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1、关于景点的英语作文双语版_小学真题英语作文3篇关于”景点的双语版“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Bilingual version of scenic spots。以下是关于景点的双语版的小学英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。高分英语作文1:Bilingual version of scenic spots How to treat mesothelioma depends on the location of the tumor, the stage of the disease, the age of the patient, and general health standards.

2、 Treatment options include surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy. Sometimes these treatments are combined. Surgery is a common treatment for mesothelioma. Doctors can remove a part of the lining of the chest or abdomen of mesothelioma and some tissues around it for pleural cancer (pleural mesothel

3、ioma) in an operation called pneumonectomy, you can remove a lung, sometimes part of the diaphragm, the muscles below the lung that help breathe, also known as radiation therapy, which includes the use of high-energy radiation to kill cancer cells and reduce tumor size. Radiotherapy only affects can

4、cer cells in the treatment area. Radiation may come from machines (external radiation) or through thin plastic tubes The radiation material is placed in the area where the cancer cells are located (internal radiation therapy chemotherapy uses anti-cancer drugs to kill cancer cells in the whole body)

5、. Most drugs for mesothelioma are injected intravenously (intravenously, or intravenously). Doctors are also studying the effectiveness of putting chemotherapy directly into the chest or abdomen (intracavitary chemotherapy can relieve symptoms and control pain, and doctors can use needles Or a thin

6、tube to drain fluid that accumulates in the chest or abdomen. The procedure of draining fluid from the chest is called thoracentesis. Removing fluid from the abdomen is called a puncture. The drug can be given through a tube in the chest to prevent more fluid from accumulating. Radiation therapy and

7、 surgery may also help relieve symptoms. 中文翻译: 间皮瘤如何治疗间皮瘤的治疗取决于肿瘤的位置、疾病的分期、患者的年龄和一般健康标准的治疗选择包括手术、放疗和化疗有时这些治疗是结合的手术是一种常见的间皮瘤治疗方法,医生可以切除间皮瘤胸腔或腹部的一部分衬里和它周围的一些组织,用于胸膜癌(胸膜间皮瘤)在一种叫做全肺切除术的手术中可以切除一个肺,有时是膈肌的一部分,肺下面有助于呼吸的肌肉,也被称为放疗,包括使用高能射线杀死癌细胞和缩小肿瘤放射疗法只影响治疗区域内的癌细胞辐射可能来自机器(外部辐射)或通过薄塑料管将产生辐射的材料放入癌细胞所在区域(内部辐射治疗

8、化学疗法是用抗癌药物杀死全身的癌细胞大多数治疗间皮瘤的药物都是通过静脉注射(静脉注射,或者静脉注射医生也在研究将化疗直接放进胸腔或腹部的有效性(腔内化疗可以缓解症状和控制疼痛,医生可以用针头或细管将积聚在胸腔或腹部的液体排出。从胸腔排出液体的程序称为胸腔穿刺术。从腹部取出液体称为穿刺。 药物可通过胸腔中的一根管子给予,以防止更多液体积聚。放射治疗和手术可能也有助于缓解症状。 万能作文模板2:景区双语版 In recent years, Hefei has become more and more closely connected with the world, attracting more

9、 and more foreign friends in this long work, study and life, especially in the cradle of scientific and technological talents in our country, said the University of science and technology of China and the Institute of advanced science and technology According to the report of teachers and students f

10、rom the Institute of advanced technology, Hefei has a bilingual bus line in Chinese and English. This road is the only one in Hefei. In addition to the bilingual newspaper kiosks, the fare of safety cars, bus cars and coin boxes are marked synchronously according to the line to reflect the travel si

11、tuation of passengers. In recent years, the Chinese and English Safety signs of bus news stations in Hefei have become increasingly close with the world More and more foreign friends have been attracted to work, study and life, especially in China, the cradle of scientific and technological talents,

12、 according to the University of science and technology of China and the Institute of advanced technology of the Ministry of science and technology, Hefei bus group is a bus route opened by many teachers and students with many books. It mainly serves the Graduate School of the Ministry of science and

13、 technology There is a bilingual bus line in both Chinese and English. This road is the only one. In addition to the bilingual newspaper booth, the fare of the safety bus, bus compartment and coin box are marked in bilingual according to the line to reflect the situation of passengers. There are saf

14、ety signs in Chinese and English news stations on the bus, which is a good place for foreign friends. 中文翻译: 近年来,合肥与世界的联系日益密切,吸引了越来越多的外国朋友在这漫长的工作、学习、生活中,尤其是在我国这个科技人才的摇篮里,”中国科技大学和科学先进技术研究院说,更是图书众多的合肥公交集团师生开通了公交线路,主要服务于来自科技部研究生院高等技术研究所的师生报告,目前在合肥设有中英文双语公交线路,该路是唯一一条除双语报亭外,安全车、公交车厢、投币箱车费均按线路同步实施双语标注,以反映乘

15、客的出行情况,客车中英文新闻站中英文安全标志近年来,合肥与世界的联系日益密切,吸引了越来越多的外国朋友在这漫长的工作、学习、生活中,尤其是在中国这个科技人才的摇篮里,“中国科技大学和科技部先进技术研究院表示,合肥公交集团是多家图书众多师生开通的公交线路,主要服务于科技部研究生院先进技术研究院据师生介绍,目前在合肥设有中英文双语公交线路,该路是唯一一条除双语报亭外,安全车、公交车厢、投币箱车费均按线路同步实施双语标注,以反映乘客情况,巴士上有中英文新闻站的中英文安全标志,是外国朋友的好去处。 满分英语范文3:景点的双语版 1 / 4 pdffactorycom 3 / 4,:, no,:, PDF created with pdfFactory trial version 2 / 4 , PDF created with pdfFactory trial version pdfactorycom 4 / 4 (: CD ,:,:,. 中文翻译: 1/4使用pdfFactory试用版创建的PDF 2/4,使用pdfFactory试用版创建的PDF pdffactorycom 3/4,:,否,:,使用pdfFactory试用版pdffactorycom 4/4创建的PDF(:CD,:,:,。- 6 -


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