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1、冲刺2022年中考英语首字母填空临考押题(一)The man who lived in a Singapore forest for 30 yearsSingapore is known for being one of the worlds most highly urbanized(城市化) countries, with skyscrapers and luxury apartments. But for one man, Its far away from the place he called homea makeshift shelter(简易过渡房) in one of the

2、countrys forests. When meeting Oh Go Seng, the first thing that s_1_ you is the light in his eye. He is 79 years old, but looks in far better shape than many people half his age. Mr Oh grew up t_2_with his family in Sungei Tengah(双溪登加)a local village. In the 1980s, however, these villages were pulle

3、d down, to make way for new high-rise buildings. Most village residents were offered new homes by the government, but Mr Oh was unable to get a place of his own. His brother, however, did get a government flat and Mr Oh was i_3_ to live there, but he eventually moved out as he said he did not want t

4、o trouble the family. So, he came back to a forest close to where his old home once stood and started to spend nights in a makeshift shelter built from pieces of wood, bamboo and tarpaulin(防水帆布). The garden near his tent is where he would grow his own food. Clothes lines are between the trees and a

5、fence protects the vegetable plot from intruders(入侵者). The tall jackfruit tree(菠萝蜜树) over his tent he says, provided enough shade. And he never felt u_4_, although Singapores hot and humid. Getting lonely was never a problem e_5_, he says. He kept himself busy looking after his garden well because o

6、f the good growing conditions, he adds. The w_6_ thing of living in the forest, he says, was the mice. They would find their way into his shelter and chew holes in his clothes. In February this yearon the first day of the Lunar New Year, with the help of his local MPs team, Mr Oh was given a new hom

7、e to live in. The few personal items in the flat have been supplemented by a fridge, television, kettle and water heater donated by well-wishers. He now works as a driver, transporting foreign workers from one job to a_7_, and sometimes does gardening work, he says. 答案:1.surprises 2.together 3.invit

8、ed 4.uncomfortable 5.either6.worst 7.another译文:一个在新加坡森林里生活了30年的人新加坡是全球著名的城市化程度最高的国家之一,这里不乏熠熠生辉的摩天大楼和豪华公寓。但对一个人来说,这里离他称之为家的地方很远很远他的家是新加坡森林中的一个临时住所。见到吴哥僧(音译)时,首先让人惊讶的是他眼睛里的光。79岁的吴哥僧身体身体看起来比许多年龄只有他一半的人都要好。吴先生在双溪登加(一个当地的小村庄)长大,与家人生活在一起。然而,20世纪80年代,这些当地村庄要被拆迁,腾出地方修建高楼。大多数村庄的居民都会得到政府的分房,但是吴先生却没得到。不过他的兄弟得到


10、家。公寓里除了几件为数不多的私人物品外,一些好心人还捐赠了冰箱、电视、水壶和热水器。吴先生说,他现在是一名司机,负责外国工人通勤,有时还做点园艺工作。(二)Recognizing people is a basic courtesy, especially in the workplace. But many people have felt the stress of trying to recall the workmate sitting opposite them, but remembered nothing. It is a source of embarrassment, and

11、 it can be seen as impoliteness that someone hasnt taken the time and e_1_ to learn anything about the other person. However, being able to memorize someones appearance, particularly if theyre relatively unfamiliar, and recall them in a second needs a huge number of cognitive(认知的) resources from par

12、ts of the brain specific to facial recognition, to visual processing(视觉处理) and long-term memory. Learning and recognizing faces is one of the most c_2_ tasks, explains Karen Lander, senior lecturer in experimental psychology at the University of Manchester, UK. But besides science, there are cultura

13、l and social factors that can make us not know who is talking with us at work. We tend to remember people who look more like us, and we also prioritize(优先) learning the faces of those which we think are of greater importance to our lives: senior members of staff, or those in positions of power. F_3_

14、, there are things we can do if we want to get better at recognizing everyone. According to Brad Duchaine, professor of psychological and brain sciences at Dartmouth College, New Hampshire, US, the more one knows, the easier the learning process can be. The more i_4_ you have about the person, the b

15、etter able youll be to put them into your memory, he adds. Even though its not visual, knowing what that person does, the things they like and the friends they have connects all those various parts of the brain together. Additionally, Lander suggests i_5_ the variety of friendship and social circles

16、. The contact hypothesis(假设) shows if someone has contact with people from another culture more, his levels of recall accuracy is higher, she says. And it has the additional a_6_ of bringing you new ideas, opportunities and learning experiences. Even if it can be difficult to always recognize infrequentl


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