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1、关心老一代的英语作文_初三高分英语作文5篇关于”关心老一代“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Care for the older generation。以下是关于关心老一代的初三英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。高分英语作文1:Care for the older generation I like many festivals, such as childrens day, Mid Autumn Festival, Valentines day and so on, but my favorite is Spring Festival. The Spring Festival is the

2、 most solemn traditional festival in China. It symbolizes unity and prosperity. It is the new hope of Chinese people in the Spring Festival. Just like westerners, it is the new hope of festivals. According to records, Chinese people celebrate the Spring Festival for many years. I like spring festiva

3、l because it is a festival for family reunion. One family has dinner together on New Years Eve. Every family is in During the Spring Festival, one of the busiest families is full of tables, family reunion, sitting around the table, eating reunion dinner. I cant say how satisfied it is that it not on

4、ly enjoys the rich food and the happy atmosphere of new years Eve. There are many things on New Years Eve, which span north and south, including dumplings, New Year cakes, long faces, Chinese Lantern Festival, but also has its own particular year I like the Spring Festival, because it is a festival

5、for people to celebrate the festival. It will set off all kinds of firecrackers and fireworks. Especially when the clock strikes at midnight, the whole land of China will be gone, and the firecrackers will sound Tianyu a string of firecrackers is showing signs. I like the Spring Festival because the

6、 Spring Festival gift money is also my extra pocket money. Whether it is for people or for everyones happiness, gift money is given to show the love and respect of the older generation. It is a kind of family activity integrating family relations. 中文翻译: 我喜欢很多节日,比如儿童节、中秋节、情人节等等,但我最喜欢的是春节。春节是中国最隆重的传统节


8、爆竹,庆祝节日特别是午夜钟声敲响的时候,整个中国大地都过去了,鞭炮声北岛天宇一串鞭炮正露出端倪,新年的喜庆心情我喜欢春节,因为春节的礼金也是我额外的零花钱,无论是为了人们还是为了大家开心过春节都送礼金,体现了老一辈对老一代的热爱,对老一辈的尊重,是一种融合家庭关系的亲情活动。 万能作文模板2:照顾老一辈 For the older generation, they believe that frugality is a virtue, and they have always taught their descendants to abide by these words. Thrift ca

9、n help people not waste resources and let more people have the opportunity to share, but sometimes excessive frugality is not favored by the younger generation. Take my parents for example, they have gone through difficult times, so they try to save every cent when shopping My mother is always hesit

10、ant to buy more food because she wants to buy it and tastes different. But in my opinion, it is difficult for her to pay the bill. Money is used to improve peoples lives. In addition to basic needs, we also need to find entertainment. The old generation only pursues the former and ignores the latter

11、. Money is worth spending on entertainment. 中文翻译: 对于老一辈人来说,他们相信节俭是一种美德,并且一直教育他们的后代遵守这些话,节俭可以帮助人们不浪费资源,让更多的人有机会分享,但有时过度节俭不受年轻一代的青睐以我的父母为例,他们经历了艰难的时期,所以他们在购物时尽可能地节省每一分钱,我妈总是犹豫要不要多买些食物,因为她想买尝到了不同的味道,但在我看来,她是很难付账的,钱是用来改善人们生活的,除了基本的需要,我们还需要找到娱乐老一代只追求前者而忽视后者钱值得花在寻找娱乐上。 满分英语范文3:关心老一代 Recently, a medical st

12、udent in Fudan University was poisoned by his roommate. This incident has aroused heated discussion from all walks of life. The following question has been raised: what is the matter with our students? Most importantly, what are the problems with our education? The younger generation is a little afr

13、aid that todays young people and teenagers have never experienced any difficulties in their life. They have a lot of ideas and views They are open-minded, especially those from the western world. They tend to pay more attention to individuals than the older generation. Rather than being collective,

14、these characteristics may lead to some good qualities and problems. They may be too bold to make their own mistakes. They may not be so selfless and they may not be so respected Focusing on these problems, we can look at all the above-mentioned problems in different ways. Young students have their g

15、ood qualities. The older generation does not have these problems. Sometimes it may be just some differences between generations, or some may not have proper education to keep up with the times. 中文翻译: 近日,复旦大学一名医学生被室友毒死,这件事引起了社会各界的热议,提出了这样一个问题:我们的学生到底怎么了,最重要的是,我们的教育有什么问题,现在的年轻一代有点害怕今天的年轻人和青少年在生活中从来没有经历过任何困难,他们对很多想法和观念持开放态度,特别是那些来自西方世界的人,他们往往比老一辈人更注重个人,与其说这些特点是集体性的,不如说这些特点可能会导致一些好的品质,也可能会产生一些问题,他们可能会过于大胆地去犯自己的错,他们可能不会那么无私,他们也可能不那么尊重这些“问题”,我们可以用不同的方式来看待上面提到的所有这些“问题”,年轻的学生有他们的好品质,老一代没有这些问题有时可能只是几代人之间的一些分歧,可能是一些没有适当的教育,可以跟上时代的结果。- 6 -


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