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1、topicsMacromicro 1. Culture2. Language and Culture 3. Translation and Culture4. Strategies for translating cultural component - foreignization and domestication 5. Case Study4. Two basic strategies for translating cultural components -归化与异化归化与异化引子:引子:东风,西风东风,西风 in ChineseEast wind, west wind in Engl

2、ishIn Chinese东风东风A symbol of warmth and spring春城无处不飞花,春城无处不飞花, 寒食东风御柳斜。寒食东风御柳斜。(韩(韩翃翃寒食寒食)东风破早梅,向暖一枝开。冰雪无人见,东风破早梅,向暖一枝开。冰雪无人见,春从天上来。春从天上来。(蓝茂(蓝茂早梅诗早梅诗)西风西风古道西风瘦马,夕阳西下,断肠人在天涯。(马致远天净沙秋思碧云天,黄叶地,西风紧,北雁南飞。晓来谁染霜林醉,总是离人泪。(王实甫西厢记)飒飒西风满院裁,蕊寒香冷蝶难来。(黄巢题菊花)东风压倒西风东风压倒西风六盘山上高峰,红旗漫卷西风。六盘山上高峰,红旗漫卷西风。(毛泽东清平乐六盘山)In E

3、nglishWest wind Atlantic seaShellys “Ode to the West Wind” Sweet and slow, sweet and slow, Wind of the western sea, Low, low, breathe and blow,Wind of the western sea!(Alfred Tennyson “Sweet and Slow”) 轻轻地,柔和地;轻轻地,柔和地,轻轻地,柔和地;轻轻地,柔和地,西方吹来海风,西方吹来海风,轻轻地,轻轻地吹拂,轻轻地,轻轻地吹拂, 西方吹来海风西方吹来海风!(Zong Bai) Its a w

4、arm wind, the west wind, full of birds cries;I never hear the west wind but tears are in my eyes.For it comes from the west lands, the old brown hills.And April is in the west wind, and daffodils. (John Masefield “The West Wind”)那是一种温暖的风,西风起时,万鸟争鸣;那是一种温暖的风,西风起时,万鸟争鸣;一听西风起,我眼眶中泪盈盈,一听西风起,我眼眶中泪盈盈,因为它来自

5、西土,那褐色的故乡边。因为它来自西土,那褐色的故乡边。春天就在西风中到来,还有水仙。春天就在西风中到来,还有水仙。(Qian Gechuan) East wind1) biting east wind;( Samuel Butler)2) a piercing east wind; (Kirkup)3) How many winter days have I seen him, standing blue-nosed in the snow and east wind! (Charles Dickens)Geographical Culture: culture formed by parti

6、cular geographical features, which is termed as Ecology. Strategy ? 1) Ode to the West Wind西风颂? vs. 东风颂? 2) 西风紧bitter is the west wind vs. bitter is the east wind?Example闲情万种,无语怨闲情万种,无语怨东风东风。(王实甫西厢记)I am saddened by a myriad petty woes,And, though I speak not, I am angryAt the breezes from the east.

7、 (note: The east wind is symbolic of spring , with its urge to love.) (Tr. Henry Hart)一江春水向一江春水向东流东流 。(李煜虞美人)flowing eastward功名富贵若长在,汉水亦应功名富贵若长在,汉水亦应西北流西北流。(李白江上咏)Sooner could flow back to its mountains, This stream, than wealth and honor can remain. (Tr. Fletcher)Why adaptation is made? Psychology

8、of colors Color whiteIn English: In Chinese: Mourning apparels, symbol of solitude, poverty and decline雨中黄树叶,灯下白头人。雨中黄树叶,灯下白头人。(司空曙喜外第卢纶见宿)日暮苍山远,天寒白屋贫。日暮苍山远,天寒白屋贫。(刘长卿逢雪宿芙蓉山主人)hoary-headed (灰白的)thatched cottage (茅屋)RedIn English: violence, bloodshed, danger In Chinese: jubilation, happiness, abundan

9、ce, propitiousness(吉利) David Hawkes treatment of color terminology, particularly the red problem, in Hong Lou Meng (The Story of the Stone), has given rise to a lot of arguments (his son in law). red as a symbol sometimes of spring, sometimes of youth, sometimes of good fortune or prosperityrecurs a

10、gain and again throughout it. Unfortunatelyapart from the rosy cheeks and vermeil lip of youthredness has no such connotations in English and I have found that the Chinese reds have tended to turn into English golds or greens (“spring, the green spring” and “golden boys and girls” and so on). I am a

11、ware that there is some sort of loss here, but have lacked the ingenuity to avert it. (David Hawkes, Introduction to The Story of the Stone)Original Translations by HawkesTranslations by Yangs红楼梦红楼梦The Story of the StoneA Dream of Red Mansions悼红轩悼红轩Nostalgia StudioMourning the Red Studio怡红院怡红院The Ho

12、use of Green DelightsHappy Red Court怡红公子怡红公子Green BoyThe Happy Red Prince红袖楼头夜倚栏红袖楼头夜倚栏 A lady leans out from her casement high In red sleeves she leans over balustrade at nightCategories of culture1.ecology : fauna, flora, plains, winds etc.2.material culture: food, clothes, transport3.historical c

13、ulture4.religious culture5.social culture6.political culture 7.psychology etc.文化三层次文化三层次文化包括三个层次的内容:文化包括三个层次的内容:(1)物质文化,如建筑物、服饰、食品、工物质文化,如建筑物、服饰、食品、工具等;具等;(2)制度习俗文化,包括制度、法规,以及制度习俗文化,包括制度、法规,以及相应的设施和风俗习惯等;相应的设施和风俗习惯等;(3)精神文化,包括价值观念、思维方式、精神文化,包括价值观念、思维方式、宗教信仰等,也包括哲学、科学、文学艺宗教信仰等,也包括哲学、科学、文学艺术方面的成就和产品。术

14、方面的成就和产品。alienation (异化)异化)and naturalization(归化)(归化)All approaches to cultural components in translation may fall into two main strategies: SL culture-oriented and TL culture-orientedor rather, alienation and naturalizationForeignization and domestication 在处理文化因素中的两种策在处理文化因素中的两种策略略 1 . 异化异化(foreign

15、ization; alienation):以源语文化为中心,以源作者为中心,注以源语文化为中心,以源作者为中心,注意点在于将源语文化传递给译语读者,以意点在于将源语文化传递给译语读者,以促进文化的交流。促进文化的交流。缺点:增加译语读者理解的难度,阅读的缺点:增加译语读者理解的难度,阅读的速度、节奏也会受到影响。速度、节奏也会受到影响。2. 归化归化(domesticatioin; adaptation):以译入语文化为中心,以读者为中心,将以译入语文化为中心,以读者为中心,将源语文化经过整理,然后以译入语中较为源语文化经过整理,然后以译入语中较为现成的、熟悉的、易于接受的形式出现。现成的、熟

16、悉的、易于接受的形式出现。缺点:丧失了源语的异国特色。缺点:丧失了源语的异国特色。SchleiermacherQuote from German philosopher and translator, Friedrich Schleiermacher,Either the translator “leave the author in peace, as much as possible,” and “move the reader towards him.” or he leaves the reader in peace, as much as possible, and moves the author toward him. Of which he favors the former.In his (Schleiermacher) famous lecture “ On the Different Ways of Translating”, he demands, among other things, that translations from different lang


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