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1、 关于英语作文合集五篇英语作文 篇1the englishman love to behave gentlemanly and the englishwoman love to behave ladily. they also show their respect to ladies. they always say lady first. in their daily life. the english pay attention to their appearance. they dress neatly. they shake hands when they meet other. wh

2、en they are with others, they usually say pleasethank yousorry and so on. the breakfast in britain is very rich. usually there are all kinds of egg products, oatmeal, bacon, ham, sausages, butter, jam, bread, milk, juice, coffee and so on. they are popular with the western countries. whats more, the

3、 english like drinking tea. they have the habit of drink afternoon tea at about 3 in the afternoon. they enjoy drinking tea and treat it as a kind of seeing friends.英国人崇尚“绅士风度”和“淑女风范”,讲究“女士优先”。在日常生活中,英国人留意仪表,讲究穿著,英国人的见面礼是握手礼。与人交往时,注意用敬语“请”、“感谢”“对不起”等。英式菜的早餐很丰富,一般有各种蛋品、麦片粥、咸肉、火腿、香肠、黄油、果酱、面包、牛奶、果汁、咖啡等

4、,受到西方各国普遍的欢送。另外,英国人喜爱喝茶,有在下午3点左右吃茶点的习惯,英国人把喝茶当作一种享受,也当作一种社交。英语作文 篇2i have a very warmly class.all the classmates here are friendly.we study together as well as playing .the teachers who teach us are so kindly.we have class happily and learning knowledge .we all have our dream and believe knowledge c

5、an change our life.we are happy to stay in our class.英语作文 篇3Directions:Write a composition entitled Teenage Smoking Soars. You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chiness.1.过去10年里中国的青少年烟民急剧增长;2.青少年烟民急剧增长的缘由;3.如何抑制这个问题。Teenage Smoking SoarsIn the past decade, there

6、 has been an alarming increase in the number of teenage smokers in China.There are a number of reasons for this. First of all, some would attribute this to the increase in economic stability. With more money to spend, teenagers are finding themselves with more freedom. Secondly, teenagers are affect

7、ed by the many westem movies out there there that advertise smoking as a mature or cool thing to do. Thirdly, because teenagers today are all a result of the one-child policy, more parents are becoming lax on disciplining their children,as they will depend on them in the future.To curb this problem,

8、 I believe that cigarettes should not be sold to anyone under 18 years old. Furthermore, the government should ban smoking on television and in the media. (141 words)在过去十年里,中国的青少年烟民数量以令人惊愕的速度增长。这一现象出现有许多缘由。首先,有些人把这归咎于中国经济的稳定增长。手里有了更多的钱,青少年拥有了更多的自由。其次,青少年深受许多西方电影的影响,认为吸烟代表成熟,是一件很酷的事情。再次,因为此时此刻的青少年多为独

9、生子女政策的产物,许多家长在教育孩子方面特别纵容,因为他们将来要依靠孩子。为了抑制这个问题,我认为香烟不得出售给未满18 周岁的未成年人。而且,政府应当制止电视或者媒体中出现吸烟的镜头。英语作文 篇4When facing difficulties , whats your attitude towards it? Giving up or keeping up? Many people may insist at first, but finally give up. But sometimes you just need to try it again and youll overcome

10、 it.当你面对困难的时候,你会是哪种看法呢?是放弃还是坚持?许多人可能会在一起先的时候选择坚持,但最终选择了放弃。有时你只需再努力一次,你就可以克制它了。As far as I am concerned, Edison is a perfect example for his insistence. He had done a lot of experiments until the first light bulb came into being. Among those experiments, there were many times of failure. If he had ch

11、osen to give up, he wouldnt be such a huge scientist in the history. What can we learn from him? Obviously, never easily give up when faced with difficulty. Success never comes without hard work.我觉得爱迪生就是一个因为坚持而胜利的例子。在独创电灯之前他做了大量的试验。在这些试验中,许多都是失败的。面对困难,假如他选择了放弃,他就不会在历史上成为一个宏大的科学家。我们可以从他身上学到什么呢?明显是,在面

12、对困难的时候从不轻易放弃。胜利从来都是来自努力的。I still remember the first time I rode bicycle when I was seven. My sister pushed the bicycle to help me. Few minutes later, she let it go, and I fell in the ground. She asked me to try one more time, I strove to ride. Finally, I made it. It was really a big deal for me.我还记得

13、我在七岁学习骑自行车的时候。我姐姐抓住我的自行车来协助我骑。几分钟后,她就放手了,我摔倒在地上。她要我再试一次,我试了。最终,我做到了。对我来说那真是一件了不得的事情。As the saying goes “Where there is a will, theres a way”. When you in trouble, dont easily give up. Maybe just try one more time; you will taste the fruits of victory.正如俗话说“有志者事竟成”。在你面对困难时,不要轻易放弃。或许只是再试一次;你就可以尝到成功的果实

14、。英语作文 篇5Youth is not a time of life, it is a state of mind ; it is not rosy cheeks , red lips and supple knees, it is a matter of the emotions : it is the freshness ; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life .Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity of the appetite ,

15、for adventure over the love of ease. This often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of? 20 . Nobody grows old merely by a number of? years . We grow old by deserting our ideals.Years wrinkle the skin , but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul . Worry , fear , self distrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust .Whether 60 of 16 , there is in every human being s heart the lure of wonders, the unfailing childlike appetite of whats next and the joy of the game of living . In the center of your heart and my heart theres a wireless station : so long as it receives messages of bea


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