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1、日常情景英语会话PPT模板下载: Oral English in Daily Situation(下册)(下册)目目 录录|ContentsUnut 1 Interview 面试Scene 2 Study and Career 学习和工作Unut 2Communicating with Colleagues 同事沟通Unut 3Resignation 辞职Unit 1 Interview 面试 1 Warming up 不论是刚迈出校门谋求第一份工作还是寻求一份比之前的工作更为理想的工作,找工作对于每个人来说都是极具压力的事情。在这个单元里,蒂姆要去一家美国公司面试。那么面试官都会问他什么问题

2、呢?他是否能对答如流呢?让我们和蒂姆一起体验面试的紧张和刺激吧!Unit 1 Interview 面试 2Situational DialoguesDialogue 1:Tim goes for an interview in ITC Company. Tim:Good morning.Ive made an appointment with your manager,Mr.Black.蒂姆:早上好。我跟你们的经理布莱克先生已经约好了。Nancy:Well,you must be Mr.Smith,right?南希:哦。你一定是史密斯先生了,对吗?Unit 1 Interview 面试Tim:

3、Yes.蒂姆:是的。Nancy:Please sit down,and Ill tell Mr.Black you are here.南希:请你坐一下。我就去告诉布莱克先生你到了。Unit 1 Interview 面试Dialogue 2:Tim is in Mr.Blacks office now.Tim:Good morning.My name is Tim Smith.蒂姆:早上好。我叫蒂姆史密斯。Mr.Black:Good morning,Mr.Smith.Nice to meet you.Im Peter Black from Personnel.Sit down,please.布莱

4、克先生:早上好,史密斯先生。很高兴见到你。我是人事部的彼得布莱克。请坐。Tim:Thank you very much.蒂姆:非常感谢。Unit 1 Interview 面试Mr.Black:Well,first of all,please give me a brief introduction of yourself.布莱克先生:那么首先请做一个简单的自我介绍吧!Tim:I graduated from Dalian Software University and my major is ecommerce.I am an optimistic and enthusiastic perso

5、n.I like traveling in my spare time because it can broaden my view.蒂姆:我毕业于大连软件学院。我的专业是电子商务。我是一个乐观并充满激情的人。在业余时间我喜欢旅游,因为旅游可以拓宽我的视野。Unit 1 Interview 面试Mr.Black:Well,please tell me about your working experience.布莱克先生:请告诉我你的工作经验。Tim:I havent been involved in e-commerce,so I dont have any experience,but I

6、 work hard and learn very fast.蒂姆:我没有从事过电子商务方面的工作,所以没有任何经验。但是我非常勤奋,而且学东西也很快。Mr.Black:Are you available for a business trip?布莱克先生:你能适应出差吗?Unit 1 Interview 面试Tim:Yes.Its no problem for me to travel frequently.蒂姆:可以。对于我来说频繁的出差没问题。Mr.Black:Have you brought your resume and certificates with you?布莱克先生:你有没

7、有把简历和证书带来?Tim:Yes,here you are.蒂姆:有的,给您。Mr.Black:Well,Mr.Smith,you will hear from us sometime next week.布莱克先生:史密斯先生,你在下个星期会收到我们的答复。Tim:All right.I am looking forward to your reply.蒂姆:好吧。我期盼着您的答复。Unit 1 Interview 面试New WordsUnit 1 Interview 面试Useful Expressions1.Ive made an appointment with your mana

8、ger,Mr.Black.1.我跟你们的经理布莱克先生已经约好了。2.You must be Mr.Smith,right?2.你一定是史密斯先生了,对吗?3.Im Peter Black from Personnel.3.我是人事部的彼得布莱克。4.Please give me a brief introduction of yourself.4.首先请做一个简单的自我介绍吧!5.I graduated from Dalian Software University and my major is ecommerce.5.我毕业于大连软件学院。我的专业是电子商务。Unit 1 Intervi

9、ew 面试6.I am an optimistic and enthusiastic person.6.我是一个乐观并充满激情的人。7.I like traveling in my spare time because it can broaden my view.7.在业余时间我喜欢旅游,因为旅游可以拓宽我的视野。8.Are you available for a business trip?8.你能适应出差吗?9.You will hear from us sometime next week.9.你在下个星期会收到我们的答复。10.I am looking forward to your

10、 reply.10.我期盼着你的答复。Unit 1 Interview 面试Sentence Patterns and Substitution Drills1.Ive made an appointment with your manager,Mr.Black. 我跟你们的经理布莱克先生已经约好了。Unit 1 Interview 面试2.Im Peter Black from Personnel. 我是人事部的彼得布莱克。Unit 1 Interview 面试3.I am an optimistic and enthusiastic person. 我是一个乐观并充满激情的人。Unit 1

11、 Interview 面试 3ExercisesComplete the following dialogue according to the Chinese given in the brackets.Lisa:Welcome to LiveTech.May I help you?Tim:Yes.I have an (约会)with Ms.King,the personnel manager.My name is Tim Smith.Lisa:Are you here for an (面试)?Tim:Yes,I am.Unit 1 Interview 面试Later,a woman sit

12、s down next to Tim.Tim introduces himself.Tim:Hello,Mrs.King.My name is Tim Smith.I graduated from Dalian Software University and my major is ecommerce.Ms.King:Nice to meet you,Mr.Smith.Well,please tell me about your working (经验).Tim:I am sorry.I dont have any experience,but I work hard and learn ve

13、ry fast.Ms.King:Have you brought your (简历) and certificates with you?Tim:Yes.Here you are.Ms.King:Thank you.Well,Mr.Smith,you will hear from us sometime next week.Tim:All right.I am (盼望) your reply.Unit 1 Interview 面试while引导时间状语从句while引导的时间状语从句与when大致相同,都表示“当时候”,但是while还可表示“一边,一边”。while引导的时间状语从句,主从句

14、有以下几种常用的时态。主句从句例句一般时进行时Somebody knocked at the door while I was watching TV.进行时进行时My mother is shopping online while I am cooking lunch.Unit 1 Interview 面试Translate the following sentences into English.1.当汤姆正在读书的时候,杰克正在玩电脑游戏。2.当我在购物的时候,我碰到了蒂姆。3.我们正在谈话时,老师进来了。Unit 2 communicating with colleagues 同事沟通

15、 1 Warming up八小时格子间的工作确实很辛苦。如果你累了,为什么不到咖啡间里休息一下?一杯热茶或咖啡可以缓解你的疲劳,和同事简单聊几句可以增进你们的了解。此刻,蒂姆和他的同事就坐在咖啡间里,让我们一起看看他们在聊什么吧!Unit 2 communicating with colleagues 同事沟通 2Situational DialogueTim:You are rather energetic today.Whats going on?蒂姆:你今天看起来精力充沛。有什么好事?Lucy:Nothing really.I think Ive had a few too much c

16、offee.露西:其实没什么。我想可能是我喝了太多的咖啡。Tim:Free coffee is one of the perks at this place,isnt it?蒂姆:免费的咖啡是我们公司的一项福利,对吧?Dialogue:Tim is talking with Lucy,his colleague in the coffee room.Unit 2 communicating with colleagues 同事沟通Lucy:Yes.Hows your day going?露西:你今天过得怎么样?Tim:Not very well.Ive got that Monday morning feeling today.蒂姆:不怎么样。我今天出现了星期一综合症。Lucy:Why? What happened?露西:为什么这么说?发生了什么?Tim:I have too much work to do today.I cant wait for the weekend!蒂姆:我有太多的工作要做。我简直迫不及待地想过周末了。Unit 2 communicating with col


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