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1、D市残疾人就业服务问题研究摘要十九大十分重视针对残疾人开展的就业服务工作,只有每一个残疾人都能享受 到全面小康的红利才算是真正意义上的实现。目前政府对于残疾人群体的就业服务 也通常从“弱”的角度出发,而我国学者对于残疾人就业服务普遍存在着起步晚的 状态。对于残疾人这类特殊的群体,在提供就业服务的时候一定要最大限度实现和 满足他们的切实需要,进一步提高残疾人的就业服务水平,根据残疾人的特殊而多 元化的需求制定切实可行的政策法规,不仅是有利于实现和维护残疾人群体的真实 诉求,而且可以增进全社会的公正平等,维护社会环境的稳定,因此展开对残疾人 的就业服务进一步深入研究是十分有必要的。笔者认为想要为残

2、疾人就业服务开辟可持续的道路,就必须深入分析问题出现 的根本原因,利用正确合理的方式和路径解决实际问题,如坚持树立以权利为本位 的价值倾向,注重残疾人群体的利益实现,完善康复和培训机构,加强无障碍环境 建设,扩宽资金和残疾人诉求表达的渠道来为残疾人群体提供就业服务。因此,本 文就以新公共服务的理论作为研究基础,结合了 D市的实际情况展开了残疾人就业 服务问题的问题和对策研究。文章的第一部分梳理了全篇的逻辑思路,主要介绍了本文的研究背景,意义和 方法理论。第二部分分析了D市目前存在的残疾人的就业层次较低,就业设施不便 利,就业环境不完善,就业培训和康复机构较少等问题。第三部分是针对该市存在 的问

3、题,进一步分析就业教育工作开展缓慢,就业服务缺乏有效沟通,就业资金等 原因。第四部分在吸取了我国成都市青羊区的成功试点案例的基础上,进一步提出 了适应该市采纳的相关解决对策和方法。总而言之,本文根据目前的已有的残疾人 就业服务研究基础之上,选取D市为研究对象进行了切实的思考和研究,提出了一 系列可操作性较高的对策和方案,对于政府规划残疾人就业服务工作,提高工作效 率提供了一定程度的参考。关键词:残疾人残疾人就业政府ABSTRACTThe 19th CPC National Congress attaches great importance to employment services fbr

4、 the disabled. Only the disabled can enjoy the benefits of a comprehensive well-ofF society in a real sense. At present, there is still a small amount of research on the employment services of disabled people by Chinese scholars, and the employment services of disabled people are usually from a weak

5、 perspective. Generally, there is a late start, unclear government responsibility consciousness, and other social organizations. Participation with groups is not high, the effective utilization of rehabilitation and training resources is low, and policy implementation lacks process monitoring and fe

6、edback. For special groups such as the disabled, when providing employment services, we must maximize their fulfillment and meet their actual needs, further improve the level of employment services fbr disabled persons, and formulate practical and feasible measures based on the special and diverse n

7、eeds of disabled persons. Policies and regulations are not only conducive to realizing and maintaining the true demands of the disabled group, but also can improve the fairness and equality of the entire society and maintain the stability of the social environment. Therefore, it is necessary to carr

8、y out further in-depth research on employment services for the disabled.The author believes that in order to open up a sustainable path fbr the employment services of the disabled, it is necessary to analyze the root cause of the problem in depth and use correct and reasonable methods and paths to s

9、olve practical problems. Realize the interests of the groups, improve rehabilitation and training institutions, strengthen the construction of barrier-free environments, and expand the channels for funding and expressions of disability appeals to provide employment services fbr disabled groups. Ther

10、efore, this article takes the theory of new public services as the research basis, combines the actual situation of city D, and conducts a questionnaire survey method and a case analysis method to carry out a research on the status and problems of employment services for the disabled.The first part

11、of the article sorts out the logic of the whole article, and mainly introduces the research background, meaning and method theory of this article.The second part analyzes the current low employment levels of disabled people, inconvenient employment facilities, imperfect employment environment, and f

12、ewer employment training and rehabilitation institutions in City D.The third part is to analyze the problems existing in the city, and further analyze the reasons for the slow development of employment education, lack of effective communication in employment services, and employment funds.The fourth

13、 part is based on the successful pilot cases in Qingyang District, Chengdu, China, and further proposes relevant countermeasures and methods adapted to the city.To sum up, based on the existing research on employment services for the disabled, this article selects City D as the research object fbr p

14、ractical thinking and research, and proposes a series of highly operable countermeasures and programs.lt provides a certain degree of reference fbr people to find employment services and improve work efficiency.摘要IABSTRACTII绪论10.1研究背景及选题意义10. 1. 1 研究背景10. 1.2研究意义20.2研究文献综述30.2. 1 国外研究综述30.2.2 国内研究综述

15、40.3研究方法50.4创新点61相关概念和研究理论基础71. 1 概念界定71.1.1 残疾人71.1.2残疾人就业服务71.2新公共服务理论81.2. 1理论内涵81.2.2 理论应用101.2.3 本文应用102 D市残疾人就业服务现状11112. 1 D市残疾人就业服务基本情况2. 1. 1 D市残疾人就业服务工作的主要措施132.1.2 D市残疾人就业服务的现行措施效果172.2 D市残疾人就业服务存在的问题202. 2. 1残疾人就业层次没有得到有效提升202.2.2政府提供的就业便利设施尚不完善202.2.3政府就业友好环境营造不力212.2.4残疾人就业专项资金配置不佳222.

16、2.5残疾人就业培训和康复机构开办不足223 D市残疾人就业服务问题的原因分析243. 1政府残疾人就业教育工作开展缓慢243.1.1政府对残疾人的教育资源分配不平衡243. 1.2政府在残疾人就业教育工作中的主导不足253.2残疾人就业服务缺少有效沟通253. 2. 1政府管理部门之间缺少协商263. 2. 2有效的残疾人需求反馈机制缺乏263.3 “适残化”社会氛围薄弱273. 3. 1与残疾人接触沟通的机会较少273.3.2 社会的传统观念深厚273.4 政府资金规划具有偏向性283. 4. 1政府投入残疾人专项就业资金不足283.4.2就业资金管理机制运转不善293.5就业培训和康复机制不完备293. 5. 1 就业培训缺少完整性293.5.2



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