兰州大学《大学英语(3)》 在线作业2-00001

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《兰州大学《大学英语(3)》 在线作业2-00001》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《兰州大学《大学英语(3)》 在线作业2-00001(9页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、兰州大学大学英语(3)平时作业2-00001试卷总分100 得分100一、单选题 (共 25 道试题,共 100 分)1.The sign reads “in ease of_fire ,break the glass and push _red button”A.,aB.,theC.the,theD.a,a答案B2.More than one _ dismissed.A.have beenB.has beenC.wereD.has答案B3._ of the room _ empty.A.Two-third,areB.Two-thirds,areC.Two-third,isD.Two-thir

2、ds,is答案D4.It is _world of wonders, _world where anything can happen.A.theB.a,aC.the,aD.,答案B5.The membership of the society began to _.A.drop offB.come offC.pull offD.let off答案A6.He is very tired. He needs _ .A.anightrestB.restofanightC.arestnightD.anightsrest答案D7.The book tells _life story of John S

3、mith ,who left _school and worked for a newspaper at the age of 16.A.the,theB.a,theC.the.D.a,答案C8._, a mechanic and farmer, Edward received an interest in practical science that stayed with him throughout his life.A.His fatherB.From his fatherC.It was his fatherD.His father was答案B9.what were you doi

4、ng at nine last night - _.A.I was watching TV at that time.B.Yes, but I cant afford the timeC.I did my homework.D.I am going to leave my aunt’s home.答案A10.333 is _ .A.threehundredsandthirtythreeB.threehundredandthirtyandthreeC.threehundredandthirty-threeD.threehundredsthirtythird答案C11. Great a

5、s Newton was , many of his ideas _ today and are being modified by thework of scientists of our time.A.are to challengeB.may be challengedC.have been challengedD.are challenging答案C12.The word appraisal (Line5, Para.2) most probably means _A.involvementB.appreciationC.assessmentD.presentation答案C13._

6、before we depart the day after tomorrow, we should have a wonderful dinner party.A.HadtheyarrivedB.WouldtheyarriveC.WeretheyarrivingD.Weretheytoarrive答案D14._ woman over there is _ popular teacher in our schoolA.A anB.The aC.The theD.A the答案B15.When you come here for your holiday next time, dont go t

7、o _hotel ; I can find you _bed in my flat.A.the,aB.the,C.a,theD.a,答案A16.Shortly after the accident two _police were sent to the spot to keep order.A.dozenofB.dozensC.dozenD.dozensof答案C17. Mr. Morgan can be very sad _ , though in public he is extremely cheerful.A.by himselfB.in personC.in privateD.as

8、 individual答案C18.He was only in_ at the time.A.his20sB.the20sC.histwentiesD.thetwenties答案C19.Its a bad practice to _ children much money as a New Year gift.A.promiseB.permitC.admitD.allow答案D20._ to the doctor right away, he might have been alive today.A.If he wentB.Had he goneC.Were he goneD.Should

9、he have gone答案B21.I recommended that the student _ his composition as soon as possible.A.finishwritingB.finisheswritingC.shouldfinishwritingD.finishedwriting答案A22._ lunch, the finance committee resumed the meeting.A.HavingtoeatB.HavetoeatC.HavingeatenD.Havingeat答案C23.The little man was _ one metre fifty high.A.almost more thanB.hardly more thanC.nearly more thanD.as much as答案B24.On our way to school, suddenly it began to rain, and we hurried to take_under a big treeA.recoveryB.noticeC.advantageD.Shelter答案D25.Dont leave you work,_ .A.donehalfB.halfdoneC.ahalfdoneD.doneahalf答案B



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