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1、 PETS二级语法讲解94Jilly: This takes me back, I haven”t been to the seaside since I was a child.Nicola: I haven”t been for ages either.Jilly: Tell you what, let”s go on the pier and get some cotton candy.Nicola: But that”s for kids and it”s pure sugar; it”ll ruin your figure.Jilly: I don”t care, it was on

2、e of my favorite things to have when we came to the seaside.Nicola: Well if you”re going to relive your childhood, I”m going to have to do the same.姬利:这使我想起从前。我长大后,就没有到过海边。尼科拉:我也很久没到过海边了。姬利:我们去码头买些棉花糖吃吧。尼科拉:但那是小孩子吃的,而且是用糖做的,会使你变胖起来。姬利:我不在乎。我小时候来到海边,就爱吃棉花糖。尼科拉:嗯,假设你要重温童年味道,我只好奉陪了。姬利来到海边,说This takes m

3、e back.Take back有”使想起从前”含义,也作carry back.The old photograph carried/took me back to my childhood即”那张旧照片使我想起儿时”.姬利又对尼科拉说: Tell you what, let”s get some cotton candy.这tell you what是口头常用语,也作I/I”ll tell you what ,习惯用来提出建议或加强语气,例如: (1)We”ve run out of sugar, but I tell you what, I”ll go and buy some.(我们没有

4、糖了,我去买些吧)。(2)Tell you what, I don”t like him(告知你,我不喜爱他)。”棉花糖”叫cotton candy,例如: I ate lots of cotton candy when I was a child(我小时吃过不少棉花糖) .英式英文则叫”棉花糖”为candy floss: floss是”丝线”,固然也是指棉花糖的外形。Floss还有另一个常见的意思: 牙线,即dental floss.这个floss还可作动词,例如: I clean between my teeth with floss every evening/I floss my te

5、eth every evening (我每晚都用牙线清洁牙缝)。尼科拉听见姬利说很久没到过海边,就说I haven”t been(to the seaside) for ages either.这个either 是”也”的意思,可不行以用also或too取代?答案是”不行以”.有否认含义的句子,用either说”也不”;有确定含义的,才用also或too说”也”,例如(1) “I didn”t much enjoy the movie.“ “I didn”t, either.“ ( 我不大爱看这部电影。”我也是。”) (2) “I enjoyed the film.“ “I also enjoyed it/I enjoyed it too.“ (”我喜爱这部电影。”我也喜爱。”)


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