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1、关于房间干净整洁的英语作文_初一真题英语作文2篇关于”房间干净整洁“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:The room is clean and tidy。以下是关于房间干净整洁的初一英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。万能作文模板2:房间干净整洁 As we all know, a good environment makes us happy and helps us to learn better. Therefore, we must strive to keep our classroom clean and tidy, do not litter, timely cleaning,

2、so that students realize the importance of using desks and chairs, put their eyes in order, if everyone does something appropriate to contribute, we can easily make it a clean and tidy classroom. 中文翻译: 众所周知,良好的环境使我们快乐,有助于我们更好地学习。因此,我们必须努力保持我们的教室干净整洁不要乱扔垃圾,及时打扫卫生使同学们意识到使用桌椅的重要性,把眼睛放整齐,如果每个人都做一些适当的事情来

3、做出贡献,我们就可以很容易地使它获得一个干净整洁的教室。 满分英语范文3:房间干净整洁 As a student, we study in the classroom almost every week. The classroom is very important to us students. A clean classroom can give us a good place to study, it is good for our health, so we should keep it clear every day. However, to keep the classroom

4、clean and tidy every day, not every student should first try to keep it clean. The students in the class should clean the classroom. After the students in the class clean up the room, other students cant litter. They have the responsibility to keep the classroom clean and tidy. Every student should help to keep the classroom clean and tidy. 中文翻译: 作为一个学生,我们几乎每个星期都要在教室里学习。教室对我们学生来说非常重要。一个干净的教室可以给我们一个好的学习的地方,它对我们的健康有好处,所以我们应该每天保持它的清晰。 但是,每天保持教室的整洁并不是每个学生都应该首先努力保持干净,当班的同学应该把教室打扫干净,当班的同学清理完房间后,其他同学不能乱扔东西,他们有责任保持教室的整洁,每个学生都应该帮助保持教室的整洁。- 2 -


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