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4、数:当=XA,则; 当时,,则;当=X/A,则。平均数是有单位的数值,其单位的数值,其单位与原资料相同。算术平均数优点是计算简单,而缺点是计算平均数时没有考虑到近期的变动趋势,因而预测值与实际值往往会发生较大的误差。 4、如何编制次数分布表?编制次数分布表的步骤:求全距:全距是指一批数据中最大值与最小值之间的差距,又称极差。定组数:就是要确定把整批数据划分为多少个等距的区组。定组距:以全距和组数来确定分组的组距。一般原则是取奇数或5的倍数,如1,3,5,7,9,10等。写出组限:为了确定各个观察值的归属,每组必须设有界限。组限是每个组的起止点界限,最小值称为下限,最大值称为上限。求组中值:组中

5、值是各组的组中点在量尺上的数值,其计算公式为:组中值=(组实上限+组实下限)2。不同的组距以及不同的组限,必然会产生不同的组中值。如果希望每组的组中值恰好为整数便于后续运算,那么,组距选择为奇数是最好的。编制次数分布表:参照如下次数分布表组别组限组中值次数112455、正态总体的抽样分布的特征?(1) 从一个正态总体抽取的样本,无论样本容量大或小,其样本平均数的抽样分布必为正态分布,具有平均数和方差,记为N(, )。(2)从一个非正态总体抽取的样本,不一定服从正态分布,但当样本容量n增大时,从该总体抽出的样本其平均数的抽样分布趋近于正态分布,具平均数和方差,这就是统计学的中心极限定理。 6、如

6、何运用标准正态分布计算概率?根据中心极限定理,无论原总体分布是否为正态分布,只要样本容量足够大,其的分布都可看作正态分布。在实际应用上,只要n30就可以应用这一定理。知道了抽样分布的规律及其参数,任何样本值的对应的概率就可很容易地计算出来了。平均数的标准化离差分布将转换为u,再查表求概率。 Visa-free policy brings Chengdu biz, tourism boost. Making national headlines several times, Chengdus 72-hour visa-free policy has attracted wide attentio

7、n from both Chinese and foreign experts and businessmen since it took effect on Sept 1 last year. The program permits citizens from 51 countries and regions including the United States, Australia, Canada and Japan who have valid visas and flight tickets to a third country to spend three days in the

8、city. The capital of Sichuan province is the first city in the western region of China to offer foreign tourists a three-day visa and the fourth nationwide to adopt the policy following Shanghai, Beijing and Guangzhou. Li Zhiyong, deputy dean of the tourism institute at Sichuan University, said the

9、move contributes to a large increase in the number of overseas tourists and raises the citys level of internationalization. The policy will also bring direct economic revenue, Li said. Chengdu has many cultural legacies and is also a paradise for panda lovers with the worlds largest breeding and res

10、earch center. Three days are long enough for foreign visitors to visit those iconic tourist spots, he noted. The city is home to the remains of the Jin sha civilization that dates back more than 3,000 years as well as the Qing cheng Mountains and the Du jiang yan irrigation system. Qing cheng has lo

11、ng been recognized as the birthplace of Taoism, Chinas ancient indigenous religion, while Du jiang yan is considered to be the oldest functioning water-control project in the world. Chengdu ranked third in tourist facilities, management and services among 60 Chinese cities in a customer satisfaction

12、 survey released last year. But, Li added that efforts are still needed to develop more tourism products, improve English services and provide accurate translation of traffic signs and scenic billboards. Zhao Yun, chairwoman of British Chamber of Commerce Southwest China, told China Daily that his c

13、olleagues found the policy very convenient. A British client once flew here and stayed for just one day to check her ordered goods, she said. Zhao was born in Shanxi province, but she has lived in Chengdu for more than 10 years. My life was like a running race moving from place to place. I also live

14、d in Beijing and Shanghai before, she said. But Chengdu is a place that you never want to leave once settling down. It is now my second hometown, she said. If the environment is further improved, the city will attract more people to visit and live, with the 72-hour visa-free policy and compelling co

15、nditions in transportation, culture, climate and cuisine, he said. Foreigners also gave positive feedback on the policy. A spokesman from Dell Inc said the company has a global hub of operation in Chengdu, so the three-day visa has an immediate and positive influence on the companys business develop

16、ment. Rudy Buttignol, president of the public broadcasting company in British Columbia, Canada, said his work requires frequent travel to Chengdu and the policy makes the trips easier. Data from the citys public security bureau shows some 100 foreign visitors enjoyed the 72-hour policy by the end of March, most of them fro


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