _ 46. my, chopsticks, are, where _ 47. in, no, bo

16、wl, theres, rice, the _ 48. in, what, the, is, classroom _ 49. some, there, desks, and, are, chairs _ 50. near, the, a, there, blackboard, is, window _ 51. go, and, baseball, lets, play _ 把以下句子排成对话(1) A. Lets go to the snack bar. B. Can I help you? C. A glass of orange juice then. D. Anything else? E. Good idea. F. Im hungry, Mum. G. Id like a hamburger and some milk. H. How much are they? I. 18 yuan, please. _ 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 5 页,共


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