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1、How Effective is Differentiation in the EU Economic Policy Field?Andreas Ei si and Eulalia RubioThis project has received funding from the European Unions Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 822622In the case of differentiated integration organisations or arrangem

2、ents, empirical studies show the existence of some unintended positive effects. Vos and Weimer (2016: 35), for example, demonstrate that successful invocations of opt-outs in the fields of public health and environmental protection have, in some cases, ultimately triggered a process of further harmo

3、nisation at the EU level aiming to remove the regulatory disparities among the Member States*1. They further state that uit seems that it is not coincidental that the approval of the derogations resulted in the adjustment of the EU rules at the higher level of protection, pushed for by the derogatin

4、g Member States1, (Vos and Weimer 2016: 36).Differentiated policies may also have negative side-effects. A typical” negative externality arises when a specific differentiated integration arrangement differs in its policy vision and actions from the whole EU-level policy direction, thus creating prob

5、lems of incoherence. The establishment of the differentiated arrangement may also create what we call inter-group externalities, that is, tensions between “ins” (countries participating in the arrangement) and ,outsn (non-participating member states). This may be the case, for instance, if the non-p

6、articipating states perceive the distribution of costs and benefits between the two groups as unfair. It is important to notice that whether a differentiated integration arrangement creates tensions between ins and outs” is different from the question of whether it has centripetal or centrifugal eff

7、ects (that is, whether it has a tendency to expand and include new members, or to lose some of the participant members). External differentiated integration can also create negative externalities for non-participating third countries (see Eisl and Fabry 2020). Another typical negative effect of exte

8、rnal differentiated arrangements is distortions in the functioning of the Single Market, when there are imbalances in the rights and obligations of third countries accessing the Single Market (see Eisl 2020b, Eisland Fabry 2020). To be effective, a differentiated arrangement should be able to addres

9、s such negative inter-group externalities by having the capacity to prevent, resolve or mitigate them.2.3 A dynamic definition of policy effectivenessIn a world increasingly shaped by rapidly changing circumstances, the effectiveness of public action also depends on the capacity of public actors to

10、adapt to them, calibrating the objectives and instruments to respond to new or altered problems. This “notion of dynamic policy effectiveness,as Bali et al. (2019: 3) have put it, requires designers to accommodate for turbulence and uncertainty in policy environments, and policy surprises* through f

11、eedback mechanisms and procedures that allow for automated or semi-automated calibrations to be made. Similarly, Compton et al. (2019: 122) have argued that any evaluation of the effectiveness of a public policy cannot be reduced to a single point of time, ascontexts change, unintended consequences

12、emerge, surprises are thrown at history: robustly successful policies are those that respond to these dynamics through institutional learning and flexible adaptation in program (re)design and delivery, and through political astuteness in safeguarding supporting coalitions and maintaining public repu

13、tation and legitimacy.Again, this capacity to adjust to circumstances is also important for differentiated integration arrangements. The EMU would not have survived the eurozone crisis (nor the current covid-19 crisis) had EU leaders and institutions, such as the ECB (European Central Bank), not und

14、erstood the need to reform the existing policies and procedures to respond to the new challenges and needs. As Frommelt (2017: IV) has pointed out, dynamism is also crucial for a well-performing external differentiation arrangement. This is because the wextent and effectiveness of the EEA EFTA state

15、s) integration with the EU are continuously being redefined due to the incorporation or non-incorporation of new EU legislation into the EEA Agreemenf.3. Measuring the impact of differentiation on policy effectivenessA comparative and inductive approachAs interviews with various politicians in the f

16、ramework of the research project have shown, differentiated integration is most of the time not the instrument of choice but rather a second-best alternative where unanimity requirements block a unified advancement of specific policy areas. From the perspective of political actors, it is thus often less pertinent to assess whether differentiated integration arrangements are more or less effective than non-differentiated solutions, and more relevant to evaluate a



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