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1、1海洋数值模拟海洋数值模拟Numerical Simulation of Oceanic Dynamics * 海洋数值模拟海洋数值模拟21.1 海与洋海与洋* 海洋数值模拟海洋数值模拟3* 海洋数值模拟海洋数值模拟4注意!注意!nCoastal Zone:n陆上高潮线上10km,15m等深线 (海洋管理)nCoastal Ocean: n陆架+河口+海湾nMarginal Sea: n大洋边缘,不一定浅* 海洋数值模拟海洋数值模拟51.2 物理海洋学及其研究方法物理海洋学及其研究方法* 海洋数值模拟海洋数值模拟6Oceanology & OceanographyThere is a basi

2、c difference between the terms oceanography and oceanology. nOceanography is the recording and description of the physical, chemical and biological characteristics of the ocean. This term inadequately describes modern scientific ocean investigations.nOceanology is the scientific study of the sea by

3、applying traditional sciences, such as physics, chemistry, mathematics, etc., to all aspects of the ocean.* 海洋数值模拟海洋数值模拟7Physical OceanographynPhysical Oceanography is the study of the physical processes in the ocean and the interaction of the ocean with the atmosphere. nPhysical oceanographers stud

4、y currents, tides, waves, and convection in the deep ocean, along coasts, and in the surf zone. They also study the heat budget of the ocean including solar heating, evaporation, radiation into and out of the sea, and the transport of heat and salt by currents.* 海洋数值模拟海洋数值模拟8Physical OceanographynTh

5、e goal of their work is to understand and predict the processes including such important processes as El Nio, tsunamis, tides, the role of the ocean in climate and the ice ages, and the influence of the oceans on local climate.nIn doing their work they often construct elaborate numerical models of t

6、he circulation, and they develop instruments used on ships and satellites. * 海洋数值模拟海洋数值模拟9Methods we study physical oceanographynAs we study the ocean, we use theory, observations, and numerical models to describe ocean dynamics. Neither is sufficient by itself.* 海洋数值模拟海洋数值模拟10Combination of the met

7、hodsThe ultimate goal is to know the ocean well enough to predict the future.* 海洋数值模拟海洋数值模拟111.3 海洋数值模型的发展海洋数值模型的发展* 海洋数值模拟海洋数值模拟12Why we use numerical model?* 海洋数值模拟海洋数值模拟13Two types of ocean models -1Mechanistic models are simplified models used for studying processes. Because the models are simpl

8、ified, the output is easier to interpret than output from more complex models. Many different types of simplified models have been developed, including models for describing planetary waves, the interaction of the flow with sea-floor features, or the response of the upper ocean to the wind. These ar

9、e perhaps the most useful of all models because they provide insight into the physical mechanisms influencing the ocean.* 海洋数值模拟海洋数值模拟14Two types of ocean models -2Simulation models are used for calculating realistic circulation of oceanic regions. The models are often very complex because all impor

10、tant processes are included, and output is difficult to interpret.* 海洋数值模拟海洋数值模拟15Limitation -1nDiscrete equations are not the same as continuous equations. Numerical models use algebraic approximations to the differential equations. We assume that the ocean basins are filled with a grid of points,

11、and time moves forward in tiny steps. The value of the current, pressure, temperature, and salinity are calculated from their values at nearby points and previous times.nCalculations of turbulence are difficult. The ocean is turbulent, and any oceanic model capable of resolving the turbulence needs

12、grid points spaced millimeters apart, with time steps of milliseconds.16n2.1 连续介质假设 n2.2 描写流体运动的两种方法n2.3 海水运动控制方程组n2.4 物质输运方程第二章第二章 海洋运动控制方程组海洋运动控制方程组* 海洋数值模拟海洋数值模拟172.1 连续介质假设 * 海洋数值模拟海洋数值模拟18Part 11.流体的微观结构特点:不均匀、离流体的微观结构特点:不均匀、离散、随机;散、随机;统计物理,从分子和原子运动出发,统计物理,从分子和原子运动出发,统计平均统计平均2.流体的宏观结构特点:均匀、连续、流

13、体的宏观结构特点:均匀、连续、确定;确定;连续地充满了整个空间,物理量满连续地充满了整个空间,物理量满足物理定律及性质足物理定律及性质* 海洋数值模拟海洋数值模拟192.2 描述流体运动的两种方法 * 海洋数值模拟海洋数值模拟20拉格朗日法思想拉格朗日法思想 流体质点在空间中运动,很自然的一流体质点在空间中运动,很自然的一种方法就是着眼于流体质点,只要能种方法就是着眼于流体质点,只要能设法描述每个流体质点自始至终的运设法描述每个流体质点自始至终的运动过程,确定各个流体质点的位置随动过程,确定各个流体质点的位置随时间变化的规律,那么整个流体的运时间变化的规律,那么整个流体的运动状态就可以知道了,

14、这就是拉格朗动状态就可以知道了,这就是拉格朗日方法的思想。日方法的思想。* 海洋数值模拟海洋数值模拟21欧拉法思想欧拉法思想欧拉方法的着眼点不是流体质点,而欧拉方法的着眼点不是流体质点,而是空间点如果,每一点的流体运是空间点如果,每一点的流体运动都已知道,则整个流体的运动状动都已知道,则整个流体的运动状况也就清楚了况也就清楚了* 海洋数值模拟海洋数值模拟22两种方法的转换两种方法的转换拉格朗日拉格朗日=欧拉欧拉 1* 海洋数值模拟海洋数值模拟23两种方法的转换两种方法的转换欧拉欧拉=拉格朗日拉格朗日 124流线与迹线流线与迹线* 海洋数值模拟海洋数值模拟25怎样理解迹线与流线的区别?怎样理解迹


16、由许多空间流线是一个瞬时的概念,它是由许多空间点在同一瞬时所组成的。点在同一瞬时所组成的。点在同一瞬时所组成的。点在同一瞬时所组成的。某一瞬时一条流线上各个点处是不同的流体质点。n一般来说,对于非恒定流动,不同瞬时,流线的形状是不同的;对于恒定流动,流线的形状则保持不变,且流体质点沿流线运动。即:在恒定流动中,流线与迹线重合。262.3 海洋运动方程组海洋运动方程组* 海洋数值模拟海洋数值模拟272.3.1 海洋运动主要作用力海洋运动主要作用力* 海洋数值模拟海洋数值模拟28运动方程运动方程 F=man重力(地心引力+惯性离心力);n科氏力;n压强梯度力;n天体引潮力;n摩擦力;提问:初级力;次级力提问:初级力;次级力* 海洋数值模拟海洋数值模拟29重力重力几何知识几何知识两边之差小于第三边两边之差小于第三边问题问题重力加速度随纬度的变化重力加速度随纬度的变化* 海洋数值模拟海洋数值模拟30科氏力科氏力n地球自转角速度:=2Pi/T;n太阳日:地球自转36059,周期为24小时;n太阴日:地球自转37338,周期为24小时50分;n恒星日:地球自转恒星日:地球自转360,周期,周期为为



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