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1、知识点4:副词( ) 1. (2009-广州)The boy doesnt speak work is very good. A. as well as Cr晷墓beier than his sister, but his written B.:.so good as D. more worse than $)2.(2009河北)he a|ways does her homework than her brother. A. more_ 9.areful B. careful re carefully D. carefull 【答案】& (_) 3. _(2009山东威海)-HowdoYou

2、|ike banana mi|k shake? -_-I love it. l ljke it _ thafl yogurt. A. very _m_uch en better C. a little D. much less 【答案】B (_) 4. (2099山东烟台)-You must be tired out after the climbing. -Oh, . I felt too tired to move. A. not aoir-B. not a little C. not at all D. not nearIy 【答案】B f )5.(2009四川成都)f you are

3、_f!ee please clean your bedroom yourself. A. at once 答案】B B. right now C. right away ( ) 6. (2009江西)-1 didnt know you take a bus to school. -_-Oh, I_ take a bu, but it is snowing_today. A. hardlnever C 答案i. sometimes -D. usually A ( ) 7. (2009河南)The match was really fantastic, scored in the last min

4、ute. A. probably B. exactly when Smith C. especially D mostIy 【答案】C ( )8. (2009江苏宿迁)-Can you hear me? -No, I cant. Would you please speak_ ? A. early eou_gh _ B. clear enough C. enough clear D. enough cIearIy 【答案】A ( )9. (2卡即可009江苏宿迁)The question is _ that nobody can answer it. A. vry hard B. too di

5、fficult C. strange enough D. so strange 【答案】D ( ) 10. (2009-江苏宿迁)-Can you understand what I meant? -Sorry, I can A. a|wa丫shard y 【答案】D ( )11. (2009山西)-How often do you go to a concert? -Im not interested in that at all. A. Usuall AImos B. Hardly 【答案】B ( ) 12. (2009-江苏无锡)l_find puter gar:!_le _ to pl

6、ay. A. enough easy B. easy enough c. enough easlIy D. easlIy enough 【答案】B follow you. B. almost C. nearly D c ( ) 13. (2009陕西绥德)Lets do it. Th ere is only five minutes left. A hardIy 【答案】B. slowly C. quickly D. politely C ( )14. (2009安徽)-Would you please drive_ ? My plane is taking off. -_-Id_ like

7、to, but safety co_me first. A. faster -B. better C. more carefull 【答案iD. more slowly A ( ) 15. (2009福建漳州)-Miss Gao is very popular with her students. -_-Ye._Her classs are_ livelt and inte_resting. A. seldom B. nev C . sometimes -D. 悍墓】D( ) 16. (2009江苏常州)Mark speaks English well, but you Thank you.

8、A. speak as badly as worse than him. B speak C. dont speak so badly as much better than 【答案】D ( ) 17. (2009-江苏常州)John sings so well. Has he ever been trained? D. speak No. He learns all by himself. He any training class. goes to A. usually even 【答案】C B. often C. never D (J 18.(2009扬州)as HenrIate for

9、 the concertesterday? No. He got there even ten minutes than us two. A. earlier B. earliest C. later D. latest 【答案】(_) 19. (_2009扬州)Ptgalla?w anything about the players of our school football team? Yes.They are youngboys between the age of thirteen and f仆teen.- most . B. mostly C. almost D. at most

10、E答案】( ) 2O. (2009山东德州)Have you Yes. I really enjoy it. read the poem If? A. still B. ever C. yet D never 【答案】B ( ) 21. (2009新疆阜康)Were you often late for school last term, Tom? No, _. I got to school early every day. A. Always B. Usually C. Sometimes D. Never 【答案】D ( ) 22. (2009朝阳)-EngIish, IS too di

11、fficu|t for me. I cant Ieam it we|. -_-Do1 give up.Jolhing is difficult if_you wor_k hard. A.se|dom B. never a usua|IyD. a|ways 【答案】D ( ) 23. (2009朝阳)-Do you know the word”risk”? -_-Sorry, I don_J. ets look it _ in the dictiooary. A. up - B. down er D. out 【答案】A ( ) 24. (2009福建背田)-Steven is旷odat wri

12、ting. -So he is. Re writes -than us. A. rnost carflly -a. more carefully C. Iess carefu|y 【答案】B知识点5:数词( ) 1. (2009甘肃兰州)About _ of the workers in the factory were born in the A. two-thlrds 1970 B. two-thirds, 1970s 计蹊ihirdd970D.two-third,1970s ( ) 2. (2009-广州)Each of us has to write a_report every tw

13、o weeks. A. two-hundred-word B. two-hundreds-word 计瑶run货eds-wordsD. two-hundred-words t l 3.(2009四川成都)ould you give me chance? Ill try my best to succee沿A. two B. the other C. another 【答案】C ( ) 4. (2009江苏南京)-How long will Philip stay here? -Two weeks till he lives. A.man 【答案i. much C. more D. most C

14、 ( ) 1. (2009-江苏宿迁)Today is my mothers gift. A. fourteen B. fourteenth 【答案】D ( ) 2. (2009湖北孝感)birthday. I will buy her a C. forty D. fortieth T._ere i a wrong word in line Where? In the line. A. two; t. two; second second:second 【答案B ( ) 3. (2009-山西)-How was your day off yesterday? C. second; two D.

15、 -Perfect! It was _ birthday of my grandmas. We ad ct t;ig family celebratj_on. A. ejghty B. the eightieth C. eiahtleth 【答暴】B ( ) 4. (2009福建漳州)-There are sixty students in our class. And _ of us are boys. -_-Wow! _You_ have forty girls! A. one fourth B-. one third C. two fifths D. two thirds 【答案】B (

16、 ) 1. (2009哈尔滨)-Good news! Bi II won medal in the long jump just now. -Really? Thats his one at our sports meeting. A. a: four B. an; fourth C. a; fourth 【答案】C ( ) 2. (2009哈尔滨)A new study proves a_ walk every day is enough to keep people away from becoming fat. A. 30-minute B. 30 minutes C. 30-minutes 【答案】A ( ) 3. (2009-辽宁锦州)More than two about the universe. A. thousands years ago, people knew little B. thousand C. thousand of D. thousands of 【答案】B ( ) 4. (2009湖北恩施)Enshi is becoming a tourist ci



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