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1、 VOA单词大师:第6课 Got Its Name1RS: Recently we read about an effort by the U.S. Library of Congress to acquire what is known as “Americas birth certificate.“ Its a 1507 European map the first map on which the name “America“ appears.AA: So we set up an interview with John Hebert AY-bear, chief of the Geog

2、raphy and Map Division at the Library of Congress. We scheduled it for Tuesday, September eleventh.RS: And thenTAPE: CUT ONE BUSH/RESCUE WORKERS AT WTC“Terrorist attacks can shake the foundations of our biggest buildings but they cannot touch the foundation of America.“(crowd chanting) U-S-A, U-S-A,

3、 U-S-A!“RS: President Bush, speaking from the White House, and later, when he later visited rescuers at the World Trade Center in New York, being greeted with “U-S-A! U-S-A!“ a patriotic chant normally reserved for international sporting events.AA: You heard President Bush call the United States, “A

4、merica.“ John Hebert sees little difference between “America“ and “United States.“ In fact, he checked some atlases going back to the founding of the republic in 1776. What he found is that people here have been using “America“ all along as another name for the United States of America.RS: Yet on th

5、at 1507 map the name “America“ actually appeared over what we now call South America. North America, in other words, wasnt even on the map yet.AA: So I asked John Hebert why politicians tend to use the term “America“ rather than “United States.“TAPE: CUT THREE ARDITTI/HEBERTHEBERT: “Well, I guess it

6、s a shorthand. I think the United States is a very cumbersome word when youre describing Im a citizen of the United States, as opposed to Im an American. I will tell you one thing, America does denote an area separated from Europe, separated from Asia, and that is a way of classifying us an entity t

7、hat feels that protection at one time felt protection of the ocean separating us from the Old World. So I think its become part of our language, not only political language but just in everyday language, to refer to us as Americans.“AA: “I mean, Mexicans are Americans, Canadians are Americans.“HEBER

8、T: “Theres no doubt about what youre saying. And they definitely are Americans and they think of themselves as Americans. When they define who they are, when they name who they are, in most cases, its Mexicans or Canadians.RS: John Hebert, a Latin America historian by training, also noted that not e

9、veryone looks at the map the same way.TAPE: CUT FIVE HEBERT/ARDITTI“In the study of geography in Latin American texts, you will see that the Western Hemisphere is referred to as America. There is no division of continents between a North America and a South America, but there is only one continent o

10、f America which is divided into a southern, central and northern branch of the same continent not continents of America.“AA: “And then in English?“HEBERT: “In English geograhies you will invariably see the division into two continents, between a North American and a South America as two separate con

11、tinents. Thats not to say we should not call ourselves Americans, though. Thats not the point. The point is that we should be aware of the way in which other peoples look at this same part of the real estate that we all occupy.“AA: “I suppose economic power kind of seems to have dictated usage perha

12、ps.“HEBERT: “Or political. Political and economic. Lets not forget that the United States very early on is the independent nation. It establishes itself as a beacon for other republican efforts, and hence came along the Haitian revolution and the breaks from Spain in 1821 with Mexico and the whole n

13、ew Spain folding, and progressively throughout the Americas from that point on. So there is a certain amount of vintage to the United States as the first American republic and probably leads very strongly to the use of our terms in a very strong sense of the idea of independence and democracy, a democratic system.“AA: John Hebert at the Library of Congress. Next week, more about how America got its name.RS: Let us hear from you. Our e-mail address is word or send letters to VOA Wordmaster, Washington, D-C, 20237 USA. With Avi Arditti, Im Rosanne Skirble.MUSIC: “America“/Simon & Garfunkel


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