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1、英语语法 主谓一致 v练习:v1.The Alps (covers, cover) an area of 200,000 square kilometers and (is ,are) the greatest mountain range in Europe.v2.Draughts (is, are) an easier game than chess.v3.What (is, are) his politics ?v4.The remains of Shakespeare (is, are) buried on Stratford-on-Avon. v5.Mr Smiths morals

2、(is, are) above criticism.v6.Usually a bird species facing the danger of extinction( gains, gain) public recognition.v7 The species of fish in the aquarium (is, are) numerous. 主谓一致 Subject-verb Concordv“一致”(concord或agreement)指句子成分之间或词语之间在语法形式上的协调关系。主谓一致指主语和谓语动词之间在“人称”和“数”的方面的一致关系, 这又叫做“主-动一致”( Subje

3、ct-verb Concord )。 指导原则v1.语法一致原则(Grammatical Concord) v主语为单数形式,谓语动词用单数形式;主语为复数形式,谓语动词也用复数形式。vBoth boys have their own merits.vMuch effort is wasted.v2. 意义一致原则 (Notional Concord)v1)主语形式虽为单数,但意义为复数,谓语动词为复数。vThe crowd were running for their lives. 指导原则v单数形式代表复数内容的词有:people, police, cattle, militia等。v2)

4、 主语形式为复数,而意义上却是单数,谓语动词用单数。vThe news was very exciting.v形复意单的单词有news, works (工厂)和一些以ics结尾的学科名称,physics, economics等。3. 就近原则(Principle of Proximity)v谓语动词的单复数形式取决于最靠近它的词语。如用连词or, eitheror, neithernor, not only, but also等连接的并列主语,如果一个是单数,一个是复数,谓语动词与靠近它的主语一致。vEither your students or Mr. Wang knows this.I.

5、以S结尾的名词作主语的主谓一致v arthritis:关节炎 bronchitis :支气管炎 v mumps:腮腺炎 diabetes:糖尿病 v phlebitis:静脉炎v但是measles(麻疹),rickets(软骨病) 谓语可用单/复数vdarts:投镖游戏dominoes:多米诺骨牌vmarbles:打弹子游戏 billiards:台球I. 以S结尾的名词作主语的主谓一致v但cards(打纸牌)用复数;v当它们表示所用工具时谓语用复数vTwo darts are thrown at every turn.vmathematics:数学 vphysics:物理学voptics:光学

6、 vstatistics:统计学vpolitics:政治学 vacoustics:声学/音响效果veconomics:经济学 vathletics:体育学vmechanics:机械学 vsemantics:语义学vlinguistics:语言学 vtactics:兵法/策略v当这类名词表示学科以外的其它意义时用作复数vStatistics (be) not as difficult as some people think.vThe latest statistics on crime (be) beyond description.v注:下列以ics结尾的名词仅用作单数vclassics:杰

7、作,著作 comics:连环图画vethics: 伦理学 cosmetics:化妆品 vEthics(deal)withmoralconduct.v伦理学是研究道德行为的。伦理学是研究道德行为的。vTheethicsofhisdecision(be)doubtful.v他那决定中的道德准绳值得怀疑。他那决定中的道德准绳值得怀疑。v4.以S 结尾的地理名称如山脉,海峡,瀑布,群岛等谓语动词通常用作复数vthe West Indies西印度群岛 vthe Bahamas巴哈马群岛vthe Himalayas喜马拉雅山脉 vthe Straits of Gibraltar直布罗陀海峡 vthe Ni

8、agara Falls 尼亚加拉瀑布vthe Rockies 落基山脉 v但如果是国名,则用作单数,如:vthe United States, vthe United Nations, vthe Netherlands(荷兰)。v5.由二部分组成的物体通常以S结尾,如果不带“一把”等单位词而单独使用,通常用作复数。vscissors剪子 shears 大剪刀 vpincers 、tongs 钳子 vpliers 老虎钳 pants 裤子vpajamas 睡衣,宽长裤 vsuspenders吊裤带 v knickers短裤,灯笼裤vjeans 工装裤 vshorts 短裤 vbriefs 三角裤

9、 vshoes glasses/spectacles 眼镜 vbinoculars 望远镜 vchopsticksv如带有单位词,则由单位词的单/复数来决定谓语动词的单/复数vA pair of shoes was on the desk.vTwo pairs of shoes are under the desks.v archives:档案 arms:武器v eaves:屋檐 contents:内容v goods:货物 suburbs:郊区v thanks:谢意 wages: 工资v stairs:楼梯 remains:遗体v morals:道德 minutes:记录v 注:whereab

10、outs(行踪,下落),dramatics(舞台艺术)可用单/复数v clippings:剪下来的东西 vfilings:锉屑v earnings:收入 vdiggings:掘出的东西v vlodgings:租的房间 vsurroundings:环境vsweepings:扫拢的垃圾v 注:tidings( 消息,音信)可用作单或复数v.以结尾的单,复数同形的名词,谓语动词形式取决于这些名词是用作单数还是用作复数;意义不同,单复数也不同vbarracks:营房 headquarters:总部v means:方法,手段,工具 series:系列v species:种类 works:工厂 v cro

11、ssroads:十字路口v vThis glass works was set up in 2008.v These glass works are near the railway station.v Whats the odds?有什么要紧?=what does it matter? (差别)v The odds are against us.我们成功的机会很小。(可能的机会)v vThe martyrs remains werev Here isII. 集体名词(Collective Noun)作主语的主谓一致v1.通常用作复数的集体名词:people, police, folk, yo

12、uth, cattle, poultry, militia, verminvHis cattle were still lean.vMany cattle are kept.饲养了很多牲畜。vSeveral hundred police were on duty.几百个警察在执勤。vThe police are searching for him.v2.通常用作单数的集体名词:vadvice, baggage, equipment, information, knowledge, machinery, scenery, news, foliage, merchandise, furniture

13、II. 集体名词(Collective Noun)作主语的主谓一致vThe merchandise on display in the shop window is very good.vAll the machinery is new.v3.既可用作复数也可用作单数的集体名词:family, army, group, committee, company, government, enemy, class, team, party, club, majority, crowd, audience, jury, union, fleet(舰队),faculty(能力;大学教职人员),crew,

14、publicvHis family are all music lovers.vHis family isnt large.vHis family_ going to have a long journey.vThe whole family _ watching TV.v1.The jury _in opinion about “sentence of death.”vA. disagrees B. disagree vC. agrees D. has disagreedv2.Today the public _about the way nature is being ruined.vA.

15、 are concerned B. is concernedvC. have been concerned vD. is being concernedv3.The committee cant come to a decision because _at odds.vA. it has B. they have vC. it is D. they arev4.The majority _on Bens side, but Peter disagrees with them on two points.vA. were B. was C. is D. areKeys : b d d d Com

16、plete the sentences with the correct form of the words. 1 One of my best friends_ (have) moved to America. 2 The student, with the host family, _(be) invited to a welcome party when he arrived at the city. 3 In summer, my familyalways_(eat) lunch in the park.haswaseat4Atthemoment,thewholeclass_(enjoy)sightseeingtripsinthecity.5Thegovernment_(be)tryingtoprotecttheenvironment.6Mystudygroup_(want)tohavepenfriends.7Myfatherscompany_(be)payingforsummercoursesforourclass.is/areenjoyingiswantis8Ourteam


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