《Unit 4At the farm》第3课时 课件 人教版英语四年级下册

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《《Unit 4At the farm》第3课时 课件 人教版英语四年级下册》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《《Unit 4At the farm》第3课时 课件 人教版英语四年级下册(25页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、获取更多课件资源可加获取更多课件资源可加QQ:213582480213582480Unit 4 At the farmPEP 四年级下册 Lets spellLook at those pictures and try to read it.Lets spellRead and listen.Lets spellChant.Lets spellRead, listen and number.162435Lets spellforkshomeworkhorsesLook, listen and write.字母组合字母组合or在单词中的发音规律在单词中的发音规律知识点知识点4 4发音发音发音要领

2、发音要领口型示范口型示范长元音长元音/舌放平,舌中部略抬舌放平,舌中部略抬起。双唇呈扁平口型,起。双唇呈扁平口型,声带振动。声带振动。例例词词:world map 世界地图世界地图homework家庭作业家庭作业发音发音发音要领发音要领口型示范口型示范长元音长元音/舌后缩,舌后部抬起舌后缩,舌后部抬起。双唇呈中圆口型,。双唇呈中圆口型,并向前突出,声带振并向前突出,声带振动。动。例例词词:fork 叉子叉子horse 马马homework根据根据图片说出单词。图片说出单词。Word map根据根据图片说出单词。图片说出单词。fork根据根据图片说出单词。图片说出单词。horse根据根据图片说出

3、单词。图片说出单词。 本节课我们学习了以下知识,请同学们一定本节课我们学习了以下知识,请同学们一定加强巩固,以便能和同学们进行灵活交流哦!加强巩固,以便能和同学们进行灵活交流哦!字母字母组合组合or在单词中的发音规律在单词中的发音规律1 拼读本课所学单词,并正确的抄写在四线拼读本课所学单词,并正确的抄写在四线三格中。三格中。2 完成完成配套的课后作业。配套的课后作业。一、给下列词汇选出正确的图片。A. B. C. D. ()1. arm ()2. card()3. tall ()4. ballCBDA二、按照字母组合or发音的不同给下列单词分类。 【发音规律记忆法】1. horse 2. fo

4、rk 3. world4. word 5. for 6. homework7. story 8. short 9. fortystorybookwork1、2、5、7、8、93、4、6方法点拨方法点拨: 发发音音规规律律记记忆忆法法。字字母母组组合合or在在单单词词中中常常发发/和和/两两种种音音。字字母母w后后的的or一一般般读读/。三、根据所给词将下列单词分类。1. tomatoes _ _ 2. black _ _ 3. short _ _ BACEA. red B. onions C. blueD. potatoes E. long F. bigDF四、根据图片提示,选词填空。 1.

5、Id like four ,please. Here you are.2. Is this your ? Yes ,it is. homework forks world map horseshomework forks 3. Are these ?Yes,they are 4. Look! I have a . homework forks world map horses horsesworld map五、阅读短文,判断正(T) 误(F) 。Hello, Im Li Ming. Im short. This is my brother Li Tao. He is tall. He work

6、s on a farm. We all like to read stories. Today is Saturday. I do my homework at home. Then I go to the farm with my brother. I see many tomatoes and potatoes. I dont like potatoes. Oh! Look at these horses! They are eating green beans and carrots. () 1. 文中short, works, stories, homework, horses 等单词中的or 发音相同。() 2. Li Ming works on a farm. () 3. Li Ming doesnt like potatoes. () 4. Li Ming sees his brother eating(在吃) green beans and carrots. () 5. There are many tomatoes and potatoes on the farm. FFTFT



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