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1、Play childlike innocence, enjoy childhood【六一儿童节 文艺汇演】In November, 949, the International Democratic Womens Federation held a a council meeting in Moscow, China and other countries angrily exposedthe imperialists and reactionaries of all countries killing, 01入场签到02园长/校长致辞03家长代表讲话04文艺汇演05亲子游戏06分发礼物07合

2、影留念E n t r a n c e s i g n i n【六一儿童节 文艺汇演】In November, 949, the International Democratic Womens Federation held a a council meeting in Moscow, China and other countries angrily exposedthe imperialists and reactionaries of all countries killing, 入场签到入场签到0101入场签到签到处Principal/Principals speech【六一儿童节 文艺

3、汇演】In November, 949, the International Democratic Womens Federation held a a council meeting in Moscow, China and other countries angrily exposedthe imperialists and reactionaries of all countries killing, 园长园长/ /校长致辞校长致辞0202园长简介在此可以输入信息在此可以输入信息;在此可以输入信息;在此可以输入信息在此可以输入信息;在此可以输入信息;在此可以输入信息在此可以输入信息;在此

4、可以输入信息;园长致辞今天,我们怀着阳光般的心情欢聚一堂,庆祝孩子们共有的节日“六一”国际儿童节。在此,我代表第一幼儿园全体教职员工以及小朋友们向在座的各位来宾以及家长表示热烈的欢迎和诚挚的谢意!Speech by Parent Representative【六一儿童节 文艺汇演】In November, 949, the International Democratic Womens Federation held a a council meeting in Moscow, China and other countries angrily exposedthe imperialists

5、and reactionaries of all countries killing, 家长代表讲话家长代表讲话0303家长代表简介在此可以输入信息;在此可以输入信息;在此可以输入信息;在此可以输入信息;在此可以输入信息;在此可以输入信息;在此可以输入信息;在此可以输入信息;在此可以输入信息;在此可以输入信息;在此可以输入信息;在此可以输入信息;节日PPT模板 http:/ performance【六一儿童节 文艺汇演】In November, 949, the International Democratic Womens Federation held a a council meetin

6、g in Moscow, China and other countries angrily exposedthe imperialists and reactionaries of all countries killing, 文艺汇演文艺汇演0404节目单节目一:XXXXX-大一班节目二:XXXXX-大二班节目三:XXXXX-大三班节目四:XXXXX-大一班大班节目节目一:XXXXX-教师1节目二:XXXXX-教师2教师团队节目单节目一:XXXXX-小一班节目二:XXXXX-小二班节目三:XXXXX-小三班节目四:XXXXX-小一班小班节目节目一:XXXXX-中一班节目二:XXXXX-中二

7、班节目三:XXXXX-中三班节目四:XXXXX-中一班中班节目大班节目舞蹈-萌宝耍大牌演出人名单:大一班小班节目篮球操-中国功夫演出人名单:第一PPT教师节目独舞-XXXXX演出人名单:第一PPT中班节目情景剧-小树快长大演出人名单:第一PPTParent-child games【六一儿童节 文艺汇演】In November, 949, the International Democratic Womens Federation held a a council meeting in Moscow, China and other countries angrily exposedthe im

8、perialists and reactionaries of all countries killing, 亲子游戏亲子游戏0505亲子游戏快乐拥抱以家庭为一组,每轮10组家庭参加,音乐响起时,朝同一方向向前走,当教师说出4时,4组家庭抱在一起,人数相符的即可获得印章,人数不符的将出局在一旁等待下一轮。游戏玩法:亲子游戏快乐贴贴贴 每轮4组家庭参加,幼儿站在起点,家长站在中间,当开始时幼儿用鼻尖和上唇夹一根吸管出发,绕过障碍物传递给中间等待的家长,家长用同样的方法走向终点,如中途掉落需重新开始,完成者即可获得印章。游戏玩法:亲子游戏夹球跳 孩子将刺球夹在膝盖处往前跳,跳至家长处,将球交给家长

9、,家长将球夹在膝盖处往回跳,完成任务且球不掉下的家庭优胜。游戏玩法:亲子游戏画五官 黑板一块,上面画有娃娃头两个;粉笔;眼罩两个。 游戏准备:游戏玩法:幼儿在间隔黑板适合的位置,戴上眼罩,由教师或家长引领到黑板前,在黑板上的娃娃头中填画上娃娃的五官。画得好的嘉奖小粘贴或在其手臂上盖一个小印章。g i v e o u t t h e g i f t【六一儿童节 文艺汇演】In November, 949, the International Democratic Womens Federation held a a council meeting in Moscow, China and oth

10、er countries angrily exposedthe imperialists and reactionaries of all countries killing, 分发礼物分发礼物0606分发礼物请输入名称请输入名称请输入名称请输入名称Took a group photo【六一儿童节 文艺汇演】In November, 949, the International Democratic Womens Federation held a a council meeting in Moscow, China and other countries angrily exposedthe

11、 imperialists and reactionaries of all countries killing, 合影留念合影留念0707合影留念请输入名称请输入名称Play childlike innocence, enjoy childhood【六一儿童节 文艺汇演】In November, 949, the International Democratic Womens Federation held a a council meeting in Moscow, China and other countries angrily exposedthe imperialists and reactionaries of all countries killing,



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