2021-2022年六年级英语上册 unit1 Lesson6(4)教案 冀教版

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1、2021-2022年六年级英语上册 unit1 Lesson6(4)教案 冀教版Step 1 : Class opening and Review 1.Review locations and the structure “ Lets go to the (location) to (verb) (noun) ” with an object-prompt drill . When you hold up on object , the students substiture a location and activity : object phrases stove soap TV Lets

2、 go to the to . picture flower bookStep 2 Presentation and practice 一、Demenstrate and practice the words of living room . 1.I make a “ living room ” . Ask the students :“ Whats in the living room ?”Write them on the blackboard and read : TV , couch , book , flowers , table , picture , window , lamp

3、. 二、Play “ living picture ” with No.2 in the student book to reinforce the review vocabulary in this lesson . ( Use a row of chairs for a “ couch ” . Use a box for a “ TV ” . Use another box for a “ table ” .) Have some other objects ready : a vase with flower , a small lamp , some books , a piece o

4、f newspaper , some playing cards , and a piece of paper and pen . After you have the “ living room ” assembled ,ask for volunteers to play Danny , Jenny , Li Ming , Lynn , Bob , Mr. Smith and Mrs. Smith . Read No.2 in the student book aloud . As the volunteers hear their names . They take their plac

5、es in the “ living room ” with the appropriate objects and perform the appropriate actions . 三、Study the text 1.Listen to the tape to understand the text and think over the follow questions : Whats in the living room ? What are they doing ? 2.Discuss the questions in groups . 3.Ask the students to a

6、nswer the questions . 4.Read by themselves . Step 3 Consolidation 1.Play a variation of “ Travel ” Post your posters for rooms in different parts of the classroom . Ask the students to line up in front of each “ room ” . You ask and they answer questions about activities and objects that go with eac

7、h room . When a student answers correctly . He or she “ Travel ”to the nest room . 2.Draw your students to pretend they are Li Ming and to write a letter home about their experiences in Canada . Step 4 Summary This lesson we learned the words of living room and familys activity . Please your living

8、room to your friends . Step 5 Homework Activity-book . 课后小结:本课生词只有一个couch.在讲解时我没有占用太多的时间,反而是在讲解小语法知识要点上加重了力度,如everyone和in the chair on a couch等的区别.既让学生感到了乐趣,又不丸剂让学生能适时的掌握一些语法知识. 学生掌握良好.尤其是对课文中每个人的活动的句式的理解和运用,表演及造句都很到位.附送:2021-2022年六年级英语上册 Unit1 lesson6教案 人教新版教学目标:能够正确地听、说、读、写这些句子:Listen to the teach

9、er carefullyYou should go to bed earlyLook out! You must wait教学重点:正确地听、说、读、写这些句子:Listen to the teacher carefullyYou should go to bed earlyLook out! You must wait课前准备:1准备学生卡片、教师卡片和录音磁带。2让学生准备一些硬纸板和彩色笔。3教师制作或者从网上下载一些常见的图文标志。教学步骤:1热身 / 复习 (Warming-up / Revision)1)让学生展示课前搜集的常见标志。然后组织学生分组讨论,并让学生按场所(例如:on

10、 the street, in a restaurant, in the park, in the cinema)将写有中文的标志或图标进行分类2)游戏:最佳搭档。每次两名学生,一个学生根据示意做动作,另一个学生来猜词组。3)请一名学生提前准备哑剧并在课堂上表演。全班学生观察、记录,并统计该生哪些地方违规,然后进行说明,比一比看看哪些学生观察、记录较为准确,表达清楚。2新课导入(Presentation)1)教师使用教学卡片(有条件的教师最好设计多媒体课件),依次呈现respect old people and help them等6个短语,首先让学生观察,然后提问:What is the b

11、oy / the girl doing? 学生回答后教师接着问:Is he / she right or wrong? 让学生判断。学生判断为right的,教师马上说:Good! You must . 学生判断为wrong的,教师马上说:Good! You mustnt . 2)播放录音,让学生在学生卡片中按照录音顺序找出本课的6张卡片。然后,教师再放录音,让学生指着相应的卡片跟读。教师使用暂停键,让学生在读完短语后,用must和mustnt说出相应的句子。3)教师以任意顺序说出卡片内容,让学生快速举卡片,用must和mustnt说句子,看谁举得快,说得对。4)教师举卡片,让学生抢答,快速用m

12、ust和mustnt说句子,看谁最先正确地说出卡片内容。5)让学生分组,先讨论,然后每组派一到两个学生到前面表演哑剧,内容是本课所学6个短语中的一项,让其他同学猜,看谁表演得逼真,看谁猜得快。6)教师示范板书本课的四会词语和句子,让学生观察模仿。然后让学生到黑板上进行书写竞赛。3趣味操练(Practice)1)组织学生完成课本第10页的制作活动。让学生发挥想象,合作创作一些英语标志。2)学生分组将标志做好,各组互相交流,取长补短,然后进行作品展示和宣传。3)利用刚刚做好的标志做游戏,一个小组出示标志,另外几个小组谁最先读出标志上的英文即为获胜方。4)利用刚刚做好的标志,做最佳搭档游戏。5)利用刚刚做好的标志,做快速反应游戏。由于每组的标志都可能有雷同的内容,所以可以请一个学生上前按照教师字条上的内容做动作,然后下面的学生最先举起标志并大声用英语表达该动作的为获胜方。小组累计加分。6)各组选派学生作为“特约大使”出访其他小组并交流标志。7)播放chant录音,师生一起学唱,并为chant配上动作。4. 拓展活动(Additional activities)1)将班级板报进行更新,以不同的形式将学生制作的各种标志贴放在板报上,然后组织同年级各班互相参观学习。2)让学生制定英文版市民守则20条,可以让学生充分利用网络、计算机进行设计,完成项目制作。课后小结:



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