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1、 Unit 1 It allows people to get closer to them.Module 6Animals in danger n. 蛇蛇n. 颈;脖子颈;脖子adj. 薄的;细长的薄的;细长的n. 危险;危害危险;危害处于危险中处于危险中终于;最后终于;最后adj. 关心的;感兴趣的关心的;感兴趣的snakeneckthindangerin dangerat lastinterested Words reviewallowthink ofprotectwildgrowtake awayv. 允许;准许允许;准许想到;想出想到;想出v. 保护;保卫保护;保卫adj. 野生的野

2、生的n. 野生环境野生环境v. (逐渐逐渐)变得;生长变得;生长夺去;拿走夺去;拿走 Words reviewadj. 足够的;充分的足够的;充分的n. 和平;太平和平;太平和平地;平静地和平地;平静地n. 布告;告示布告;告示照顾;照管照顾;照管v. 筹集筹集(钱款钱款);抚养;抚养; 养育养育enoughpeacein peacenoticelook afterraise Words reviewpanda看图猜单词看图猜单词liongiraffesnakewhalebeartigerelephantcameldolphinMatch the descriptions with the w

3、ords in the box. 1bear elephant giraffelion snake1. I am tall and I have a long neck.2. I am the tigers cousin.3. I am long and thin.4. I am big and I have a very long nose.5. I am brown and I live in the forest.P42description: words to tell us what sth or sb is like 描述,描绘描述,描绘Have you ever watched

4、Animal World?Do you like it?What can you learn from it?1.What is this weeks Animal World about?2. What animals are in danger?This weeks Animal World is about snakes.Animals such as pandas, lions, elephants and bears are in danger.2Tony likes to watch the Animal World. Listen to the dialogue and answ

5、er the questions.P42Why are they in danger?Do you think there are many animals in danger?Which animals are in danger?They cannot find enough food.Why are many animals in danger?The forest has been destroyed (被毁被毁). Their habitat (栖息地栖息地) is being threatened (受受到威胁的到威胁的).They are killed by the enviro

6、nmental pollution (环境污染环境污染).Human beings hunt them too much. What do people kill them for?fur & skinivory (象牙象牙) meatWhat can we do to protect those animals?To build nature reserves.Not to kill them.Not to pollute our environment.Not to over cut forest.To collect money to help them.Now lets see wha

7、t Jackie Chan said to us.Lingling and Betty are talking about the animals in danger. Listen and read. Finish the following tasks.1. What are they talking about?2. Why is Betty more interested to see the pandas in the Wolong Panda Reserve?3. What does the notice ask people to do?Because it allows peo

8、ple to get closer to the pandas.It asks people to give money to help protect the animals.Task 1Read the conversation and answer the questions.They are talking about animals in danger and how to protect the animals.4. When do you think this conversation happens?5. Has Betty ever seen the pandas befor

9、e?6. What happens when the villages and farms grow bigger?7. Who has made the water too dirty to drink?Just after they visited the zoo.No, she hasnt.Many animals have no place to live in.Humans.Read the passage and plete the table.Why many animals are in dangerWhat we can do to help1. Many animals d

10、ont have a safe place to live, because villages and farms are growing bigger and are taking away their land and forests.2. Often there isnt enough clean water.1. Raise some money at school.2. Find out what else we can do to save as many animals as possible.3P42Task 2People kill them for sport, food,

11、 money or fun.Work in pairs. Discuss to get more information about reasons and solutions.Dont buy products made with anything from an animal in danger.Task 3They dont have enough food to eat.Support a charity to do more for animals.Their living condition is getting worse and worse. Choose green tran

12、sportations and use less plastic bags. People cut down the trees. Stop doing such things and give them a better place to live.Read and try to recite the conversations in 5-10 minutes.1. Role play the conversation in groups;2. Role play the conversation in front of the class.Lets see which group Lets

13、 see which group does the best.does the best.Task 4Try to find out the infinitives as objects.动词不定式动词不定式作作宾语补足宾语补足语语,用来补充说明宾语,用来补充说明宾语,表示宾语的状态、特征、表示宾语的状态、特征、身份等。身份等。结构结构为:为:“动词动词+宾语宾语+动词不定式动词不定式”。动词不定式用作动词不定式用作目的状语目的状语,表示,表示某一动作或状态某一动作或状态的目的。的目的。Please pay attention to the following phrases.Complete

14、 the passage with the words and expression in the box. (P 43)4allow danger enough in peace protect raise Many wild animals, such as pandas, are in (1) _. We need to (2) _ them! Often there is not (3) _ land or forests, so the animals do not have a safe place to live. The Wolong Panda Reserve (4) _ p

15、eople to get closer to pandas. And the pandas live (5) _ there. We can help (6) _ money to protect pandas and other wild animals.enoughallowsin peaceraisedangerprotectTask 5Betty likes the zoo very much. Shes _ to see the pandas. It is _ to learn about the Wolong Panda Reserve. But Lingling thinks i

16、ts sad to _ animals _. They think people need to _ them better. Complete the passage according to the conversation. excitedinterestingthink ofprotectin dangerTask 6People also have done many other bad things to animals. Many animals have no place to _. Peoples villages and farms are _ bigger. They are _ those animals land and forests. They also make the water _, so its not good for animals to drink. Betty and Lingling then decide to _ what they can do to save the animals. livegrowingtaking awayd


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