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1、Equality 中国作文网(.T)原创整理的 考研英语作文Equality “Should men and women be equal?” this is an issue (问题) much talked all over the world. China has made great effort to improve the legal status of women and put the principle of equality into practice. However, women are still denied(否定) the right to compete wit

2、h men on equal terms in many fields.In this enlightened(开明的) age, there still exist a certain number of men who view women as second-class citizens. They maintain many things men do could not be done by women, who are inferior(低等的), unreliable(不可信任的), irrational(无理性的) and weak. Some men even say hou

3、sework is the womens task and the wives sacrifices(【美】牺牲) are sure to set the husbands up for great success. So the former should have more rights than the latter.Nevertheless(然而), women have shown their excellence and superiority(优越) in any fields. As football players, doctors, professors, scientis

4、ts, and even presidents of countries, they are as good as men and have often put men to shame. They are so conscientious(诚实的), industrious(勤奋的), and persevering(坚忍的) that they frequently succeed brilliantly(出色地) in all walks of life in addition to bearing and rearing children.It goes without saying that from the time when mankind first appeared on the earth, there have been men and women. Humanity(人性) could not have existed and progressed(前进) without either of them. 2 / 2



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