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1、关于大学刚入学的英语作文_高考真题英语作文5篇关于”刚入学“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:New to school。以下是关于刚入学的高考英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。高分英语作文1:New to school One morning, a primary school student went to school with a kitten in his arms. His head teacher, Mr. Li, saw him, how can you come to school with your pet? Its not mine, its my neighbor, s

2、he said angrily Xinxinxin replied, no matter who owns it, pets are not allowed. New Zealand went home with the cat, but he wasnt upset at all. I wont have my first class at least. Ill bring my pet back after school tomorrow. 中文翻译: 一个故事,一天早晨,一个小学生,刚到学校就抱着一条小猫咪去学校,他的班主任李先生看见了他,“你怎么能和你的宠物一起来学校呢?”她生气地说:

3、“这不是我的,那是我的邻居。”新新新回答说:“不管是谁的,都不准养宠物。”被带到学校去把它一次送回来“纽纽纽多哥带着猫回家了,但他一点也不难过把它送回去我至少不会上第一堂课,明天放学后我会带我的宠物回来。 万能作文模板2:刚到学校 Today is the first day of school. Stepping into the school gate again reminds me that as a student, my responsibility is not only for class and examination. I am given the right to acq

4、uire knowledge. I hope that one day, I can use this knowledge to make great contribution to society. 中文翻译: 今天是开学的第一天,再次踏进学校的大门,这让我想起作为一名学生,我所肩负的责任不仅仅是上课和考试,我在这里被赋予获得知识的权利,我希望有一天,我可以利用这些知识来对社会的重大贡献。 满分英语范文3:刚入学 A newly married man was flying to Keith, Florida, on a business trip. His new wife would a

5、ccompany him there the next day. He sent her an email to let her know that he had arrived there safely. When he sent the mail, he made the wrong address. In Boston, a grieving widows husband had recently passed away. He received an e-mail from her, and she heard of her grandmas frost and fainting. S

6、he heard her grandmother cry. The widows one year old granddaughter ran into the sitting room and saw that the computer was writing that dear love has just arrived here, and you are ready to come tomorrow, so you cant wait to see you love me. 中文翻译: 一个刚结婚的男人正飞往佛罗里达州的基斯去出差,他的新婚妻子第二天要陪他到那里,他给妻子发了一封电子邮件,让她知道他安全抵达了那里。他发邮件时把地址打错了,在波士顿一个悲伤的寡妇的丈夫最近去世了,收到了她读到的电子邮件它的乳霜和晕倒听到她的祖母哭寡妇一岁的孙女跑进客厅看到电脑上写着亲爱的爱刚刚到这里准备你明天的到来迫不及待地想见到你爱我。- 3 -



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