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1、2022年全国乙卷听力原文1. M:Jenny, you can just drop me here.W:But we are two streets away from the office. M: Its fine. I had a big breakfast and feel like a bit of walk.2. W:Hello, George, you look tired. Didnt sleep well last night ?M:No, not at all! I had to work flat out (不得不拼命工作)to meet the project dead

2、line.Now Im really feeling a bit run-down.3. W:John, can we go some place and talk? Its so noisy in here(用于指环境).M:Well, there is a small park across the street. Its usually not crowded at this time of day.4. W:Weve got to do something about the neighbors dog.M:Why ? Has he been into your flower gard

3、en again?W: The flower garden ,the garbage can and yesterday, he started digging holes in the yard.5. M:Hello ! We have a reservation in the name of Mr. Jones. Is there any table by the window? W:Sorry! Weve got this corner table for you. Its quiet here, not close to the door.6. W:Dave, dont forget

4、we are invited out to dinner tonight! M:Oh, yeah. I almost forgot .What time ?W:Seven thirty. We should leave the house by six thirty.You know how bad the traffic is that time of night .M:Its informal ,isnt it? W:Yeah. you can wear your new sports jacket,the one I got you as an anniversary gift. M:O

5、kay, well! I forgot to go. Ill try to get home a little earlier today W:Good.7. M:We need to decide exactly when were going to move.Any suggestions?W:I think July would be the best time. Our sales are always down that month.We could move all the office equipment at the weekend. Do everything at once

6、 .M:I think the weekends too short. Maybe we should do it department by department.W:What do you mean?M:Well, each week a different department would move.That way, there would always bepeople here to handle customer increase, phone calls and so on.W:En,thats a good idea.8. W:So, Mr. Peter Cells. Id

7、be curious to know what were the early connections in your life that lead you into the art field.M:My grandfather was an art dealer in Munich. They had a great museum in Munich. he took me to the museum and I responded very strongly to what I saw on the walls there.I learned about art from him.I lea

8、rned about looking at art from him. I think thats what really got me started.Then, many years later, after I got out of the army, I went to study art history at the University of Chicago.W:Tell us more about your experiences of looking at arts with your grandfather .M: Well, we looked at the famous

9、paintings by the great artists like Rembrand(伦勃朗) , Kirchner(不确定) and Alberto Burri . Rubers paintings were my favorites. Yes, I remember these things .This was when I was between ten and fifteen.When I was fourteen, I was so anxious to see more art that a friend of mine and I bicycled across the al

10、ps to see Venice .That, was a big adventure.9: W:Hi, John, havent seen you for ages! M:Hi, Susan. Fancy meeting you here on the train!W: How is your college life ?M:What can I say? I have survived!W: What happened?M:Well, early last march ,I started doing a part time job in a law firm.A few weeks be

11、fore, I had started writing my term paper.I thought I could finish it by August. W:That was a pretty good idea trying to have some work experience.M:For the first three weeks, you know, I tried.I got up early and worked for an hour on mypaper before going to work.But work was so fun .I met tons of n

12、ew people and soon I could find even a minute for my paper ,so I had to quit my part time job and finally finished my paper in October .W:Well, its never too late to mend .Its kind of hard to find a balance between what you have to do and what you want to do.M:Yeah, its really important for me to ba

13、lance study and work .And I think I should learn to exercise some self-control.10: Being an athlete is very fun, painful and exciting .Every time I come to the track, I feel like Im out of this place. This is Barcelona National Stadium.This is where I train.When I saw Usain Bolt(尤塞恩.博尔特) running in

14、the 2012 London Olympics, I was amazed .Just watching him run got me motivated. I quitted being a chess player and started to run.I went to the 2016 Olympics and went to the finals at the age of eighteen, and wow I finished fifth. It was a dream come true to me. But I still wanted more.The training

15、is super hard,but the hardest part for me is that I got an injury,the Injury which may take me out for years.For a period of time, as a young athlete, I did not know what to do. I lost focus .But now Im back on the track. I really want to be there at the Olympics and do what I did before, do much, m

16、uch greater .I dont care about the gold .I dont care about the silver. I want to do my best. You know, take everything and show it to the world.作文答案Learning English Beyond the Classroom Nowadays, with the growing popularity of smartphones and computers, an increasing number of students are choosing to learn English beyond the classroom in various ways


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