湖南省娄底地区高二英语unit12 integrating skills 人教

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1、IntegratingIntegratingUnit 12Integrating SkillsThe Story of Dr FrankensteinShelley, Mary Wollstonecraft (1797-1851), English novelist.A famous science fiction novel, which is written by “the mother of science fiction novel”- Mary WollstonecraftShelley (the wife of the world famous poet-Shelley). Fir


3、rialswhichcamefrombutchershopsandhospitalstodomyjobsecretly.()ThebeingthatIcreatedwasverynice,justlikeanormalperson.FFTFTFNow please read the text again and discuss :HowmanyperiodscanDrFrankensteinsexperimentbedivided?Threeperiods:Period 1(Para1Para3):He decided to create life from dead matter.Perio

4、d 2(Para4Para5):He decided to create a larger human being than man.Period 3(Para6Para7):He succeeded in creating a creature, but a living horror.ScanningDetailedReadingPara1:What did Dr Frankenstein want to do when he was young?He wanted to learn the secrets of heaven and earth when he was young.Par

5、a2:After he was sent to university, what did he think of the things taught at university?Para3:What attracted his attention?The structure of the human body and any animal that was alive attracted his attention.What did he discover?He discovered the cause of life and how to create life from dead matt

6、er.Period 1:He felt them very disappointing and decided to pioneer a new way himself.Period 2:Para4:Although he knew how to create life,what remained difficult work for him?How to prepare a body for it with all its muscles and organs still remained a difficult job for him.Para5:Why did he decide to

7、create a larger human being than man about eight feet in height?Because the small size of the parts slowed down his speedPara6:Howdidhecreatealifeformthatlookslikeahumanbeing?Period 3:Please rearrange the following steps in the right order.1.Hegainedmanymaterialsfrombutchershopsandhospitals.2.Hefini

8、shedhisworkonanightinNovember.3.Thedeadcreaturecametolifeatoneinthemorning.4.Helightedtheflameoflifeintothedeadthing.5.Hecollectedbonesfromgravesandcutupdeadbodies.51243Read the whole passage quietly. The story was finished in 1818. Which part impresses you most?What scientific development do you th

9、ink the author predicted in the story?1.WhatdidDrFrankensteinwanttodowhenhewasyoung?Hewantedtolearnthesecretsofheavenandearth.2.Afterhewassenttouniversity,whatdidhethinkofthethingstaughtatuniversity?Hefoundallthatwastaughtatuniversityverydisappointing.3.Whatattractedhisattentionthen?Thestructureofth


11、fromgravesandmanyofhismaterialscamefrombutchershopsandhospitals.Hecollectedhisinstrumentsaroundhim.6.CanyoudescribethefeelingsofFrankensteinwhenhesawhiscreationforthefirsttime?Pleasedandfrightened.BecauseitwasaLivinghorror,buthesucceededafterall.课文知识讲解课文知识讲解1.No human being could have passed a happi

12、er childhood than myself.(比较级的否定表示最(比较级的否定表示最高级)高级)Nobody is more diligent than Bill is.Nothing is happier than staying with ones parents and having nothing to worry about.no/nothing so as 也表示最高级意义,相也表示最高级意义,相当于当于“没有没有像像那样那样”No book is so interesting as this one.Nothing in my life shocked me so deep

13、ly as this first visit to China.2.I was driven by a desire to learn. drive 作作“驱使,逼迫,迫使驱使,逼迫,迫使”讲时,后接不定式、讲时,后接不定式、形容词或介词短语作宾语补足语。形容词或介词短语作宾语补足语。Hunger drove him to steal. = He was driven by hunger to steal.The loud noise almost drove me crazy.3.throw (cast/ shed) light on 阐明,使明朗,解释,揭示阐明,使明朗,解释,揭示The

14、new facts throw some light on the matter.This information throws light upon the mystery of the Presidents death.But there was nothing to shed light on the connection between the two men.4.I read all the books I couldfind that threw light upon thesematers throw/cast light upon/on提供线索,使有某种理解提供线索,使有某种理

15、解这本日记为故事中的事件提供了有趣的线索。这本日记为故事中的事件提供了有趣的线索。The diary throws an interesting light on the events in this novel last point.7. One of the phenomena that attracted my attention was the structure of the human body, and any animal that was alive.alive 修饰修饰“人,物人,物”后置定语,表语后置定语,表语 (=living ,补语,补语)living 表语,前置定语

16、表语,前置定语live “活活的的,有有生生命命的的;现现场场直直播播的的,实实况况转播的转播的” 物,前置定语物,前置定语lively“活活泼泼的的,生生动动逼逼真真的的“ 修修饰饰“人人,物物”前置定语,表语前置定语,表语GoodByeGoodbye!Goodbye!9、静夜四无邻,荒居旧业贫。2022/6/102022/6/10Friday,June10,202210、雨中黄叶树,灯下白头人。2022/6/102022/6/102022/6/106/10/20225:19:47PM11、以我独沈久,愧君相见频。2022/6/102022/6/102022/6/10Jun-2210-Jun-2212、故人江海别,几度隔山川。2022/6/102022/6/102022/6/10Friday,June10,202213、乍见翻疑梦,相悲各问年。2022/6/102022/6/102022/6/102022/6/106/10/202214、他乡生白发,旧国见青山。10六月20222022/6/102022/6/102022/6/1015、比不了得就不比,得不到的就不要。六月222022


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